Risk Measurement
Systems Infrastructure
Risk Management
Counterparty Limits
Margin Policies and
Validation of Models
and Systems
Close-out Policies
and Practices
Managing Central
Counterparty Exposures
Legal and Operational
Risk Management
Counterparty Credit Risk ManagementI. Introduction This guidance discusses critical aspects of effective
management of counterparty credit risk (CCR), and sets forth sound
practices and supervisory expectations for an effective CCR management
framework. CCR is the risk that the counterparty to a transaction
could default or deteriorate in creditworthiness before the final
settlement of a transaction’s cash flows. Unlike the credit risk for
a loan, when only the lending banking organization
1 faces the risk of loss, CCR
creates a bilateral risk of loss because the market value of a transaction
can be positive or negative to either counterparty. The future market
value of the exposure and the counterparty’s credit quality are uncertain
and may vary over time as underlying market factors change. The guidance
is intended for use by banking organizations, especially those with
large derivatives portfolios, in setting their risk management practices,
as well as by supervisors as they assess and examine such institutions’
management of CCR. For other banking organizations without large derivatives
portfolios, risk managers and supervisors should apply this guidance
as appropriate, given the size, nature, and complexity of the CCR
risk profile of the banking organization.
CCR is a multidimensional form of risk, affected by both
the exposure to a counterparty and the credit quality of the counterparty,
both of which are sensitive to market-induced changes. It is also
affected by the interaction of these risks, for example the correlation
2 between
an exposure and the credit spread of the counterparty, or the correlation
of exposures among the banking organization’s counterparties. Constructing
an effective CCR management framework requires a combination of risk
management techniques from the credit, market, and operational risk
CCR management techniques have evolved rapidly over the
last decade, along with increased complexity of derivative instruments
under management. Banking organizations substantially improved their
risk management practices during this time; however, in
some cases, implementation of sound practices has been uneven across
business lines and counterparty types. Further, the financial crisis
of 2007-2009 revealed weaknesses in CCR management at many banking
organizations, such as shortcomings in the timeliness and accuracy
of exposure aggregation capabilities and inadequate measurement of
correlation risks. The crisis also highlighted deficiencies in the
ability of banking organizations to monitor and manage counterparty
exposure limits and concentration risks, ranging from poor selection
of CCR metrics to inadequate system infrastructure.
To address these weaknesses, this guidance
reinforces sound governance of CCR management practices, through prudent
board and senior management oversight, management reporting, and risk
management functions. The guidance discusses relevant topics in risk
measurement, including metrics, exposure aggregation and concentration
management, stress testing, and associated characteristics of adequate
systems infrastructure. It also covers risk control functions, such
as counterparty limits, margin practices, validating and backtesting
models and systems, managing close-outs,
3 managing central counterparty exposures, and
controlling legal and operational risks arising from derivatives activities.
CCR management guidelines and supervisory expectations
are delineated in various individual and interagency policy statements
and guidance,
4 which remain relevant and applicable. This guidance offers
further explanation and clarification, particularly in light of developments
in CCR management. However, this guidance is not all-inclusive and
banking organizations should reference sound practices for CCR management,
such as those advanced by industry, policymaking, and supervisory
5 II. Governance 1. Board and Senior Management
Responsibilities The board of directors
or a designated board-level committee (board) should clearly articulate
the banking organization’s risk tolerance for CCR, by approving relevant
policies, including a framework for establishing limits on individual
counterparty exposures and concentrations of exposures. Senior management
should establish and implement a comprehensive risk measurement and
management framework consistent with this risk tolerance that provides
for the ongoing monitoring, reporting, and control of CCR exposures.
Senior management should adhere to the board’s established
risk tolerance and establish policies and risk management guidelines
6 At a minimum, policies should outline CCR
management standards that are in conformance with this guidance. More
specifically, they should address the subjects discussed in this document,
such as risk measurement and reporting, risk management tools, and
processes to manage legal and operational risk. Policies should be
detailed and contain a clear escalation process for review and approval
of policy exceptions, especially those pertaining to transaction terms
and limits.
2. Management Reporting Banking organizations
should report counter party exposures to the board and senior
management at a frequency commensurate with the materiality of exposures
and the complexity of transactions. Reporting should include concentration
analysis and CCR stress testing results, to allow for an understanding
of exposures and potential losses under severe market conditions.
