The financial regulators
1 are issuing this advisory to remind institutions of supervisory
expectations regarding sound practices for managing interest rate
risk (IRR). In the current environment of historically low short-term
interest rates, it is important for institutions to have robust processes
for measuring and, where necessary, mitigating their exposure to potential
increases in interest rates.
Current financial market and economic conditions present
significant risk management challenges to institutions of all sizes.
For a number of institutions, increased loan losses and sharp declines
in the values of some securities portfolios are placing downward pressure
on capital and earnings. In this challenging environment, funding
longer-term assets with shorter-term liabilities can generate earnings,
but also poses risks to an institution’s capital and earnings.
The regulators recognize that some degree of IRR is inherent
in the business of banking.
At the same time, however, institutions
2 are expected to have sound
risk management practices in place to measure, monitor, and control
IRR exposures. Accordingly, each of the financial regulators have
established guidance on the topic of IRR management (see Appendix
A). Although the specific guidance issued and the oversight and surveillance
mechanisms used by the regulators may differ, supervisory expectations
for sound IRR management are broadly consistent. The regulators expect
all institutions to manage their IRR exposures using processes and
systems commensurate with their earnings and capital levels, complexity,
business model, risk profile, and scope of operations.
3 Effective IRR management
processes are particularly important for those institutions experiencing
downward pressure on earnings and capital due to lower credit quality
and market illiquidity.
This advisory re-emphasizes the importance of effective
corporate governance, policies and procedures, risk measuring and
monitoring systems, stress testing, and internal controls related
to the IRR exposures of institutions. It also clarifies various elements
of existing guidance and describes selected IRR management techniques
used by effective risk managers. More detailed guidelines on the basic
principles of IRR management discussed in this advisory can be found
in each regulator’s established guidance.
Importantly, effective IRR management not only involves
the identification and measurement of IRR, but also provides for appropriate
actions to control this risk. If an institution determines that its
core earnings and capital are insufficient to support its level of
IRR, it should take steps to mitigate its exposure, increase its capital,
or both.
Corporate GovernanceExisting interagency and international guidance identifies
the board of directors as having the ultimate responsibility for the
risks undertaken by an institution—including IRR. As a result, the
regulators remind boards of directors that they should understand
and be regularly informed about the level and trend of their institutions’
IRR exposure. The board of directors or its delegated committee of
board members should oversee the establishment, approval, implementation,
and annual review of IRR management strategies, policies, procedures,
and limits (or risk tolerances). Institutions should understand the
implications of the IRR strategies they pursue, including their potential
impact on market, liquidity, credit, and operating risks.
Senior management is responsible
for ensuring that board-approved strategies, policies, and procedures
for managing IRR are appropriately executed within the designated
lines of authority and responsibility. Management also is responsible
for maintaining:
- Appropriate policies, procedures, and internal controls
addressing IRR management, including limits and controls over risk
taking to stay within board-approved tolerances;
- Comprehensive systems and standards for measuring
IRR, valuing positions, and assessing performance, including procedures
for updating IRR measurement scenarios and key underlying assumptions
driving the institution’s IRR analysis;
- Sufficiently detailed reporting processes to inform
senior management and the board of the level of IRR exposure.
An institution’s IRR tolerance should be communicated
so that the board of directors and senior management clearly understand
the institution’s risk tolerance limits and approach to managing the
impact of IRR on earnings and capital adequacy. IRR reports distributed
to senior management and the board should provide aggregate information
and supporting detail that is sufficient to enable them to assess
the sensitivity of the institution to changes in market rates and
important assumptions underlying the metrics used. Institutions with
an Asset/Liability Committee (ALCO), or similar senior management
committee, should ensure the committee actively monitors the IRR profile
and has sufficiently broad representation across major functions that
can directly or indirectly influence the institution’s IRR exposure
(e.g., lending, investment securities, wholesale and retail funding).
Policies and ProceduresInstitutions are expected to have comprehensive policies
and procedures governing all aspects of their IRR management process.
Such policies and procedures should ensure the IRR implications of
significant new strategies, products and businesses are integrated
into IRR management process. Policies and procedures also should document
and provide for controls over permissible hedging strategies and hedging
instruments. Institutions should ensure the assessment of IRR is appropriately
incorporated in firm-wide risk management efforts so that the interrelationships
between IRR and other risks are understood.
IRR tolerances articulated in an institution’s policies
should be explicit and address the potential impact of changing interest
rates on earnings and capital from a short-term and a long-term perspective.
Well-managed institutions generally specify IRR tolerances in the
context of scenarios of potential changes in market interest rates
and a target or range for performance metrics. Institutions with significant
exposures to basis risk, yield curve risk, or positions with explicit
or embedded options should establish risk tolerances appropriate for
these risks.
