(a) The purpose of the investigation is (1) to ascertain, analyze, and
apply the relevant facts in order to determine whether or not formal
proceedings are warranted and (2) to assist, by mediation and other
appropriate means, the parties to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution of
the issues as an alternative to the hearing process. In so doing, the
investigator is not limited to the allegations set forth in the charge and
may advise the charging party to amend his charge. In addition, he should
adduce facts pertaining to the remedy as well as to the alleged violation.
Investigation should also adduce facts pertaining to the jurisdiction of the
panel and the timeliness of the charge. If the charge is untimely on its
face, no investigation shall be required except to determine whether or not
attending circumstances warrant waiving the time requirements, set forth in
section 269b.110. The investigator may request the appearance of parties and
witnesses, may cause, the production of relevant document, and may take or
cause depositions to be taken.
(b) When the investigation has been completed, the center shall issue a
written determination whether the charging party has established a prima
facie case, whether the charge was timely filed, and whether the charge is
within the jurisdiction of the panel, and reasons therefor. This
determination shall be served upon the panel and all parties. The panel shall
receive also the complete report of the investigator.