Background and
Purpose Recent examinations have disclosed
significant weaknesses in the asset-securitization practices of some
insured depository institutions. These weaknesses raise concerns about
the general level of understanding and controls among institutions
that engage in such activities. The most frequently encountered problems
stem from (1) the failure to recognize and hold sufficient capital
against explicit and implicit recourse obligations that frequently
accompany securitizations, (2) the excessive or inadequately supported
valuation of “retained interests,”
1 (3) the liquidity risk associated with over
reliance on asset securitization as a funding source, and (4) the
absence of adequate independent risk-management and audit functions.
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, and the Office of Thrift Supervision, hereafter referred
to as “the agencies,” are jointly issuing this statement to remind
financial-institution managers and examiners of the importance of
fundamental risk-management practices governing asset-securitization
activities. This guidance supplements existing policy statements and
examination procedures issued by the agencies and emphasizes the specific
expectation that any securitization-related retained interest claimed
by a financial institution will be supported by documentation of the
interest’s fair value, utilizing reasonable, conservative valuation
assumptions that can be objectively verified. Retained interests that
lack such objectively verifiable support or that fail to meet the
supervisory standards set forth in this document will be classified
as loss and disallowed as assets of the institution for regulatory
capital purposes.
The agencies are reviewing institutions’ valuation of
retained interests and the concentration of these assets relative
to capital. Consistent with existing supervisory authority, the agencies
may, on a case-by-case basis, require institutions that have high
concentrations of these assets relative to their capital, or are otherwise
at risk from impairment of these assets, to hold additional capital
commensurate with their risk exposures. Furthermore, given the risks
presented by these activities, the agencies are actively considering
the establishment of regulatory restrictions that would limit or eliminate
the amount of certain retained interests that may be recognized in
determining the adequacy of regulatory capital. An excessive dependence
on securitizations for day-to-day core funding can also present significant
liquidity problems—either during times of market turbulence or if
there are difficulties specific to the institution itself. As applicable,
the agencies will provide further guidance on the liquidity risk associated
with over reliance on asset securitizations as a funding source and
on implicit recourse obligations.
Description of Activity Asset securitization
typically involves the transfer of on-balance-sheet assets to a third
party or trust. In turn the third party or trust issues certificates
or notes to investors. The cash flow from the transferred assets supports
repayment of the certificates or notes. For several years, large financial
institutions, and a growing number of regional and community institutions,
have been using asset securitization to access alternative funding
sources, manage concentrations, improve financial-performance ratios,
and more efficiently meet customer needs. In many cases, the discipline
imposed by investors who buy assets at their fair value has sharpened
selling institutions’ credit-risk selection, underwriting, and pricing
practices. Assets typically securitized by institutions include credit
card receivables, automobile receivable paper, commercial and residential
first mortgages, commercial loans, home-equity loans, and student
While the agencies continue to view the use of securitization
as an efficient means of financial intermediation, we are concerned
about events and trends uncovered at recent examinations. Of particular
concern are institutions that are relatively new users of securitization
techniques and institutions whose senior management and directors
do not have the requisite knowledge of the effect of securitization
on the risk profile of the institution or are not fully aware of the
accounting, legal and risk-based capital nuances of this activity.
Similarly, the agencies are concerned that some institutions have
not fully and accurately distinguished and measured the risks that
have been transferred versus those retained, and accordingly are not
adequately managing the retained portion. It is essential that institutions
engaging in securitization activities have appropriate front- and
back-office staffing, internal and external accounting and legal support,
audit or independent review coverage, information systems capacity,
and oversight mechanisms to execute, record, and administer these
transactions correctly.
Additionally, we are concerned about the use of inappropriate
valuation and modeling methodologies to determine the initial and
ongoing value of retained interests. Accounting rules provide a method
to recognize an immediate gain (or loss) on the sale through booking
a “retained interest;” however, the carrying value of that interest
must be fully documented, based on reasonable assumptions,
regularly analyzed for any subsequent value impairment. The best evidence
of fair value is a quoted market price in an active market. In circumstances
where quoted market prices are not available, accounting rules allow
fair value to be estimated. This estimate must be based on the “best
information available in the circumstances.”