Reports should also include an explanation of any measurement weaknesses
or limitations that may influence the accuracy and reliability of
the CCR risk measures.
Senior management should have access to timely, accurate,
and comprehensive CCR reporting metrics, including an assessment of
significant issues related to the risk management aspects discussed
in this guidance. They should review CCR reports at least monthly,
with data that are no more than three weeks old. It is general practice
for institutions to report:
- Total counterparty credit risk aggregated on a firm-wide
basis and at significant legal entities.
- Counterparties with the largest exposures, along with
detail on their exposure amounts.
- Exposures to central counterparties (CCPs).
- Significant concentrations, as outlined in this guidance.
- Exposures to weak or problem counterparties.
- Growth in exposures over time. As a sound practice,
metrics should capture quarterly or monthly changes, supplemented
(where relevant) by year-over-year trend data.
- Exposures from over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives.
When they are material, additional product class break-outs (for example,
traditional lending, securities lending) should be included.
- A sufficiently comprehensive range of CCR metrics,
as discussed in the CCR metrics section.
- A qualitative discussion of key risk drivers of exposures
or conditions or factors that would fundamentally change the risk
profile of CCR. An example would be assessment of changes in credit
underwriting terms and whether they remain prudent.
3. Risk
Management Function and Internal Audit A banking organization’s board and senior management should clearly
delineate the respective roles of business lines versus risk management,
both in terms of initiating transactions that have CCR, and of ongoing
CCR management. The board and senior management should ensure that
the risk management functions have adequate resources, are fully independent
from CCR related trading operations (in both activity and reporting),
and have sufficient authority to enforce policies and to escalate
issues to senior management and the board (independent of the business
The board should direct internal audit to regularly assess
the adequacy of the CCR management framework as part of the regular
audit plan. Such assessments should include credit line approval processes,
credit ratings, and credit monitoring. Such an assessment should opine
on the adequacy of the CCR infrastructure and processes, drawing where
appropriate from individual business line reviews or other internal
and external audit work. Please see the relevant section of this guidance
regarding the role of CCR model validation or review. The board should
review annual reports from internal audit and model validation or
review, assessing the findings and confirming that management has
taken appropriate corrective actions.
III. Risk Measurement 1. CCR Metrics Given the complexity of CCR exposures (particularly
regarding OTC derivatives), banking organizations should employ a
range of risk measurement metrics to promote a comprehensive understanding
of CCR and how it changes in varying environments. Metrics should
be commensurate with the size, complexity, liquidity, and risk profile
of the CCR portfolio. Banking organizations typically rely on certain
metrics as a primary means of monitoring, with secondary
metrics used to create a more robust view of CCR exposures. Banking
organizations should apply these metrics to single counterparty exposures,
groups of counterparties (for example, by internal rating, industry,
geographical region), and the consolidated CCR portfolio. Banking
organizations should assess their largest exposures, for instance
their top 20 exposures, using each primary metric.
Major dealers and large, sophisticated banking
organizations with substantial CCR exposure should measure and assess:
- Current exposure (both gross and net of collateral).
- Forward-looking exposure (that is, potential exposure).
- Stressed exposure (broken out by market risk factors,
and/or by scenario).
- Aggregate and stressed credit valuation adjustment
(CVA) as well as CVA factor sensitivities.
- Additional relevant risk measures, such as (for credit
derivatives) jump-to-default risk on the reference obligor, and economic
capital usage.
- The largest exposures by individual business line
and product types.
- Correlation risks, such as wrong-way risk, as well
as the credit quality of collateral.
Refer to Appendix A for definitions of basic
metrics and descriptions of their purposes.
2. Aggregation of Exposures Banking organizations should have the
capacity to measure their exposure at various levels of aggregation
(for example, by business line, legal entity, or consolidated by industry).
Systems should be sufficiently flexible to allow for timely aggregation
of all CCR exposures (that is, OTC derivatives, securities financing
transactions (SFTs), and other pre-settlement exposures), as well
as aggregation of other forms of credit risk to the same counterparty
(for example, loans, bonds, and other credit risks). The following
are sound CCR aggregation principles:
- Counterparty-level current exposure and potential
exposure should be calculated daily, based on the previous day’s position
data and any exchange of collateral.
- For each organizational level of aggregation, all
trades should be included.
