The Office of the Comptroller
of the Currency (OCC), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
(Board), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and National
Credit Union Administration (NCUA), collectively “the agencies,” are
issuing this joint guidance concerning a service offered by insured
depository institutions that is commonly referred to as “bounced-check
protection” or “overdraft protection.” This credit service is sometimes
offered on both con
sumer and small-business transaction accounts
as an alternative to traditional ways of covering overdrafts. This
joint guidance is intended to assist insured depository institutions
in the responsible disclosure and administration of overdraft-protection
services, particularly those that are marketed to consumers.
1 Introduction To protect against account overdrafts, some consumers
obtain an overdraft line of credit, which is subject to the disclosure
requirements of the Truth in Lending Act (TILA). If a consumer does
not have an overdraft line of credit, the institution may accommodate
the consumer and pay overdrafts on a discretionary, ad hoc basis.
Regardless of whether the overdraft is paid, institutions typically
have imposed a fee when an overdraft occurs, often referred to as
a nonsufficient-funds, or NSF, fee. Over the years, this accommodation
has become automated by many institutions. Historically, institutions
have not promoted this accommodation. This approach has not raised
significant concerns.
More recently, some depository institutions have offered
“overdraft-protection” programs that, unlike the discretionary accommodation
traditionally provided to those lacking a line of credit or other
type of overdraft service (e.g., linked accounts), are marketed to
consumers essentially as short-term credit facilities. These marketed
programs typically provide consumers with an express overdraft “limit”
that applies to their accounts.
While the specific details of overdraft-protection programs
vary from institution to institution, and also vary over time, those
currently offered by institutions incorporate some or all of the following
- Institutions inform consumers that overdraft protection
is a feature of their accounts and promote the use of the service.
Institutions also may inform consumers of their aggregate dollar limit
under the overdraft-protection program.
- Coverage is automatic for consumers who meet the
institution’s criteria (e.g., account has been open a certain number
of days; deposits are made regularly). Typically, the institution
performs no credit underwriting.
- Overdrafts generally are paid up to the aggregate
limit set by the institution for the specific class of accounts, typically
$100 to $500.
- Many program disclosures state that payment of an
overdraft is discretionary on the part of the institution, and may
disclaim any legal obligation of the institution to pay any overdraft.
- The service may extend to check transactions as well
as other transactions, such as withdrawals at automated teller machines
(ATMs), transactions using debit cards, preauthorized automatic debits
from a consumer’s account, telephone-initiated funds transfers, and
online banking transactions.2
- A flat fee is charged each time the service is triggered
and an overdraft item is paid. Commonly, a fee in the same amount
would be charged even if the overdraft item was not paid. A daily
fee also may apply for each day the account remains overdrawn.
- Some institutions offer closed-end loans to consumers
who do not bring their accounts to a positive balance within a specified
time period. These repayment plans allow consumers to repay their
overdrafts and fees in installments.
Concerns Aspects of the marketing, disclosure, and implementation
of some overdraft-protection programs, intended essentially as short-term
credit facilities, are of concern to the agencies. For
example, some institutions have promoted this credit service in a
manner that leads consumers to believe that it is a line of credit
by informing consumers that their account includes an overdraft-protection
limit of a specified dollar amount without clearly disclosing the
terms and conditions of the service, including how fees reduce overdraft-protection
dollar limits and how the service differs from a line of credit.
In addition, some institutions have adopted marketing
practices that appear to encourage consumers to overdraw their accounts,
such as by informing consumers that the service may be used to take
an advance on their next paycheck, thereby potentially increasing
the institutions’ credit exposure with little or no analysis of the
consumer’s creditworthiness. These overdraft-protection programs may
be promoted in a manner that leads consumers to believe that overdrafts
will always be paid when, in reality, the institution reserves the
right not to pay some overdrafts. Some institutions may advertise
accounts with overdraft-protection coverage as “free” accounts, and
thereby lead consumers to believe that there are no fees associated
with the account or the overdraft-protection program.
Furthermore, institutions may not
clearly disclose that the program may cover instances when consumers
overdraw their accounts by means other than check, such as at ATMs
and point-of-sale (POS) terminals. Some institutions may include overdraft-protection
amounts in the sum that they disclose as the consumer’s account “balance”
(for example, at an ATM) without clearly distinguishing the funds
that are available for withdrawal without overdrawing the account.