Measurement and Monitoring
of IRR Existing interagency guidance articulates
supervisors’ expectations that institutions have robust IRR measurement
processes and systems to assess exposures relative to established
risk tolerances. Such systems should be commensurate with the size
and complexity of the institution. Although institutions may rely
on third-party IRR models, they are expected to fully understand the
underlying analytics, assumptions, and methodologies and ensure such
systems and processes are incorporated appropriately in the strategic
(long-term) and tactical (short-term) management of IRR exposures.
Measurement Methodologies Institutions use a variety of techniques
to measure IRR exposure. The regulators continue to believe that well-managed
institutions will consider earnings and economic perspectives when
assessing the scope of their IRR exposure. Reduced earnings or outright
losses adversely affect an institution’s liquidity and capital adequacy.
Evaluating the impact of adverse changes in an institution’s economic
value also is useful as it can signal future earnings and capital
Although simple maturity gap analysis for assessing
the impact of changes in market rates on earnings may continue to
be a viable analytical tool for small institutions with less complex
IRR profiles, many institutions now use some form of simulation modeling
to measure IRR exposure. In fact, current computer technology allows
even some smaller, less sophisticated institutions to perform comprehensive
simulations of the potential impact of changes in market rates on
their earnings and capital. Most institutions primarily use simulations
to assess the impact of changing rates on earnings. However, many
simulation models have the capability of forecasting the impacts on
both earnings and capital by generating pro-forma income statements
and balance sheets. Most also have capabilities for assessing the
impact of changing rates on the market value of the balance sheet.
Institutions are encouraged to use the full complement of analytical
capabilities of their IRR simulation models.
A key aspect of IRR simulation involves the selection
of an appropriate time horizon(s) over which to assess IRR exposures.
Simulations can be performed over any time horizon and often are used
to analyze multiple horizons identifying short-term, intermediate-term,
and long-term risk. When using earnings simulation models, IRR exposures
are best projected over at least a two-year period. Using a two-year
time frame will better capture the true impact of important transactions,
tactics, and strategies taken to increase revenues which can be hidden
by viewing projected results within shorter time horizons. However,
to fully assess the impacts of certain products with embedded options,
longer time horizons of five to seven years are typically needed.
In general, simulation models can be either static or
dynamic. Static simulation models are based on current exposures and
assume a constant balance sheet with no new growth. In contrast, dynamic
simulation models rely on detailed assumptions regarding changes in
existing business lines, new business, and changes in management and
customer behavior. Both techniques are capable of incorporating assumptions
about the future path of interest rates using simple deterministic
scenario analysis, more sophisticated stochastic-path techniques,
or Monte Carlo simulations.
Dynamic earnings simulation models can be useful for business
planning and budgeting purposes. However, dynamic simulation is highly
dependent on key variables and assumptions that are extremely difficult
to project with accuracy over an extended period. Furthermore, model
assumptions can potentially hide certain key underlying risk exposures.
As such, when performing dynamic simulations, institutions should
also run static simulations to provide ALCO or senior management a
complete and comparative description of the institution’s IRR exposure.
Despite their many benefits, both static and dynamic earnings
simulations have limitations in quantifying IRR exposure. As a result,
economic value methodologies should also be used to broaden the assessment
of IRR exposure.
6 Economic value-based methodologies
measure the degree to which the economic values of an institution’s
positions change under different interest rate scenarios. The economic-value
approach focuses on a longer-term time horizon, captures all future
cash flows expected from existing assets and liabilities, and is more
effective in considering embedded options in a typical institution’s
In general, most economic value models use a static approach
in that the analysis typically does not incorporate new business;
rather, the analysis shows a snapshot in time of the risk inherent
in the portfolio or balance sheet. However, some institutions have
started to incorporate dynamic modeling techniques that provide forward-looking
estimates of economic value.
Institutions are encouraged to use a variety of measurement
methods to assess their IRR profile. Regardless of the methods used,
an institution’s IRR measurement system should be sufficiently robust
to capture all material on and off-balance sheet positions and incorporate
a stress-testing process to identify and quantify the institution’s
IRR exposure and potential problem areas.
Stress Testing The regulators remind institutions that stress testing, which includes
both scenario and sensitivity analysis, is an integral component of
IRR management. In general, scenario analysis uses the model to predict
a possible future outcome given an event or series of events, while
sensitivity analysis tests a model’s parameters without relating those
changes to an underlying event or real world outcome.
When conducting scenario analyses, institutions should
assess a range of alternative future interest rate scenarios in evaluating
IRR exposure. This range should be sufficiently meaningful to fully
identify basis risk, yield curve risk, and the risks of embedded options.