- There should be sufficient flexibility to aggregate
exposure at varying levels of granularity, including industries, regions,
families of products (for example, OTC derivatives, SFTs), or other
groupings to identify concentrations.
- While banking organizations are not required to express
all forms of risk in a common metric or basis, management should be
able to view the various forms of exposures to a given counterparty
in a single report and/or system. Specifically, this could include
current outstanding exposure across different categories (e.g., current
exposure for OTC derivatives and drawn-down lines of commitment for
loans). Exposure reports should also include the size of settlement
and clearing lines.
- Banking organizations should be consistent in their
choice of currency and exchange rate, and take into account the validity
and legal enforceability of any netting agreements they may have with
a counterparty.
- Management should understand the specific approach
used to aggregate exposures for any given risk measure, in order to
properly assess the results. For instance, some measures of risk (such
as current exposure) may be readily added together, while others (such
as potential exposure) are less meaningful when they are added to
form an aggregate view of risk.
- Internal capital adequacy models should incorporate
3. Concentrations Concentrated exposures are a significant
concern, as CCR can contribute to sudden increases in credit exposure,
which in turn can result in unexpectedly large losses in the event
of counterparty default. Accordingly, banking organizations should
have enterprise-wide processes to effectively identify, measure, monitor, and control concentrated exposures on both a legal entity and
enterprise-wide basis.
Concentrations should be identified using both quantitative
and qualitative means. An exposure or group of related exposures (for
example, firms in the same industry), should be considered a concentration
in the following circumstances: exposures (individually or collectively)
exceed risk tolerance levels established to ensure appropriate diversification;
deterioration of the exposure could result in material loss; or deterioration
could result in circumstances that are detrimental to the banking
organization’s reputation. All credit exposures should be considered
as part of concentration management, including loans, OTC derivatives,
names in bespoke and index CDO credit tranches, securities settlements,
and money market transactions such as fed funds sold. Total credit
exposures should include the size of settlement and clearing lines,
or other committed lines.
CCR concentration management should identify, quantify,
and monitor:
- Individual counterparties with large potential exposures,
when those exposures are driven by a single market factor or transaction
type. In these circumstances, banking organizations should supplement
statistical measures of potential exposure with other measures, such
as stress tests, that identify such concentrations and provide an
alternative view of risks associated with close-outs.
- Concentrations of exposures to individual legal entities,
as well as concentrations across affiliated legal entities at the
parent entity level, or in the aggregate for all related entities.
- Concentrations of exposures to industries or other
obligor groupings.
- Concentrations of exposures to geographic regions
or country-specific groupings sensitive to similar macroeconomic shocks.
- Concentrations across counterparties when potential
exposure is driven by the same or similar risk factors. For both derivatives
and SFTs, banking organizations should understand the risks associated
with crowded trades,7 where close-out
risk may be heightened under stressed market conditions.
- Collateral concentrations, including both risk concentrations
with a single counterparty, and risks associated with portfolios of
counterparties. Banking organizations should consider concentrations
of non-cash collateral for all product lines covered by collateral
agreements;8 including collateral that covers a single counterparty
exposure and portfolios of counterparties.9
- Collateral concentrations involving special purpose
entities (SPEs). Collateral concentration risk is particularly important
for SPEs, because the collateral typically represents an SPE’s paying
- Banking organizations should consider the full range
of credit risks in combination with CCR to manage concentration risk,
including; risks from on- and -off-balance-sheet activities, contractual
and non-contractual risks, contingent and non-contingent risks, as
well as underwriting and pipeline risks.
4. Stress
Testing Banking organizations with
significant CCR exposures should maintain a comprehensive stress testing
framework, which is integrated into the banking organization’s CCR
management. The framework should inform the banking organization’s
day-to-day exposure and concentration management, and it should identify
extreme market conditions that could excessively strain the financial
resources of the banking organization. Regularly, but no less than
quarterly, senior management should evaluate stress test results for
evidence of potentially excessive risk, and take risk reduction
strategies as appropriate.
The severity of factor shocks should be consistent with
the purpose of the stress test. When evaluating solvency under stress,
factor shocks should be severe enough to capture historical extreme
market environments and/or extreme but plausible stressed market conditions.
The impact of such shocks on capital resources and earnings should
be evaluated. For day-to-day portfolio monitoring, hedging, and management
of concentrations, banking organizations should also consider scenarios
of lesser severity and higher probability. When conducting stress
testing, risk managers should challenge the strength of assumptions
made about the legal enforceability of netting and the ability to
collect and liquidate collateral.
