Account number:
Date of deposit:
We are delaying the availability of $(amount being
held) from this deposit. These funds will be available on the
(number) business day after the day of your deposit.
We are taking this action because:
- A check you deposited was previously returned unpaid.
- You have overdrawn your account repeatedly in the
last six months.
- The checks you deposited on this day exceed $5,000.
- An emergency, such as failure of computer or communications
equipment, has occurred.
- We believe a check you deposited will not be paid
for the following reasons:[*]
[*If you did not receive this notice at the time
you made the deposit and the check you deposited is paid, we will
refund to you any fees for overdrafts or returned checks that result
solely from the additional delay that we are imposing. To obtain a
refund of such fees, (description of procedure for obtaining refund).]