Where the institution knows that the transaction will trigger an overdraft
fee, such as at a proprietary ATM, institutions also may not alert
the consumer prior to the completion of the transaction to allow the
consumer to cancel the transaction before the fee is triggered.
Institutions should weigh carefully the risks presented
by the programs, including the credit, legal, reputation, safety-and-soundness,
and other risks. Further, institutions should carefully review their
programs to ensure that marketing and other communications concerning
the programs do not mislead consumers to believe that the program
is a traditional line of credit or that payment of overdrafts is guaranteed,
do not mislead consumers about their account balance or the costs
and scope of the overdraft protection offered, and do not encourage
irresponsible consumer financial behavior that potentially may increase
risk to the institution.
Considerations When overdrafts are paid,
credit is extended. Overdraft-protection programs may expose an institution
to more credit risk (e.g., higher delinquencies and losses) than overdraft
lines of credit and other traditional overdraft-protection options
to the extent these programs lack individual account underwriting.
All overdrafts, whether or not subject to an overdraft-protection
program, are subject to the safety-and-soundness considerations contained
in this section.
Institutions providing overdraft-protection programs should
adopt written policies and procedures adequate to address the credit,
operational, and other risks associated with these types of programs.
Prudent risk-management practices include the establishment of express
account-eligibility standards and well-defined and properly documented
dollar-limit decision criteria. Institutions also should monitor these
accounts on an ongoing basis and be able to identify consumers who
may represent an undue credit risk to the institution. Overdraft-protection
programs should be administered and adjusted, as needed, to ensure
that credit risk remains in line with expectations. This may include,
where appropriate, disqualification of a consumer from future overdraft
protection. Reports sufficient to enable management to identify, measure,
and manage overdraft volume, profitability, and credit performance
should be provided to management on a regular basis.
Institutions also are expected to incorporate
prudent risk-management practices related to account repayment and
suspension of overdraft-protection services. These include the establishment
of specific time frames for when consumers must pay off their overdraft
For example, there should be established procedures for the suspension
of overdraft services when the account holder no longer meets the
eligibility criteria (such as when the account holder has declared
bankruptcy or defaulted on another loan at the bank) as well as for
when there is a lack of repayment of an overdraft. In addition, overdraft
balances should generally be charged off when considered uncollectible,
but no later than 60 days from the date first overdrawn.
3 In some cases, an institution
may allow a consumer to cover an overdraft through an extended repayment
plan when the consumer is unable to bring the account to a positive
balance within the required time frames. The existence of the repayment
plan, however, would not extend the charge-off determination period
beyond 60 days (or shorter period if applicable) as measured from
the date of the overdraft. Any payments received after the account
is charged off (up to the amount charged off against allowance) should
be reported as a recovery. Some overdrafts are rewritten as loan obligations
in accordance with an institution’s loan policy and supported by a
documented assessment of that consumer’s ability to repay. In those
instances, the charge-off timeframes described in the Federal Financial
Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Uniform Retail Credit Classification
and Account Management Policy would apply.
With respect to the reporting of income and
loss recognition on overdraft-protection programs, institutions should
follow generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and the instructions
for the Reports of Condition and Income (call report), and NCUA 5300
call report. Overdraft balances should be reported on regulatory reports
as loans. Accordingly, overdraft losses should be charged off against
the allowance for loan and lease losses. The agencies expect all institutions
to adopt rigorous loss-estimation processes to ensure that overdraft
fee income is accurately measured. Such methods may include providing
loss allowances for uncollectible fees or, alternatively, only recognizing
that portion of earned fees estimated to be collectible.
5 The procedures for estimating an adequate allowance should be documented
in accordance with the Interagency Policy Statement on the Allowance
for Loan and Lease Losses Methodologies and Documentation for Banks
and Savings Institutions.
If an institution advises account holders of
the available amount of overdraft protection, for example, when accounts
are opened or on depositors’ account statements or ATM receipts, the
institution should report the available amount of overdraft protection
with legally binding commitments for call report, and NCUA 5300 call
report purposes. These available amounts, therefore, should be reported
as “unused commitments” in regulatory reports.
The agencies also expect proper risk-based
capital treatment of outstanding overdrawn balances and unused commitments.