2 An estimate of fair value must be
supported by reasonable and current assumptions. If a best estimate
of fair value is not practicable, the asset is to be recorded at zero
in financial and regulatory reports.
History shows that unforeseen market events that affect
the discount rate or performance of receivables supporting a retained
interest can swiftly and dramatically alter its value. Without appropriate
internal controls and independent oversight, an institution that securitizes
assets may inappropriately generate “paper profits” or mask actual
losses through flawed loss assumptions, inaccurate prepayment rates,
and inappropriate discount rates. Liberal and unsubstantiated assumptions
can result in material inaccuracies in financial statements, substantial
write-downs of retained interests, and, if interests represent an
excessive concentration of the institution’s capital, the demise of
the sponsoring institution.
Recent examinations point to the need for institution
managers and directors to ensure that—
- independent risk-management processes are in place
to monitor securitization-pool performance on an aggregate and individual
transaction level (An effective risk-management function includes
appropriate information systems to monitor securitization activities.)
- conservative valuation assumptions and modeling methodologies
are used to establish, evaluate and adjust the carrying value of retained
interests on a regular and timely basis
- audit or internal-review staffs periodically review
data integrity, model algorithms, key underlying assumptions, and
the appropriateness of the valuation and modeling process for the
securitized assets retained by the institution (The findings of such
reviews should be reported directly to the board or an appropriate
board committee.)
- accurate and timely risk-based capital calculations
are maintained, including recognition and reporting of any recourse
obligation resulting from securitization activity
- internal limits are in place to govern the maximum
amount of retained interests as a percentage of total equity capital
- the institution has a realistic liquidity plan in
place in case of market disruptions
The following sections provide additional guidance
relating to these and other critical areas of concern. Institutions
that lack effective risk-management programs or that maintain exposures
in retained interests that warrant supervisory concern may be subject
to more frequent supervisory review, more stringent capital requirements,
or other supervisory action.
Risk-Management Function Institutions engaged
in securitizations should have an independent risk-management function
commensurate with the complexity and volume of their securitizations
and their overall risk exposures. The risk-management function should
ensure that securitization policies and operating procedures, including
clearly articulated risk limits, are in place and appropriate for
the institution’s circumstances. A sound asset-securitization policy
should include or address, at a minimum—
- a written and consistently applied accounting methodology;
- regulatory reporting requirements;
- valuation methods, including FAS 125 residual value
assumptions, and procedures to formally approve changes to those assumptions;
- management reporting process; and
- exposure limits and requirements for both aggregate-
and individual-transaction monitoring.
It is essential that the risk-management function
monitor origination, collection, and default-management practices.
This includes regular evaluations of the quality of underwriting,
soundness of the appraisal process, effectiveness of collections activities,
ability of the default-management staff to resolve severely delinquent
loans in a timely and efficient manner, and the appropriateness of
loss-recognition practices. Because the securitization of assets can
result in the current recognition of anticipated income, the
risk-management function should pay particular attention to the types,
volumes, and risks of assets being originated, transferred, and serviced.
Both senior management and the risk-management staff must be alert
to any pressures on line managers to originate abnormally large volumes
or higher-risk assets in order to sustain ongoing income needs. Such
pressures can lead to a compromise of credit-underwriting standards.
This may accelerate credit losses in future periods, impair the value
of retained interests, and potentially lead to funding problems.
The risk-management function should also ensure that appropriate
management information systems (MIS) exist to monitor securitization
activities. Reporting and documentation methods must support the initial
valuation of retained interests and ongoing impairment analyses of
these assets. Pool-performance information has helped well-managed
institutions to ensure, on a qualitative basis, that a sufficient
amount of economic capital is being held to cover the various risks
inherent in securitization transactions. The absence of quality MIS
hinders management’s ability to monitor specific pool performance
and securitization activities more broadly. At a minimum, MIS reports
should address the following.