In many cases, static interest rate shocks consisting of parallel
shifts in the yield curve of plus and minus 200 basis points may not
be sufficient to adequately assess an institution’s IRR
exposure. As a result, institutions should regularly assess IRR exposures
beyond typical industry conventions, including changes in rates of
greater magnitude (e.g., up and down 300 and 400 basis points) across
different tenors to reflect changing slopes and twists of the yield
curve. Institutions should ensure their scenarios are severe but plausible
in light of the existing level of rates and the interest rate cycle.
For example, in low-rate environments, scenarios involving significant
declines in market rates can be deemphasized in favor of increasing
the number and size of alternative rising-rate scenarios.
Depending on an institution’s IRR
profile, stress scenarios should include but not be limited to:
- Instantaneous and significant changes in the level
of interest rates (instantaneous rate shocks);
- Substantial changes in rates over time (prolonged
rate shocks);
- Changes in the relationships between key market rates
(i.e., basis risk); and
- Changes in the slope and the shape of the yield curve
(i.e., yield curve risk).
The regulators recognize that not all financial institutions
will require the full range of the scenarios discussed above. Non-complex
institutions (e.g., institutions with limited embedded options or
structured products on their balance sheet) may be able to justify
running fewer or less intricate scenarios, depending on their IRR
profile. However, interest rate shocks of sufficient magnitude should
be run, regardless of the institution’s size or complexity. Institutions
should ensure IRR exposures are incorporated and evaluated as part
of the enterprise-wide risk identification and analysis process.
In addition to scenario analysis, stress testing should
include a sensitivity analysis to help determine which assumptions
have the most influence on model output. Institutions will generally
focus more of their efforts in verifying the most influential assumptions.
Additionally, sensitivity analysis can be used to determine the conditions
under which key business assumptions and model parameters break down
or when IRR may be exacerbated by other risks or earnings pressures.
At well-managed institutions, management compares stress
test results against approved tolerances limits. Such reviews enable
institutions to properly estimate and monitor key variables whose
volatility will significantly affect IRR exposure. Moreover, in conducting
stress tests, special consideration should be given to instruments
or markets in which concentrations exist as such positions may be
more difficult to unwind or hedge during periods of market stress.
Assumptions Proper measurement of IRR requires regularly assessing
the reasonableness of assumptions that underlie an institution’s IRR
exposure estimates. The regulators remind institutions to document,
monitor, and regularly update key assumptions used in IRR measurement
models. At a minimum, institutions should ensure the reasonableness
of asset prepayments, non-maturity deposit price sensitivity and decay
rates, and key rate drivers for each interest rate shock scenario.
Assumptions about non-maturity deposits are critical, particularly
in market environments in which customer behaviors may not reflect
long-term economic fundamentals, or in which institutions are subject
to heightened competition for such deposits. Generally, rate-sensitive
and higher-cost deposits, such as brokered and Internet deposits,
would reflect higher decay rates than other types of deposits. Also,
institutions experiencing or projecting capital levels that trigger
brokered and high interest rate deposit restrictions should adjust
deposit assumptions accordingly.
When dynamic simulations of future growth and business
assumptions are used, assessment of consistent replacement growth
rate assumptions is particularly important. Customer behaviors can
differ in various markets. Financial institutions should perform historical
and forward-looking analyses to develop supportable assumptions and
models relevant to their market and business plans.
Proper measurement of IRR also requires sensitivity
testing of key assumptions that exert the greatest impact on measurement
results. When actual experience differs significantly from past assumptions
and expectations, institutions should use a range of assumptions to
appropriately reflect this uncertainty. When assumptions are adjusted
from prior reporting periods, the changes and their effects on model
outputs should be documented and clearly identified.
Risk-Mitigating StepsLimit controls should be in place to ensure positions that exceed
certain predetermined levels receive prompt management attention.
An appropriate limit system should permit management to identify IRR
exposures, initiate discussions about risk, and take appropriate action
as identified in IRR policies and procedures. Further, a well-managed
institution will find a balance between establishing limits that are
neither so high that they are never breached nor so low that exceeding
the limits is considered routine and not worthy of action.
Should IRR exposure exceed or approach
these limits, institutions can mitigate their risk through balance
sheet alteration and hedging. The most common way to control IRR is
through the balance sheet mix of assets and liabilities. This involves
achieving an appropriate distribution of asset maturities or repricing
structures, with the maturity or repricing mix of liabilities that
will avoid the potential for severe maturity or duration mismatches
between assets and liabilities.
Using derivative instruments to mitigate IRR exposures
may be appropriate for institutions with the knowledge and expertise
in these instruments. Hedging with interest rate derivatives is a
potentially complex activity that can have unintended consequences,
including compounding losses, if used incorrectly.
