In order that the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System may
perform its statutory duty of exercising special supervision over all
relationships and transactions of any kind entered into by any Federal
Reserve Bank with any foreign bank or banker or with any group of foreign
banks or bankers or with any foreign state, each Federal Reserve Bank shall
promptly submit to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in
writing full information concerning all existing relationships and
transactions of any kind heretofore entered into by such Federal Reserve Bank
with any foreign bank or banker or with any group of foreign banks or bankers
or with any foreign state and copies of all written agreements between it and
any foreign bank or banker or any group of foreign banks or bankers or any
foreign state which are now in force, unless copies have heretofore been
furnished to the Board. Each Federal Reserve Bank shall also keep the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System promptly and fully advised of all
transactions with any foreign bank or banker or with any group of foreign
banks or bankers or with any foreign state, except transactions of a routine