Purpose The Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (collectively, the agencies),
are jointly issuing this guidance to address institutions’ increased
concentrations of commercial real estate (CRE) loans. Concentrations
of credit exposures add a dimension of risk that compounds the
risk inherent in individual loans.
The guidance reminds institutions that strong risk-management
practices and appropriate levels of capital are important elements
of a sound CRE lending program, particularly when an institution has
a concentration in CRE loans. The guidance reinforces and enhances
the agencies’ existing regulations and guidelines for real estate
lending and loan-portfolio management in light of material changes
in institutions’ lending activities. The guidance does not establish
specific CRE lending limits; rather, it promotes sound risk-management
practices and appropriate levels of capital that will enable institutions
to continue to pursue CRE lending in a safe and sound manner.
Background The
agencies recognize that regulated financial institutions play a vital
role in providing credit for business and real estate development.
However, concentrations in CRE lending coupled with weak loan underwriting
and depressed CRE markets have contributed to significant credit losses
in the past. While underwriting standards are generally stronger than
during previous CRE cycles, the agencies have observed an increasing
trend in the number of institutions with concentrations in CRE loans.
These concentrations may make such institutions more vulnerable to
cyclical CRE markets. Moreover, the agencies have observed that some
institutions’ risk-management practices are not evolving with their
increasing CRE concentrations. Therefore, institutions with concentrations
in CRE loans are reminded that their risk-management practices and
capital levels should be commensurate with the level and nature of
their CRE concentration risk.
Scope In developing this guidance,
the agencies recognized that different types of CRE lending present
different levels of risk, and that consideration should be given to
the lower risk profiles and historically superior performance of certain
types of CRE, such as well-structured multifamily housing finance,
when compared to others, such as speculative office space construction.
As discussed under “CRE Concentration Assessments,” institutions are
encouraged to segment their CRE portfolios to acknowledge these distinctions
for risk-management purposes.
This guidance focuses on those CRE loans for which the
cash flow from the real estate is the primary source of repayment
rather than loans to a borrower for which real estate collateral is
taken as a secondary source of repayment or through an abundance of
caution. Thus, for the purposes of this guidance, CRE loans include
those loans with risk profiles sensitive to the condition of the general
CRE market (for example, market demand, changes in capitalization
rates, vacancy rates, or rents). CRE loans are land development and
construction loans (including one- to four-family residential and
commercial construction loans) and other land loans. CRE loans also
include loans secured by multifamily property, and nonfarm nonresidential
property where the primary source of repayment is derived from rental
income associated with the property (that is, loans for which 50 percent
or more of the source of repayment comes from third-party, nonaffiliated,
rental income) or the proceeds of the sale, refinancing, or permanent
financing of the property. Loans to real estate investment trusts
(REITs) and unsecured loans to developers also should be considered
CRE loans for purposes of this guidance if their performance is closely
linked to performance of the CRE markets. Excluded from the scope
of this guidance are loans secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties
where the primary source of repayment is the cash flow from the ongoing
operations and activities conducted by the party, or affiliate of
the party, who owns the property.
Although the guidance does not define a CRE concentration,
the “Supervisory Oversight” section describes the criteria that the
agencies will use as high-level indicators to identify institutions
potentially exposed to CRE concentration risk.
CRE Concentration Assessments Institutions actively involved in CRE lending should
perform ongoing risk assessments to identify CRE concentrations. The
risk assessment should identify potential concentrations by stratifying
the CRE portfolio into segments that have common risk characteristics
or sensitivities to economic, financial, or business developments.
An institution’s CRE portfolio stratification should be reasonable
and supportable. The CRE portfolio should not be divided into multiple
segments simply to avoid the appearance of concentration risk.