A sound stress-testing framework should include:
- Measurement of the largest counterparty-level impacts
across portfolios, material concentrations within segments of a portfolio
(such as industries or regions), and relevant portfolio- and counterparty-specific
- Complete trade capture and exposure aggregation across
all forms of trading (not just OTC derivatives) at the counterparty-specific
level, including transactions that fall outside of the main credit
system. The time frame selected for trade capture should be commensurate
with the frequency with which stress tests are conducted.
- Stress tests, at least quarterly, of principal market
risk factors on an individual basis (for example, interest rates,
foreign exchange, equities, credit spreads, and commodity prices)
for all material counterparties. Banking organizations should be aware
that some counterparties may be material on a consolidated basis,
even though they may not be material on an individual legal entity
- Assessment of non-directional risks (for example,
yield curve exposures and basis risks) from multi-factor stress testing
scenarios. Multi-factor stress tests should, at a minimum, aim to
address separate scenarios: severe economic or market events; significant
decrease in broad market liquidity; and the liquidation of a large
financial intermediary of the banking organization, factoring in direct
and indirect consequences.
- Consideration, at least quarterly, of stressed exposures
resulting from the joint movement of exposures and related counterparty
creditworthiness. This should be done at the counterparty-specific
and counterparty-group (for example, industry and region) level, and
in aggregate for the banking organization. When CVA methodologies
are used, banking organizations should ensure that stress testing
sufficiently captures additional losses from potential defaults.10
- Basic stress testing of CVA to assess performance
under adverse scenarios, incorporating any hedging mismatches.
- Concurrent stress testing of exposure and non-cash
collateral for assessing wrong-way risk.
- Identification and assessment of exposure levels
for certain counterparties (for example, sovereigns and municipalities),
above which the banking organization may be concerned about willingness
to pay.
- Integration of CCR stress tests into firm-wide stress
5. Credit
Valuation Adjustments (CVA) CVA refers
to adjustments to transaction valuation to reflect the counterparty’s
credit quality. CVA is the fair value adjustment to reflect CCR in
valuation of derivatives. As such, CVA is the market value of CCR
and provides a market-based framework for understanding and valuing
the counterparty credit risk embedded in derivative contracts. CVA
may include only the adjustment to reflect the counterparty’s credit
quality (a one-sided CVA or just CVA), or it may include an adjustment
to reflect the banking organization’s own credit quality. The latter
is a two-sided CVA, or CVA plus a debt valuation adjustment (DVA).
For the evaluation of the credit risk due to probability of default
of counterparties, a one sided CVA is typically used. For the evaluation
of the value of derivatives transactions with a counterparty or the
market risk of derivatives transactions, a two-sided CVA should be
Although CVA is not a new concept, its importance has
grown over the last few years, partly because of a change in accounting
rules that requires banking organizations to recognize the earnings
impact of changes in CVA.
12 During the 2007-2009 financial crisis,
a large portion of CCR losses were because of CVA losses rather than
actual counterparty defaults.
13 As such, CVA has become more important in risk management,
as a mechanism to value, manage, and make appropriate hedging decisions,
to mitigate banking organizations’ exposure to the mark-to-market
(MTM) impact of CCR.
The following are general standards for CVA measurement
and use of CVA for risk management purposes:
- CVA calculations should include all products and
counterparties, including margined counterparties.
- The method for incorporating counterparty credit quality
into CVA should be reasonable and subject to ongoing evaluation. CVA
should reflect the fair value of the counterparty credit risk for
OTC derivatives, and inputs should be based on current market prices
when possible.
- Credit spreads should be reflected in the calculation
where available, and banking organizations should not overly rely
on non-market-based probability of default estimates when calculating
- Banking organizations should attempt to map credit
quality to name-specific spreads rather than spreads associated with
broad credit categories.
- Any proxy spreads should reasonably capture the idiosyncratic
nature of the counterparty and the liquidity profile.
- The term structure of credit spreads should be reflected
in the CVA calculation.
- The CVA calculation should incorporate counterparty-specific
master netting agreements and margin terms; for example, the CVA calculation
should reflect margin thresholds or minimum transfer amounts stated
in legal documents.
- Banking organizations should identify the correlation
between a counterparty’s credit-worthiness and its exposure to the
counterparty, and seek to incorporate the correlation into their respective
CVA calculation.
