For each calendar year, a financial
institution must report data on its orginations and purchases of home-purchase
and home-improvement loans. It must also provide data on loan applications
that did not result in originations: loan denials, withdrawn applications,
applications that are approved but not accepted, and application files
that are closed for incompleteness.
Regulation C defines a home-purchase loan as a loan secured
by a dwelling (both one- to four-family and multifamily) and made
for the purpose of purchasing that, or another, dwelling. A home-improvement
loan is defined as one that will be used for repairing, rehabilitating,
or remodeling a dwelling, and that is classified by the institution
as a home improvement loan. Home-improvement loans may be secured or
Institutions must report the application date, the action
taken on the loan, and the date action was taken. They must also identify
the type (conventional or government-insured), purpose (home purchase,
home improvement, refinancing, multifamily), amount, and owner-occupancy
status of the loan.
The MSA number, state and county codes, and the census-tract
number of the location of the property must be reported if the property
is in an MSA in which the institution has a home or branch office.
Certain depository institutions must provide this data for all loans,
even for those loans located outside any MSA.
Institutions must also report the race or national origin,
the sex, and the annual income of applicants for loans originated
or applied for, but not for loans purchased. If an institution originates
or purchases a loan and then sells it in the same calendar year, it
must report the type of entity that purchased the loan.