The agencies recognize that risk characteristics vary
among CRE loans secured by different property types. A manageable
level of CRE concentration risk will vary by institution, depending
on the portfolio risk characteristics, the quality of risk-management
processes, and capital levels. Therefore, the guidance does not establish
a CRE concentration limit that applies to all institutions. Rather,
the guidance encourages institutions to identify and monitor credit
concentrations, establish internal concentration limits, and report
all concentrations to management and the board of directors on a periodic
basis. Depending on the results of the risk assessment, the institution
may need to enhance its risk-management systems.
Risk Management The sophistication of an institution’s CRE risk-management processes
should be appropriate to the size of the portfolio, as well as the
level and nature of concentrations and the associated risk to the
institution. Institutions should address the following key elements
in establishing a risk-management framework that effectively identifies,
monitors, and controls CRE concentration risk:
- Board and management oversight
- portfolio management
- management information systems
- market analysis
- credit-underwriting standards
- portfolio stress testing and sensitivity analysis
- credit-risk review function
Board and Management Oversight An institution’s board of directors has
ultimate responsibility for the level of risk assumed by the institution.
If the institution has significant CRE concentration risk, its strategic
plan should address the rationale for its CRE levels in relation to
its overall growth objectives, financial targets, and capital plan.
In addition, the agencies’ real estate lending regulations require
that each institution adopt and maintain a written policy that establishes
appropriate limits and standards for all extensions of credit that
are secured by liens on or interests in real estate, including CRE
loans. Therefore, the board of directors or a designated committee
thereof should—
- establish policy guidelines and approve an overall
CRE lending strategy regarding the level and nature of CRE exposures
acceptable to the institution, including any specific commitments
to particular borrowers or property types, such as multifamily housing;
- ensure that management implements procedures and
controls to effectively adhere to and monitor compliance with the
institution’s lending policies and strategies;
- review information that identifies and quantifies
the nature and level of risk presented by CRE concentrations, including
reports that describe changes in CRE market conditions in which the
institution lends; and
- periodically review and approve CRE risk exposure
limits and appropriate sublimits (for example, by nature of concentration)
to conform to any changes in the institution’s strategies and to respond
to changes in market conditions.
Portfolio Management Institutions with CRE concentrations should
manage not only the risk of individual loans but also portfolio risk.
Even when individual CRE loans are prudently underwritten, concentrations
of loans that are similarly affected by cyclical changes in the
CRE market can expose an institution to an unacceptable level of risk
if not properly managed. Management regularly should evaluate the
degree of correlation between related real estate sectors and establish
internal lending guidelines and concentration limits that control
the institution’s overall risk exposure.
Management should develop appropriate strategies for managing
CRE concentration levels, including a contingency plan to reduce or
mitigate concentrations in the event of adverse CRE market conditions.
Loan participations, whole-loan sales, and securitizations are a few
examples of strategies for actively managing concentration levels
without curtailing new originations. If the contingency plan includes
selling or securitizing CRE loans, management should assess periodically
the marketability of the portfolio. This should include an evaluation
of the institution’s ability to access the secondary market and a
comparison of its underwriting standards with those that exist in
the secondary market.
Information Systems A strong management
information system (MIS) is key to effective portfolio management.
The sophistication of MIS will necessarily vary with the size and
complexity of the CRE portfolio and level and nature of concentration
risk. MIS should provide management with sufficient information to
identify, measure, monitor, and manage CRE concentration risk. This
includes meaningful information on CRE portfolio characteristics that
is relevant to the institution’s lending strategy, underwriting standards,
and risk tolerances. An institution should assess periodically the
adequacy of MIS in light of growth in CRE loans and changes in the
CRE portfolio’s size, risk profile, and complexity.
Institutions are encouraged to stratify the
CRE portfolio by property type, geographic market, tenant concentrations,
tenant industries, developer concentrations, and risk rating. Other
useful stratifications may include loan structure (for example, fixed
rate or adjustable), loan purpose (for example, construction, short-term,
or permanent), loan-to-value limits, debt-service coverage, policy
exceptions on newly underwritten credit facilities, and affiliated
loans (for example, loans to tenants). An institution should also
be able to identify and aggregate exposures to a borrower, including
its credit exposure relating to derivatives.