Securitization Summaries for Each Transaction The summary should include relevant transaction terms
such as collateral type, facility amount, maturity, credit-enhancement
and subordination features, financial covenants (termination events
and spread-account capture “triggers”), right of repurchase, and counterparty
exposures. Management should ensure that the summaries are distributed
to all personnel associated with securitization activities.
Performance Reports by Portfolio
and Specific Product Type Performance
factors include gross portfolio yield, default rates and loss severity,
delinquencies, prepayments or payments, and excess spread amounts.
The reports should reflect performance of assets, both on an individual-pool
basis and total managed assets. These reports should segregate specific
products and different marketing campaigns.
Vintage Analysis for Each Pool Using Monthly
Data Vintage analysis helps management
understand historical performance trends and their implications for
future default rates, prepayments, and delinquencies, and therefore
retained interest values. Management can use these reports to compare
historical performance trends to underwriting standards, including
the use of a validated credit-scoring model, to ensure loan pricing
is consistent with risk levels. Vintage analysis also helps in the
comparison of deal performance at periodic intervals and validates
retained-interest valuation assumptions.
Static-Pool Cash-Collection Analysis This analysis entails reviewing monthly
cash receipts relative to the principal balance of the pool to determine
the cash yield on the portfolio, comparing the cash yield to the accrual
yield, and tracking monthly changes. Management should compare the
timing and amount of cash flows received from the trust with those
projected as part of the FAS 125 retained-interest valuation analysis
on a monthly basis. Some master-trust structures allow excess cash
flow to be shared between series or pools. For revolving-asset trusts
with this master-trust structure, management should perform a cash-collection
analysis for each master-trust structure. These analyses are essential
in assessing the actual performance of the portfolio in terms of default
and prepayment rates. If cash receipts are less than those assumed
in the original valuation of the retained interest, this analysis
will provide management and the board with an early warning of possible
problems with collections or extension practices and impairment of
the retained interest.
Analysis Measuring the effect of changes
in default rates, prepayment or payment rates, and discount rates
will assist management in establishing and validating the carrying
value of the retained interest. Stress tests should be performed at
least quarterly. Analyses should consider potential adverse trends
and determine “best,” “probable,” and “worst case” scenarios for each
event. Other factors to consider are the impact of increased defaults
on collections staffing, the timing of cash flows, “spread account”
capture triggers, overcollateralization triggers, and early-amortization
triggers. An increase in defaults can result in higher than expected
costs and a delay in cash flows, decreasing the value of the retained
interests. Management should periodically quantify and document the
potential impact to both earnings and capital and report the results
to the board of directors. Management should incorporate this analysis
into their overall interest-rate risk measurement system.
3 Examiners will review the analysis
conducted by the institution and the volatility associated with retained
interests when assessing the Sensitivity to Market Risk component
Statement of Covenant
Compliance Ongoing compliance with deal-performance
triggers as defined by the pooling and servicing agreements should
be affirmed at least monthly. Performance triggers include early amortization,
spread capture, changes to overcollateralization requirements, and
events that would result in servicer removal.
Valuation and Modeling Processes The method and key assumptions used to value the retained
interests and servicing assets or liabilities must be reasonable and
fully documented. The key assumptions in all valuation analyses include
prepayment or payment rates, default rates, loss-severity factors,
and discount rates. The agencies expect institutions to take a logical
and conservative approach when developing securitization assumptions
and capitalizing future income flows. It is important that management
quantifies the assumptions on a pool-by-pool basis and maintains supporting
documentation for all changes to the assumptions as part of the valuation
process, which should be done no less than quarterly. Policies should
define the acceptable reasons for changing assumptions and require
appropriate management approval.
An exception to this pool-by-pool valuation analysis may
be applied to revolving-asset trusts if the master-trust structure
allows excess cash flows to be shared between series. In a master
trust, each certificate of each series represents an undivided interest
in all of the receivables in the trust. Therefore, valuations are
appropriate at the master-trust level.