7 Overdraft
balances should be risk-weighted according to the obligor. Under the
federal banking agencies’ risk-based capital guidelines, the capital
charge on the unused portion of commitments generally is based on
an off-balance-sheet credit-conversion factor and the risk weight
appropriate to the obligor. In general, these guidelines provide that
the unused portion of a commitment is subject to a 0 percent credit-conversion
factor if the commitment has an original maturity of one year or less,
or a 50 percent credit-conversion factor if the commitment has an
original maturity over one year. Under these guidelines, a 0 percent
conversion factor also applies to the unused portion of a
credit card line” or “related plan” if it is unconditionally cancelable
by the institution in accordance with applicable law.
8 The phrase
related plans in these guidelines
includes overdraft checking plans. The agencies believe that the overdraft-protection
programs discussed in this joint guidance fall within the meaning
related plans as a type of overdraft checking plan for the
purposes of the federal banking agencies’ risk-based capital guidelines.
Consequently, overdraft-protection programs that are unconditionally
cancelable by the institution in accordance with applicable law would
qualify for a 0 percent credit-conversion factor.
Institutions entering into overdraft-protection
contracts with third-party vendors must conduct thorough due-diligence
reviews prior to signing a contract. The interagency guidance contained
in the November 2000 “Risk Management of Outsourced Technology Services”
outlines the agencies’ expectations for prudent practices in this
Legal Risks Overdraft-protection programs must comply with all
applicable federal laws and regulations, some of which are outlined
below. State laws also may be applicable, including usury and criminal
laws, and laws on unfair or deceptive acts or practices. It is important
that institutions have their overdraft-protection programs reviewed
by counsel for compliance with all applicable laws prior to implementation.
Further, although the guidance below outlines federal laws and regulations
as of the date this joint guidance is published, applicable laws and
regulations are subject to amendment. Accordingly, institutions should
monitor applicable laws and regulations for revisions and to ensure
that their overdraft-protection programs are fully compliant.
Federal Trade Commission Act/Advertising
rules. Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act (FTC Act)
prohibits unfair or deceptive acts or practices.
9 The banking agencies enforce this section
pursuant to their authority in section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance
Act, 12 U.S.C. 1818.
10 An act or practice is unfair if it
causes or is likely to cause substantial injury to consumers that
is not reasonably avoidable by consumers themselves and not outweighed
by countervailing benefits to consumers or to competition. An act
or practice is deceptive if, in general, it is a representation, omission,
or practice that is likely to mislead a consumer acting reasonably
under the circumstances, and the representation, omission, or practice
is material.
In addition, the NCUA has promulgated similar rules that
prohibit federally insured credit unions from using advertisements
or other representations that are inaccurate or misrepresent the services
or contracts offered.
11 These regulations are broad enough to prohibit
federally insured credit unions from making any false representations
to the public regarding their deposit accounts.
Overdraft-protection programs may raise issues
under either the FTC Act or, in connection with federally insured
credit unions, the NCUA’s advertising rules, depending upon how the
programs are marketed and implemented. To avoid engaging in deceptive,
inaccurate, misrepresentative, or unfair practices, institutions should
closely review all aspects of their overdraft-protection programs,
especially any materials that inform consumers about the programs.
Truth in Lending Act. The Truth in Lending Act (TILA) and Regulation Z require creditors
to give cost disclosures for extensions of consumer credit.
12 TILA and the regulation apply to creditors that
regularly extend consumer credit that is subject to a finance charge
or is payable by written agreement in more than four installments.
Under Regulation Z, fees for paying overdraft items currently
are not considered finance charges if the institution has not agreed
in writing to pay overdrafts.
14 Even where the institution agrees in writing to
pay overdrafts as part of the deposit account agreement, fees assessed
against a transaction account for overdraft-protection services are
finance charges only to the extent the fees exceed the charges imposed
for paying or returning overdrafts on a similar transaction account
that does not have overdraft protection.
Some financial institutions also offer overdraft-repayment
loans to consumers who are unable to repay their overdrafts and bring
their accounts to a positive balance within a specified time period.
15 These closed-end loans will trigger
Regulation Z disclosures, for example, if the loan is payable by written
agreement in more than four installments. Regulation Z will also be
triggered where such closed-end loans are subject to a finance charge.
