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SECTION 225.174—What aggregate thresholds apply to merchant banking investments?

(a) In general. A financial holding company may not, without Board approval, directly or indirectly acquire any additional shares, assets, or ownership interests under this subpart or make any additional capital contribution to any company the shares, assets, or ownership interests of which are held by the financial holding company under this subpart if the aggregate carrying value of all merchant banking investments held by the financial holding company under this subpart exceeds—
(1) 30 percent of the tier 1 capital of the financial holding company; or
(2) after excluding interests in private equity funds, 20 percent of the tier 1 capital of the financial holding company.
(b) How do these thresholds apply to a private equity fund? Paragraph (a) of this section applies to the interest acquired or controlled by the financial holding company under this subpart in a private equity fund. Paragraph (a) of this section does not apply to any interest in a company held by a private equity fund or to any interest held by a person that is not affiliated with the financial holding company.
(c) How long do these thresholds remain in effect? This section 225.174 shall cease to be effective on the date that a final rule issued by the Board that specifically addresses the appropriate regulatory capital treatment of merchant banking investments becomes effective.
(d) Qualifying community banking organizations. For purposes of this section, a financial holding company that is a qualifying community banking organization (as defined in section 217.12 of this chapter) that is subject to the community bank leverage ratio framework (as defined in section 217.12 of this chapter) calculates its tier 1 capital (as defined in section 217.2 of this chapter) in accordance with section 217.12(b) of this chapter.

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