In order to determine the value of the retained interest
at inception, and make appropriate adjustments going forward, the
institution must implement a reasonable modeling process to comply
with FAS 125. The agencies expect management to employ reasonable
and conservative valuation assumptions and projections and to maintain
verifiable objective documentation of the fair value of the retained
interest. Senior management is responsible for ensuring the valuation
model accurately reflects the cash flows according to the terms of
the securitization’s structure. For example, the model should account
for any cash collateral or overcollateralization triggers, trust fees,
and insurance payments if appropriate. The board and management are
accountable for the model builders’ possessing the necessary expertise
and technical proficiency to perform the modeling process. Senior
management should ensure that internal controls are in place to provide
for the ongoing integrity of MIS associated with securitization activities.
As part of the modeling process, the risk-management function
should ensure that periodic validations are performed in order to
reduce vulnerability to model risk. Validation of the model includes
testing the internal logic, ensuring empirical support for the model
assumptions, and back-testing the models with actual cash flows on
a pool-by-pool basis. The validation process should be documented
to support conclusions. Senior management should ensure the validation
process is independent from line management as well as the modeling
process. The audit scope should include procedures to ensure that
the modeling process and validation mechanisms are both appropriate
for the institution’s circumstances and executed consistent with the
institution’s asset-securitization policy.
Use of Outside Parties Third parties are often engaged to provide professional guidance
and support regarding an institution’s securitization activities,
transactions, and valuing of retained interests. The use of outside
resources does not relieve directors of their oversight responsibility,
or senior management of its responsibilities to provide supervision,
monitoring, and oversight of securitization activities, and the management
of the risks associated with retained interests in particular. Management
is expected to have the experience, knowledge, and abilities to discharge
its duties and understand the nature and extent of the risks presented
by retained interests and the policies and procedures necessary to
implement an effective risk-management system to control such risks.
Management must have a full understanding of the valuation techniques
employed, including the basis and reasonableness of underlying assumptions
and projections.
Internal Controls Effective internal controls are essential to an institution’s
management of the risks associated with securitization. When properly
designed and consistently enforced, a sound system of internal controls
will help management safeguard the institution’s resources, ensure
that financial information and reports are reliable, and comply with
contractual obligations, including securitization covenants. It will
also reduce the possibility of significant errors and irregularities,
as well as assist in their timely detection when they do occur. Internal
controls typically (1) limit authorities, (2) safeguard access to
and use of records, (3) separate and rotate duties, and (4) ensure
both regular and unscheduled reviews, including testing.
The agencies have established operational
and managerial standards for internal control and information systems.
4 An institution should maintain a system of internal controls
appropriate to its size and the nature, scope, and risk of its activities.
Institutions that are subject to the requirements of FDIC regulation
12 CFR 363 should include an assessment of the effectiveness of internal
controls over their asset-securitization activities as part of management’s
report on the overall effectiveness of the system of internal controls
over financial reporting. This assessment implicitly includes the
internal controls over financial information that is included in regulatory
Audit Function or Internal
Review It is the responsibility of an institution’s
board of directors to ensure that its audit staff or independent-review
function is competent regarding securitization activities. The audit
function should perform periodic reviews of securitization activities,
including transaction testing and verification, and report all findings
to the board or appropriate board committee. The audit function also
may be useful to senior management in identifying and measuring risk
related to securitization activities. Principal audit targets should
include compliance with securitization policies, operating and accounting
procedures (FAS 125), and deal covenants, and accuracy of MIS and
regulatory reports. The audit function should also confirm that the
institution’s regulatory-reporting process is designed and managed
in such a way to facilitate timely and accurate report filing.
Furthermore, when a third party services loans, the auditors should
perform an independent verification of the existence of the loans
to ensure balances reconcile to internal records.