16 Equal Credit Opportunity Act. Under the
Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) and Regulation B, creditors are
prohibited from discriminating against an applicant on a prohibited
basis in any aspect of a credit transaction.
17 This prohibition
applies to overdraft-protection programs. Thus, steering or targeting
certain consumers on a prohibited basis for overdraft-protection programs
while offering other consumers overdraft lines of credit or other
more favorable credit products or overdraft services, will raise concerns
under the ECOA.
In addition to the general prohibition against discrimination,
the ECOA and Regulation B contain specific rules concerning procedures
and notices for credit denials and other adverse action. Regulation
B defines the term
adverse action, and generally requires a
creditor who takes adverse action to send a notice to the consumer
providing, among other things, the reasons for the adverse action.
18 Some actions taken
by creditors under overdraft-protection programs might constitute
adverse action but would not require notice to the consumer if the
credit is deemed to be
incidental credit as defined in Regulation
B. Incidental credit includes consumer credit that is not subject
to a finance charge, is not payable by agreement in more than four
installments, and is not made pursuant to the terms of a credit card
19 Overdraft-protection programs
that are not covered by TILA would generally qualify as incidental
credit under Regulation B.
Truth in Savings Act. Under the Truth in Savings Act (TISA),
deposit account disclosures must include the amount of any fee that
may be imposed in connection with the account and the conditions under
which the fee may be imposed.
20 In addition, institutions must give advance notice to affected consumers
of any change in a term that was required to be disclosed if the change
may reduce the annual percentage yield or adversely affect the consumer.
When overdraft-protection services are added to an existing
deposit account, advance notice to the account holder may be required,
for example, if the fee for the service exceeds the fee for accounts
that do not have the service.
21 In addition, TISA prohibits
institutions from making any advertisement, announcement, or solicitation
relating to a deposit account that is inaccurate or misleading or
that misrepresents their deposit contracts.
Since these automated and marketed overdraft-protection
programs did not exist when most of the implementing regulations were
issued, the regulations may be reevaluated.
Electronic Fund Transfer Act. The Electronic
Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) and Regulation E require an institution to
provide consumers with account-opening disclosures and to send a periodic
statement for each monthly cycle in which an electronic fund transfer
(EFT) has occurred and at least quarterly if no transfer has occurred.
22 If, under an overdraft-protection program,
a consumer could overdraw an account by means of an ATM withdrawal
or POS debit card transaction, both are EFTs subject to EFTA and Regulation
E. As such, periodic statements must be readily understandable and
accurate regarding debits made, current balances, and fees charged.
Terminal receipts also must be readily understandable and accurate
regarding the amount of the transfer. Moreover, readily understandable
and accurate statements and receipts will help reduce the number of
alleged errors that the institution must investigate under Regulation
E, which can be time-consuming and costly to institutions.
Best Practices Clear disclosures and explanations to consumers of the operation,
costs, and limitations of an overdraft-protection program and appropriate
management oversight of the program are fundamental to enabling responsible
use of overdraft protection. Such disclosures and oversight can also
minimize potential consumer confusion and complaints, foster good
customer relations, and reduce credit, legal, and other potential
risks to the institution. Institutions that establish overdraft-protection
programs should, as applicable, take into consideration the following
best practices, many of which have been recommended or implemented
by financial institutions and others, as well as practices that may
otherwise be required by applicable law. While the agencies are concerned
about promoted overdraft-protection programs, the best practices may
also be useful for other methods of covering overdrafts. These best
practices currently observed in or recommended by the industry include
the following.
Marketing and
Communications with Consumers
- Avoid promoting poor account management. Institutions
should not market the program in a manner that encourages routine
or intentional overdrafts. Institutions should instead present the
program as a customer service that may cover inadvertent consumer
- Fairly represent overdraft-protection programs
and alternatives. When informing consumers about an overdraft-protection
program, inform consumers generally of other overdraft services and
credit products, if any, that are available at the institution and
how the terms, including fees, for these services and products differ.
Identify for consumers the consequences of extensively using the overdraft-protection
- Train staff to explain program features and other
choices. Train customer-service or consumer-complaint-processing
staff to explain their overdraft-protection program’s features, costs,
and terms, including how to opt out of the service. Staff also should
be able to explain other available overdraft products offered by the
institution and how consumers may qualify for them.