Management of CVA CVA management should be consistent with sound risk
management practices for other material mark-to-market risks. These
practices should include the following:
- Business units engaged in trades related to CVA management
should have independent risk management functions overseeing their
- Systems that produce CVA risk metrics should be subject
to the same controls as used for other MTM risks, including independent
validation or review of all risk models, including alternative methodologies.15
- Upon transaction execution, CVA costs should
be allocated to the business unit that originates the transaction.
- As a sound practice, the risk of CVA should be incorporated
into the risk-adjusted return calculation of a given business.
- CVA cost allocation provides incentive for certain
parties to make prudent risk-taking decisions, and motivates risk-takers
to support risk mitigation, such as requiring strong collateral terms.
- Banking organizations should measure sensitivities
to changes in credit and market risk factors to determine the material
drivers of MTM changes. On a regular basis, but no less frequently
than quarterly, banking organizations should ensure that CVA MTM changes
are sufficiently explained by these risk factors (for example, through
profit and loss attribution for sensitivities, and backtesting for
value at risk (VaR)).
- Banking organizations hedging CVA MTM should gauge
the effectiveness of hedges through measurements of basis risk or
other types of mismatches. In this regard, it is particularly important
to capture non-linearities, such as the correlation between market
and credit risk, and other residual risks that may not be fully offset
by hedging.
CVA VaR Banking organizations with material CVA should measure
the risk of associated loss on an ongoing basis. In addition to stress
tests of the CVA, banking organizations may develop VaR models that
include CVA to measure potential losses. While these models are currently
in the early stages of development, they may prove to be effective
tools for risk management purposes. An advantage of CVA VaR over more
traditional CCR risk measures is that it captures the variability
of the CCR exposure, the variability of the counterparty’s credit
spread, and the dependency between them.
Developing VaR models for CVA is significantly more complicated
than developing VaR models for a banking organization’s market risk
positions. In developing a CVA VaR model, a banking organization should
match the percentile and time horizon for the VaR model to those appropriate
for the management of this risk, and include all significant risks
associated with changes in the CVA. For example, banking organizations
may use the same percentile for CVA VaR as they use for market risk
VaR (for example, the 95th or 99th percentile). However, the time
horizon for CVA VaR may need to be longer than for market risk (for
example, one quarter or one year) because of the potentially illiquid
nature of CVA. The following are important considerations in developing
a CVA VaR model:
- All material counterparties covered by CVA valuation
should be included in the VaR model.
- A CVA VaR calculation that keeps the exposure or
the counterparty probability of default static is not adequate. It
will not only omit the dependence between the two variables, but also
the risk arising from the uncertainty of the fixed variable.
- CVA VaR should incorporate all forms of CVA hedging.
Banking organizations and examiners should assess the ability of the
VaR measure to accurately capture the types of hedging used by the
banking organization.
6. Wrong-Way
Risk Wrong-way risk occurs when the
exposure to a particular counterparty is positively correlated with
the probability of default of the counterparty itself. Specific wrong-way
risk arises when the exposure to a particular counterparty is positively
correlated with the probability of default of the counterparty itself
because of the nature of the transactions with the counterparty. General
wrong-way risk arises when the probability of default of counterparties
is positively correlated with general market risk factors. Wrong-way
risk is an important aspect of CCR that has caused major losses at
banking organizations.
Accordingly, a banking organization should have a process
to systematically identify, quantify, and control both specific and
general wrong-way risk across its OTC derivative and
16 To prudently manage
wrong-way risk, banking organizations should:
- Maintain policies that formally articulate tolerance
limits for both specific and general wrong-way risk, an ongoing wrong-way
risk identification process, and the requirements for escalation of
wrong-way risk analysis to senior management.
- Maintain policies for identifying, approving, and
otherwise managing situations when there is a legal connection between
the counterparty and the underlying exposure or the associated collateral.17 Banking organizations should generally avoid such transactions
because of their increased risk.
- Perform wrong-way risk analysis for OTC derivatives,
at least at the industry and regional levels.