Regulatory Reporting The securitization and subsequent removal of assets from an institution’s
balance sheet requires additional reporting as part of the regulatory
reporting process. Common regulatory reporting errors stemming from
securitization activities include—
- failure to include off-balance-sheet assets subject
to recourse treatment when calculating risk-based capital ratios;
- failure to recognize retained interests and retained
subordinate security interests as a form of credit enhancement;
- failure to report loans sold with recourse in the
appropriate section of the regulatory report; and
- overvaluing retained interests.
An institution’s directors and senior management
are responsible for the accuracy of its regulatory reports. Because
of the complexities associated with securitization accounting and
risk-based capital treatment, attention should be directed to ensuring
that personnel who prepare these reports maintain current knowledge
of reporting rules and associated interpretations. This often will
require ongoing support by qualified accounting and legal personnel.
Institutions that file the Report of Condition and Income
(call report) should pay particular attention to the following schedules
on the call report when institutions are involved in securitization
activities: Schedule RC-F, Other Assets; Schedule RC-L, Off Balance
Sheet Items; and Schedule RC-R, Regulatory Capital. Institutions that
file the Thrift Financial Report (TFR) should pay particular attention
to the following TFR schedules: Schedule CC, Consolidated Commitments
and Contingencies; Schedule CCR, Consolidated Capital Requirement;
and Schedule CMR, Consolidated Maturity and Rate.
Under current regulatory-report instructions,
when an institution’s supervisory agency’s interpretation of how generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP) should be applied to a specified
event or transaction differs from the institution’s interpretation,
the supervisory agency may require the institution to reflect the
event or transaction in its regulatory reports in accordance with
the agency’s interpretation and amend previously submitted reports.
Market Discipline and Disclosures Transparency through public disclosure is crucial
to effective market discipline and can reinforce supervisory efforts
to promote high standards in risk management. Timely and adequate
information on the institution’s asset-securitization activities should
be disclosed. The information contained in the disclosures should
be comprehensive; however, the amount of disclosure that is appropriate
will depend on the volume of securitizations and complexity of the
institution. Well-informed investors, depositors, creditors, and other
bank counterparties can provide a bank with strong incentives to maintain
sound risk-management systems and internal controls. Adequate disclosure
allows market participants to better understand the financial condition
of the institution and apply market discipline, creating incentives
to reduce inappropriate risk taking or inadequate risk-management
practices. Examples of sound disclosures include—
- accounting policies for measuring retained interests,
including a discussion of the impact of key assumptions on the recorded
- process and methodology used to adjust the value
of retained interests for changes in key assumptions;
- risk characteristics, both quantitative and qualitative,
of the underlying securitized assets;
- role of retained interests as credit enhancements
to special-purpose entities and other securitization vehicles, including
a discussion of techniques used for measuring credit risk; and
- sensitivity analyses or stress testing conducted
by the institution showing the effect of changes in key assumptions
on the fair value of retained interests.
Risk-Based Capital for Recourse
and Low-Level-Recourse Transactions For
regulatory purposes, recourse is generally defined as an arrangement
in which an institution retains the risk of credit loss in connection
with an asset transfer, if the risk of credit loss exceeds a pro rata
share of the institution’s claim on the assets.
5 In addition to broad contractual language
that may require the selling institution to support a securitization,
recourse can also arise from retained interests, retained subordinated
security interests, the funding of cash-collateral accounts, or other
forms of credit enhancements that place an institution’s earnings
and capital at risk. These enhancements should generally be
aggregated to determine the extent of an institution’s support of securitized
assets. Although an asset securitization qualifies for sales treatment
under GAAP, the underlying assets may still be subject to regulatory
risk-based capital requirements. Assets sold with recourse should
generally be risk-weighted as if they had not been sold.
Securitization transactions involving
recourse may be eligible for “low-level-recourse” treatment.