- Clearly explain discretionary nature of program. If payment of an overdraft is discretionary, make this clear. Institutions
should not represent that the payment of overdrafts is guaranteed
or ensured if the institution retains discretion not to pay an overdraft.
- Distinguish overdraft-protection services from
“free” account features. Institutions should not promote “free”
accounts and overdraft-protection programs in the same advertisement
in a manner that suggests the overdraft-protection program is free
of charges.
- Clearly disclose program fees. In communications
about overdraft-protection programs, clearly disclose the dollar amount
of the fee for each overdraft and any interest rate or other fees
that may apply. For example, rather than merely stating that the institution’s
standard NSF fee will apply, institutions should restate the dollar
amount of any applicable fee or interest charge.
- Clarify that fees count against the disclosed overdraft-protection
dollar limit. Consumers should be alerted that the fees charged
for covering overdrafts, as well as the amount of the overdraft item,
will be subtracted from any overdraft-protection limit disclosed.
- Demonstrate when multiple fees will be charged. If promoting an overdraft-protection program, clearly disclose,
where applicable, that more than one overdraft fee may be charged
against the account per day, depending on the number of checks presented
on, and other withdrawals made from, the consumer’s account.
- Explain impact of transaction clearing policies. Clearly explain to consumers that transactions may not be processed
in the order in which they occurred, and that the order in which transactions
are received by the institution and processed can affect the total
amount of overdraft fees incurred by the consumer.
- Illustrate the type of transactions covered. Clearly disclose that overdraft fees may be imposed on transactions
such as ATM withdrawals, debit card transactions, preauthorized automatic
debits, telephone-initiated transfers, or other electronic transfers,
if applicable, to avoid implying that check transactions are the only
transactions covered.
Program Features and Operation
- Provide election or opt-out-of service. Obtain
affirmative consent of consumers to receive overdraft protection.
Alternatively, where overdraft protection is automatically provided,
permit consumers to opt out of the overdraft program and provide a
clear consumer disclosure of this option.
- Alert consumers before a transaction triggers any
fees. When consumers attempt to withdraw or transfer funds made
available through an overdraft-protection program, provide a specific
consumer notice, where feasible, that completing the withdrawal may
trigger the overdraft fees (for example, it presently may be feasible
at a branch teller window). This notice should be presented in a manner
that permits consumers to cancel the attempted withdrawal or transfer
after receiving the notice. If this is not feasible, then post notices
(e.g., on proprietary ATMs) explaining that transactions may be approved
that overdraw the account and fees may be incurred. Institutions should
consider making access to the overdraft-protection program unavailable
through means other than check transactions, if feasible.
- Prominently distinguish balances from overdraft-protection
funds availability. When disclosing a single balance for an account
by any means, institutions should not include overdraft-protection
funds in that account balance. The disclosure should instead represent
the consumer’s own funds available without the overdraft-protection
funds included. If more than one balance is provided, separately (and
prominently) identify the balance without the inclusion of overdraft
- Promptly notify consumers of overdraft-protection
program usage each time used. Promptly notify consumers when overdraft
protection has been accessed, for example, by sending a notice to
consumers the day the overdraft-protection program has been accessed.
The notification should identify the date of the transaction, the
type of transaction, the overdraft amount, the fee associated with
the overdraft, the amount necessary to return the account to a positive
balance, the amount of time consumers have to return their accounts
to a positive balance, and the consequences of not returning the account
to a positive balance within the given time frame. Notify consumers
if the institution terminates or suspends the consumer’s access to
the service, for example, if the consumer is no longer
in good standing.
- Consider daily limits on the consumer’s costs. Consider imposing a cap on consumers’ potential daily costs from
the overdraft program. For example, consider limiting daily costs
from the program by providing a numerical limit on the total overdraft
transactions that will be subject to a fee per day or by providing
a dollar limit on the total fees that will be imposed per day.
- Monitor overdraft-protection program usage. Monitor excessive consumer usage, which may indicate a need for
alternative credit arrangements or other services, and inform consumers
of these available options.
- Fairly report program usage. Institutions
should not report negative information to consumer reporting agencies
when the overdrafts are paid under the terms of overdraft-protection
programs that have been promoted by the institutions.
Interagency guidance of Feb. 24, 2005 (SR-05-03).