For purposes of Title I of the Dodd-Frank
Act, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) Significant nonbank financial company. A
“significant nonbank financial company” means—
(1) Any nonbank financial company supervised
by the Board; and
(2) Any other
nonbank financial company that had $100 billion or more in total consolidated
assets (as determined in accordance with applicable accounting standards)
as of the end of its most recently completed fiscal year.
(b) Significant bank holding company. A “significant bank holding company” means any bank holding company
or company that is, or is treated in the United States as, a bank
holding company, that had $100 billion or more in total consolidated
assets as of the end of the most recently completed calendar year,
as reported on either the Federal Reserve’s FR Y-9C (Consolidated
Financial Statement for Holding Companies), or any successor form
thereto, or the Federal Reserve’s Form FR Y-7Q (Capital and Asset
Report for Foreign Banking Organizations), or any successor form thereto.