- Conduct wrong-way risk analysis for SFTs on broad
asset classes of securities (for example, government bonds, and corporate
IV. Systems Infrastructure
Considerations Banking organizations should
ensure that systems infrastructure keeps up with changes in the size
and complexity of their CCR exposures, and the OTC derivatives market
in general. Systems should capture and measure the risk of transactions
that may be subject to CCR as a fundamental part of the CCR management
Banking organizations should have strong operational processes
across all derivatives markets, consistent with supervisory and industry
18 Management should strive for a single comprehensive CCR exposure
measurement platform.
19 If not currently possible, banking organizations
should minimize the number of system platforms and methodologies,
as well as manual adjustments to exposure calculations. When using
multiple exposure measurement systems, management should ensure that
transactions whose future values are measured by different systems
are aggregated conservatively.
To maintain a systems infrastructure that supports adequate
CCR management, banking organizations should:
Data Integrity and Reconciliation
- Deploy adequate operational resources to support reconciliations
and related analytical and remediation processes.
- Reconcile positions and valuations with counterparties.
- Large counterparties should perform frequent reconciliations
of positions and valuations (daily if appropriate).20
- For smaller portfolios with non-dealer counterparties
where there are infrequent trades, large dealers should ensure the
data integrity of trade and collateral information on a regular (but
not necessarily daily) basis, reconciling their portfolios according
to prevailing industry standards.
- Reconcile exposure data in CCR systems with the official
books and records of the financial institution.
- Maintain controls around obligor names at the point
of trade entry, as well as reviews of warehoused credit data, to ensure
that all exposures to an obligor are captured under the proper name
and can be aggregated accordingly.
- Maintain quality control over transfer of transaction
information between trade capture systems and exposure measurement
- Harmonize netting and collateral data across systems
to ensure accurate collateral calls and reflection of collateral in
all internal systems. Banking organizations should maintain a robust
reconciliation process, to ensure that internal systems have terms
that are consistent with those formally documented in agreements and
credit files.
- Remediate promptly any systems weaknesses that raise
questions about the appropriateness of the limits structure. If there
are a significant number of limit excesses, this may be a symptom
of system weaknesses, which should be identified and promptly remediated.
- Eliminate or minimize backlogs of unconfirmed trades.
Automation and Tracking
- Automate legal and operational information, such
as netting and collateral terms. Banking organizations should be able
to adjust exposure measurements, taking into account the enforceability
of legal agreements.
- Automate processes to track and manage legal documentation,
especially when there is a large volume of legal agreements.
- Increase automation of margin processes21 and continue efforts to expand automation of OTC derivatives post-trade
processing. This should include automation of trade confirmations,
to reduce the lag between trade execution and legal execution.
- Maintain systems that track and monitor changes in
credit terms and have triggers for relevant factors, such as net asset
value, credit rating, and cross-default.
- Maintain default monitoring processes and systems.
Add-Ons For large derivatives market participants, certain trades
may be difficult to capture in exposure measurement systems, and are
therefore modeled outside of the main measurement system(s). The resulting
exposures, commonly referred to as add-ons, are then added to the
portfolio potential exposure measure. In limited cases, the use of
conservative add-on methodologies may be suitable, if the central
system cannot reflect the risk of complex financial products. However,
overreliance on add-on methodologies may distort exposure measures.
To mitigate measurement distortions, banking organizations should:
- Review the use of add-on methodologies at least annually.
Current or planned significant trading activity should trigger efforts
to develop appropriate modeling and systems, prior to or concurrent
with these growth plans.
- Establish growth limits for products with material
activities that continue to rely on add-ons. Once systems are improved
to meet a generally accepted industry standard of trade capture, these
limits can be removed.
V. Risk Management1. Counterparty
Limits Meaningful limits on exposures
are an integral part of a CCR management framework, and these limits
should be formalized in CCR policies and procedures. For limits to
be effective, a banking organization should incorporate these limits
into an exposure monitoring system independent of relevant business
lines. It should perform ongoing monitoring of exposures against such
limits, to ascertain conformance with these limits, and have adequate
risk controls that require action to mitigate limit exceptions. Review
of exceptions should include escalation to a managerial level that
is commensurate with the size of the excess or nature of mitigation
required. A sound limit system should include:
- Establishment and regular review of counterparty limits
by a designated committee. Further, a banking organization should
have a process to escalate limit approvals to higher levels of authority,
depending on the size of counterparty exposures, credit quality, and
- Establishment of potential future exposure limits,
as well as limits based on other metrics. It is a sound practice to
limit the market risk arising through CVA, with a limit on CVA or
CVA VaR. However, such limits do not eliminate the need to limit counterparty
credit exposure with a measure of potential future exposure.