Management reporting should be timely and in a format
that clearly indicates changes in the portfolio’s risk profile, including
risk-rating migrations. In addition, management reporting should include
a well-defined process through which management reviews and evaluates
concentration and risk-management reports, as well as special ad hoc
analyses in response to potential market events that could affect
the CRE loan portfolio.
Analysis Market analysis should provide
the institution’s management and board of directors with information
to assess whether its CRE lending strategy and policies continue to
be appropriate in light of changes in CRE market conditions. An institution
should perform periodic market analyses for the various property types
and geographic markets represented in its portfolio.
Market analysis is particularly important as
an institution considers decisions about entering new markets, pursuing
new lending activities, or expanding in existing markets. Market information
also may be useful for developing sensitivity analysis or stress tests
to assess portfolio risk.
Sources of market information may include published research
data, real estate appraisers and agents, information maintained by
the property taxing authority, local contractors, builders, investors,
and community development groups. The sophistication of an institution’s
analysis will vary by its market share and exposure, as well as the
availability of market data. While an institution operating in nonmetropolitan
markets may have access to fewer sources of detailed market data than
an institution operating in large, metropolitan markets, an institution
should be able to demonstrate that it has an understanding of the economic
and business factors influencing its lending markets.
Credit Underwriting Standards An institution’s lending policies should reflect
the level of risk that is acceptable to its board of directors and
should provide clear and measurable underwriting standards that enable
the institution’s lending staff to evaluate all relevant credit factors.
When an institution has a CRE concentration, the establishment of
sound lending policies becomes even more critical. In establishing
its policies, an institution should consider both internal and external
factors, such as its market position, historical experience, present
and prospective trade area, probable future loan and funding trends,
staff capabilities, and technology resources. Consistent with the
agencies’ real estate lending guidelines, CRE lending policies should
address the following underwriting standards:
- maximum loan amount by type of property
- loan termspricing structures
- collateral valuation
- loan-to-value (LTV) limits by property type
- requirements for feasibility studies and sensitivity
analysis or stress testing
- minimum requirements for initial investment and maintenance
of hard equity by the borrower
- minimum standards for borrower net worth, property
cash flow, and debt-service coverage for the property
An institution’s lending policies should permit exceptions
to underwriting standards only on a limited basis. When an institution
does permit an exception, it should document how the transaction does
not conform to the institution’s policy or underwriting standards,
obtain appropriate management approvals, and provide reports to the
board of directors or designated committee detailing the number, nature,
justifications, and trends for exceptions. Exceptions to both the
institution’s internal lending standards and the agencies’ supervisory
LTV limits should be monitored and reported on a regular basis. Further,
institutions should analyze trends in exceptions to ensure that risk
remains within the institution’s established risk-tolerance limits.
Credit analysis should reflect both the borrower’s overall
creditworthiness and project-specific considerations as appropriate.
In addition, for development and construction loans, the institution
should have policies and procedures governing loan disbursements to
ensure that the institution’s minimum borrower-equity requirements
are maintained throughout the development and construction periods.
Prudent controls should include an inspection process, documentation
on construction progress, tracking pre-sold units, pre-leasing activity,
and exception monitoring and reporting.
Portfolio Stress Testing and Sensitivity
Analysis An institution with CRE concentrations
should perform portfolio-level stress tests or sensitivity analysis
to quantify the impact of changing economic conditions on asset quality,
earnings, and capital. Further, an institution should consider the
sensitivity of portfolio segments with common risk characteristics
to potential market conditions. The sophistication of stress testing
practices and sensitivity analysis should be consistent with the size,
complexity, and risk characteristics of its CRE loan portfolio. For
example, well-margined and seasoned performing loans on multifamily
housing normally would require significantly less robust stress testing
than most acquisition, development, and construction loans.
