Account number:
Date of deposit:
We are delaying the availability of the funds you deposited
by the following check: (description of check, such
as amount and drawer)
These funds will be available on the (number) business
day after the day of your deposit. The reason for the delay is explained
- We received notice that the check is being returned
- We have confidential information that indicates that
the check may not be paid.
- The check is drawn on an account with repeated overdrafts.
- We are unable to verify the indorsement of a joint
- Some information on the check is not consistent with
other information on the check.
- There are erasures or other apparent alterations on
the check.
- The routing number of the paying bank is not a current
routing number.
- The check is postdated or has a stale date.
- Information from the paying bank indicates that the
check may not be paid.
- We have been notified that the check has been lost
or damaged in collection.
- Other:
[If you did not receive this notice at the time you made
the deposit and the check you deposited is paid, we will refund to
you any fees for overdrafts or returned checks that result solely
from the additional delay that we are imposing. To obtain a refund
of such fees, (description of procedure for obtaining refund).]