- Individual CCR limits should be based on peak exposures
rather than expected exposures.
- Peak exposures are appropriate for individual counterparty
limit monitoring purposes because they represent the risk tolerance
for exposure to a single counterparty.
- Expected exposure is an appropriate measure for aggregating
exposures across counterparties in a portfolio credit model, or for
use within CVA.
- Consideration of risk factors such as the credit
quality of the counterparty, tenor of the transactions, and the liquidity
of the positions or hedges.
- Sufficiently automated monitoring processes to provide
updated exposure measures at least daily.
- Monitoring of intra-day trading activity for conformance
with exposure limits and exception policies. Such controls and procedures
can include intra-day limit monitoring, trade procedures and systems
that assess a trade’s impact on limit utilization prior to execution,
limit warning triggers at specific utilization levels, and restrictions
by credit risk management on allocation of full limits to the business
2. Margin
Policies and Practices Collateral is
a fundamental CCR mitigant. Indeed, significant stress events have
highlighted the importance of sound margining practices. With this
in mind, banking organizations should ensure that they have adequate
margin and collateral “haircut”
22 guidelines for all
products with CCR.
Accordingly, banking organizations should:
- Maintain CCR policies that address margin practices
and collateral terms, including, but not limited to:
- Processes to establish and periodically review minimum
- Processes to evaluate the volatility and liquidity
of the underlying collateral. Banks should strive to ensure that haircuts
on collateral do not decline during periods of low volatility.
- Controls to mitigate the potential for a weakening
of credit standards from competitive pressure.
- Set guidelines for cross-product margining. Banking
organizations offer cross-product margining arrangements to clients
to reduce required margin amounts. Guidelines to control risks associated
with cross-product margining would include limiting the set of eligible
transactions to liquid exposures, and having procedures to resolve
margin disputes.
- Maintain collateral management policies and procedures
to control, monitor, and report:
- The extent to which collateral agreements expose
a banking organization to collateral risks, such as the volatility
and liquidity of the securities held as collateral.
- Concentrations of less liquid or less marketable collateral
asset classes.
- The risks of re-hypothecation or other reinvestment
of collateral (both cash and noncash) received from counterparties,
including the potential liquidity shortfalls resulting from the re-use
of such collateral.
- The CCR associated with the decision whether to require
posted margin to be segregated. Organizations should perform a legal
analysis concerning the risks of agreeing to allow cash to be commingled with
a counterparty’s own cash and of allowing a counterparty to re-hypothecate
securities pledged as margin.
- Maintain policies and processes for monitoring margin
agreements involving third-party custodians. As with bilateral counterparties,
banking organizations should:
- Identify the location of the account to which collateral
is posted, or from which it is received.
- Obtain periodic account statements or other assurances
that confirm the custodian is holding the collateral in conformance
with the agreement.
- Understand the characteristics of the account where
the collateral is held (for example, whether it is in a segregated
account), and the legal rights of the counterparty or any third-party
custodian regarding this collateral.
3. Validation
of Models and Systems A banking organization
should validate its CCR models initially and on an ongoing basis.
Validation of models should include: an evaluation of the conceptual
soundness and developmental evidence supporting a given model; an
ongoing monitoring process that includes verification of processes
and benchmarking; and an outcomes-analysis process that includes backtesting.
Validation should identify key assumptions and potential limitations,
and it should assess their possible impact on risk metrics. All components
of models should be subject to validation along with their combination
in the CCR system.
Evaluating the conceptual soundness involves assessing
the quality of the design and construction of the CCR models and systems,
including documentation and empirical evidence that supports the theory,
data, and methods used.
Ongoing monitoring confirms that CCR systems continue
to perform as intended. This generally involves process verification,
an assessment of model data integrity and systems operation, and benchmarking
to assess the quality of a given model. Benchmarking is a valuable
diagnostic tool in identifying potential weaknesses. Specifically,
it is the comparison of a banking organization’s CCR model estimates
with those derived using alternative data, methods, or techniques.