9 Each institution
using derivatives should establish an effective process for managing
interest rate risk. The level of structure and formality in this process
should be commensurate with the activities and level of risk approved
by senior management and the board. Institutions should not undertake
this activity unless the board and senior management understand the
institution’s hedging strategy when using these instruments, including
the potential risks and benefits of the strategy. Reliance on outside
consultants to assist in the establishment of such a strategy does
not absolve the board and senior management of their responsibility
to fully understand the risks of the derivatives hedging strategy.
Hedging strategies should be designed to limit downside earnings exposure
or manage income or economic value of equity (EVE) volatility.
Internal Controls and Validation The regulators expect institutions to have an adequate
system of internal controls to ensure the integrity of all elements
of their IRR management process, including the adequacy of corporate
governance, compliance with policies and procedures, and the comprehensiveness
of IRR measurement and management information systems. These controls
should be an integral part of the institution’s overall system of
internal controls and should promote effective and efficient operations,
reliable financial and regulatory reporting, and compliance with relevant
laws, regulations, and institution policies.
Model Validation Validating IRR models is a fundamental part of any institution’s
system of internal controls. An important element of model validation
is independent review of the logical and conceptual soundness. The
scope of the independent review should involve assessing the institution’s
measurement of IRR, including the reasonableness of assumptions,
the process used in determining assumptions, and the backtesting of
assumptions and results. Management also should implement adequate
follow-up procedures to monitor management’s corrective actions. The
results of these reviews should be available for the relevant supervisory
Smaller institutions that do not have the resources to
staff an independent review function should have processes in place
to ensure the integrity of the various elements of their IRR management
processes. Often, smaller institutions will use an internal party
that is sufficiently removed from the primary IRR functions or an
external auditor to ensure the integrity of their risk management
Institutions that use vendor-supplied models are not required
to test the mechanics and mathematics of the measurement model. However,
the vendor should provide documentation showing a credible independent
third party has performed such a function.
10 Large and complex institutions, or those
with significant IRR exposures, may need to perform more in-depth
validation procedures of the underlying mathematics. Validation practices
could include constructing an identical model to test assumptions
and outcomes or using an existing, well-validated “benchmark” model,
which is often a less costly alternative. The benchmark model should
have theoretical underpinnings, methodologies, and inputs that are
as close as possible to those used in the model being validated. Large
and more complex institutions have used “benchmarking” effectively
to identify model errors that could distort IRR measurements. The
depth and extent of the validation process should be consistent with
the materiality and complexity of the risk being managed.
Conclusion The adequacy
and effectiveness of an institution’s IRR management process and the
level of its IRR exposure are critical factors in the regulators’
evaluation of an institution’s sensitivity to changes in interest
rates and capital adequacy. When evaluating the applicability of specific
guidelines provided in this advisory and the level of capital needed
for the level of IRR, the institution’s management and regulators
should consider factors, such as the size of the institution, the
nature and complexity of its activities, and the adequacy of its level
of capital and earnings in relation to its overall IRR profile. Material
weaknesses in risk management processes or high levels of IRR exposure
relative to capital will require corrective action. Such actions could
include recommendations or directives to:
- Raise additional capital;
- Reduce levels of IRR exposure;
- Strengthen IRR management expertise;
- Improve IRR management information and measurement
systems; or
- Take other measures or some combination of actions,
depending on the facts and circumstances of the individual institution.
IRR management should be an integral component of an institution’s
risk management infrastructure. Management should assess the need
to strengthen existing IRR practices by incorporating the supervisory
expectations and management techniques highlighted in this advisory.
Appendix A
Regulatory Guidance on Interest
Rate Risk
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Reserve
Board, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency:Interagency
Policy Statement on Interest Rate Risk
- Additional Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation:Risk Management Manual of Examination Policies (section 7.1)
- Additional Federal Reserve Board:Commercial Bank
Examination Manual (section 4090) Bank Holding Company Supervision Manual (section 2127) Trading and Capital Markets Activities Manual (section 3010)
- Additional Office of the Comptroller of the Currency: Comptroller’s Handbook on Interest Rate Risk Validation (Bulletin 2000-16)
2000-16.docRisk Management of Financial Derivatives
- Office of Thrift Supervision:Management of Interest
Rate Risk; Investment Securities and Derivatives Activities (TB-13a) Management Practices in
the Current Interest Rate Environment
- National Credit Union Administration:Real Estate
Lending and Balance Sheet Management (99-CU-12)Asset Liability
Management Procedures (00-CU-10)Liability Management—Rate-Sensitive
and Volatile Funding Sources (01-CU-08)Managing Share Inflows
in Uncertain Times (01-CU-19)Non-maturity Shares and Balance
Sheet Risk (03-CU-11)Real Estate Concentrations and Interest
Rate Risk Management for Credit Unions with Large Positions in Fixed
Rate Mortgages (03-CU-15)
- Basel Committee on Banking Supervision:Principles
for the Management of Interest Rate Risk
Interagency advisory of Jan. 6, 2010