6 The agencies’ risk-based capital standards
provide that the dollar amount of risk-based capital required for
assets transferred with recourse should not exceed the maximum dollar
amount for which an institution is contractually liable. The low-level-recourse
treatment applies to transactions accounted for as sales under GAAP
in which an institution contractually limits its recourse exposure
to less than the full risk-based capital requirements for the assets
transferred. Under the low-level-recourse principle, the institution
holds capital on approximately a dollar-for-dollar basis up to the
amount of the aggregate credit enhancements.
Low-level-recourse transactions should be reported in
Schedule RC-R of the call report or Schedule CCR of the TFR using
either the “direct-reduction method” or the “gross-up method” in accordance
with the regulatory-report instructions.
If an institution does not contractually limit the maximum
amount of its recourse obligation, or if the amount of credit enhancement
is greater than the risk-based capital requirement that would exist
if the assets were not sold, the low-level-recourse treatment does
not apply. Instead, the institution must hold risk-based capital against
the securitized assets as if those assets had not been sold.
Finally, as noted earlier, retained
interests that lack objectively verifiable support or that fail to
meet the supervisory standards set for in this document will be classified
as loss and disallowed as assets of the institution for regulatory
capital purposes.
Concentration Limits on Retained Interests The creation of a retained interest (the debit) typically also results
in an offsetting “gain on sale” (the credit) and thus generation of
an asset. Institutions that securitize high-yielding assets with long
durations may create a retained-interest asset value that exceeds
the risk-based capital charge that would be in place if the institution
had not sold the assets (under the existing risk-based capital guidelines,
capital is not required for the amount over 8 percent of the securitized
assets). Serious problems can arise for institutions that distribute
contrived earnings only later to be faced with a downward valuation
and charge-off of part or all of the retained interests.
As a basic example, an institution
could sell $100 in subprime home-equity loans and book a retained
interest of $20 using liberal “gain on sale” assumptions. Under
the current capital rules, the institution is required to hold approximately
$8 in capital. This $8 is the current capital requirement if the loans
were never removed from the balance sheet (8 percent of $100 = $8).
However, the institution is still exposed to substantially all of
the credit risk, plus the additional risk to earnings and capital
from the volatility of the retained interest. If the value of the
retained interest decreases to $10 due to inaccurate assumptions or
changes in market conditions, the $8 in capital is insufficient to
cover the entire loss.
Normally, the sponsoring institution will eventually receive
any excess cash flow remaining from securitizations after investor
interests have been met. However, recent experience has shown that
retained interests are vulnerable to sudden and sizeable write-downs
that can hinder an institution’s access to the capital markets, damage
its reputation in the market place, and in some cases threaten its
solvency. Accordingly, the agencies expect an institution’s board
of directors and management to develop and implement policies that
limit the amount of retained interests that may be carried as a percentage
of total equity capital, based on the results of their valuation and
modeling processes. Well-constructed internal limits also serve to
lessen the incentive of institution personnel to engage in activities
designed to generate near-term “paper profits” that may be at the
expense of the institution’s long-term financial position and reputation.
Summary Asset securitization has proven to be an effective means for institutions
to access new and diverse funding sources, manage concentrations,
improve financial performance ratios, and effectively serve borrowing
customers. However, securitization activities also present unique
and sometimes complex risks that require board and senior management
attention. Specifically, the initial and ongoing valuation of retained
interests associated with securitization, and the limitation of exposure
to the volatility represented by these assets, warrant immediate attention
by management.
Moreover, as mentioned earlier in this statement, the
agencies are studying various issues relating to securitization practices,
including whether restrictions should be imposed that would limit
or eliminate the amount of retained interests that qualify as regulatory
capital. In the interim, the agencies will review affected institutions
on a case-by-case basis and may require, in appropriate circumstances,
that institutions hold additional capital commensurate with their
risk exposure. In addition, the agencies will study, and issue further
guidance on, institutions’ exposure to implicit-recourse obligations
and the liquidity risk associated with over reliance on asset securitization
as a funding source.
Issued jointly by the
Board, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, and the Office of Thrift Supervision Dec. 13,
1999 (SR-99-37).