Portfolio stress testing and sensitivity
analysis may not necessarily require the use of a sophisticated portfolio
model. Depending on the risk characteristics of the CRE portfolio,
stress testing may be as simple as analyzing the potential effect
of stressed loss rates on the CRE portfolio, capital, and earnings.
The analysis should focus on the more vulnerable segments of an institution’s
CRE portfolio, taking into consideration the prevailing market environment
and the institution’s business strategy.
Credit-Risk Review Function A strong credit-risk review function is critical for
an institution’s self-assessment of emerging risks. An effective,
accurate, and timely risk-rating system provides a foundation for
the institution’s credit-risk review function to assess credit quality
and, ultimately, to identify problem loans. Risk ratings should be
risk-sensitive, objective, and appropriate for the types of CRE loans
underwritten by the institution. Further, risk ratings should be reviewed
regularly for appropriateness.
Supervisory Oversight As part of their ongoing supervisory monitoring processes,
the agencies will use certain criteria to identify institutions that
are potentially exposed to significant CRE concentration risk. An
institution that has experienced rapid growth in CRE lending, has
notable exposure to a specific type of CRE, or is approaching or exceeds
the following supervisory criteria may be identified for further supervisory
analysis of the level and nature of its CRE concentration risk:
total reported loans for construction, land development, and other
land represent 100 percent or more of the institution’s total capital
commercial real estate loans as defined in this guidance represent
300 percent or more of the institution’s total capital, and the outstanding
balance of the institution’s commercial real estate loan portfolio
has increased by 50 percent or more during the prior 36 months.
The agencies will use the criteria as a preliminary step
to identify institutions that may have CRE concentration risk. Because
regulatory reports capture a broad range of CRE loans with varying
risk characteristics, the supervisory monitoring criteria do not constitute
limits on an institution’s lending activity but rather serve as high-level
indicators to identify institutions potentially exposed to CRE concentration
risk. Nor do the criteria constitute a “safe harbor” for institutions
if other risk indicators are present, regardless of their measurements
under 1 and 2.
of CRE Concentrations The effectiveness
of an institution’s risk-management practices will be a key component
of the supervisory evaluation of the institution’s CRE concentrations.
Examiners will engage in a dialogue with the institution’s management
to assess CRE exposure levels and risk-management practices. Institutions
that have experienced recent, significant growth in CRE lending will
receive closer supervisory review than those that have demonstrated
a successful track record of managing the risks in CRE concentrations.
In evaluating CRE concentrations, the agencies will consider the institution’s
own analysis of its CRE portfolio, including consideration of factors
such as—
- portfolio diversification across property types,
- geographic dispersion of CRE loans,
- underwriting standards,
- level of pre-sold units or other types of take-out
commitments on construction loans, and
- portfolio liquidity (ability to sell or securitize
exposures on the secondary market).
While consideration of these factors should not
change the method of identifying a credit concentration, these factors
may mitigate the risk posed by the concentration.
Assessment of Capital Adequacy The agencies’ existing capital adequacy guide lines
note that an institution should hold capital commensurate with the
level and nature of the risks to which it is exposed. Accordingly,
institutions with CRE concentrations are reminded that their capital
levels should be commensurate with the risk profile of their CRE portfolios.
In assessing the adequacy of an institution’s capital, the agencies
will consider the level and nature of inherent risk in the CRE portfolio
as well as management expertise, historical performance, underwriting
standards, risk-management practices, market conditions, and any loan-loss
reserves allocated for CRE concentration risk. An institution with
inadequate capital to serve as a buf
fer against unexpected losses
from a CRE concentration should develop a plan for reducing its CRE
concentrations or for maintaining capital appropriate to the level
and nature of its CRE concentration risk.
Interagency guidance of Dec. 6, 2006; published in
the Federal Register Dec. 12, 2006.