Benchmarking can also be applied to particular CCR model components,
such as parameter estimation methods or pricing models. Management
should investigate the source of any differences in output, and determine
whether benchmarking gaps indicate weakness in the banking organization’s
Outcomes analysis compares model outputs to actual results
during a sample period not used in model development. This is generally
accomplished using backtesting. It should be applied to components
of CCR models (for example the risk factor distribution and pricing
model), the risk measures, and projected exposures. While there are
limitations to backtesting, especially for testing the longer time
horizon predictions of a given CCR model, it is an essential component
of model validation. Banking organizations should have a process for
the resolution of observed model deficiencies detected by backtesting.
This should include further investigation to determine the problem,
and appropriate course of action, including changing a given CCR model.
If the validation of CCR models and infrastructure systems
is not performed by staff that is independent from the developers
of the models, then an independent review should be conducted by technically
competent personnel to ensure the adequacy and effectiveness of the
validation. The scope of the independent review should include: validation
procedures for all components, the role of relevant parties, and documentation
of the model and validation processes. This review should document
its results, what action was taken to resolve findings, and its relative
Senior management should be notified of validation and
review results and should take appropriate and timely corrective actions
to address deficiencies. The board should be apprised of summary results,
especially unresolved deficiencies. In support of validation activities,
internal audit should review and test models and systems validation,
and overall systems infrastructure as part of their regular audit
For more details on validation, please see Appendix B.
4. Close-Out
Policies and Practices Banking organizations
should have the ability to effectively manage counterparties in distress,
including execution of a close-out. Policies and procedures outlining
sound practices for managing a close-out should include:
- Requirements for hypothetical close-out simulations
at least once every two years for one of the banking organization’s
most complex counterparties.
- Standards for the speed and accuracy with which the
banking organization can compile comprehensive counterparty exposure
data and net cash outflows. Operational capacity to aggregate exposures
within four hours is a reasonable standard.
- The sequence of critical tasks, and decision-making
responsibilities, needed to execute a close-out.
- Requirements for periodic review of documentation
related to counterparty terminations, and confirmation that appropriate
and current agreements that specify the definition of events of default
and the termination methodology that will be used are in place.
- Banking organizations should take corrective action
if documents are not current, active, and enforceable.
- Management should document their decision to trade
with counterparties that are either unwilling or unable to maintain
appropriate and current documentation.
- Established closeout methodologies that are practical
to implement, particularly with large and potentially illiquid portfolios.
Dealers should consider using the “close-out amount” approach for
early termination upon default in inter-dealer relationships.24
- A requirement that the banking organization transmit
immediate instructions to its appropriate transfer agent(s) to deactivate
collateral transfers, contractual payments, or other automated transfers
contained in “standard settlement instructions” for counterparties
or prime brokers that have defaulted on the contract or for counterparties
or prime brokers that have declared bankruptcy.
VI. Managing Central
Counterparty Exposures A central credit
counterparty (CCP) facilitates trades between counterparties in one
or more financial markets by either guaranteeing trades or novating
contracts, and typically requires all participants to be fully collateralized
on a daily basis. The CCP thus effectively bears most of the counterparty
credit risk in transactions, becoming the buyer for every seller and
the seller to every buyer. Well-regulated and soundly-managed CCPs
can be an important means of reducing bilateral counterparty exposure
in the OTC derivatives market. However, CCPs also concentrate risk
within a single entity. Therefore, it is important that banking organizations
centrally clear through regulated CCPs with sound risk management
processes, and strong financial resources sufficient to meet their
obligations under extreme stress conditions.
To manage CCP exposures, banking organizations should
regularly, but no less frequently than annually, review the individual
CCPs to which they have exposures. This review should include performing
and documenting due diligence on each CCP, applying current supervisory
or industry standards
25 (and any subsequent standards) as a baseline
to assess the CCP’s risk management practices.
- For each CCP, an evaluation of its risk management
framework should at a minimum include membership requirements, guarantee
fund contributions, margining practices, default-sharing
protocols, and limits of liability.
- Banking organizations should also consider the soundness
of the CCP’s policies and procedures, including procedures for handling
the default of a clearing member, obligations at post-default auctions,
and post-default assignment of positions.
- Banking organizations should also maintain compliance
with applicable regulatory requirements, such as ensuring contingent
loss exposure remains within a banking organization’s legal lending
VII. Legal and
Operational Risk Management Banking organizations
should ensure proper control of, and access to, legal documentation
and agreements. In addition, it is important that systems used to
measure CCR incorporate accurate legal terms and provisions. The accessibility
and accuracy of legal terms is particularly critical in close-outs,
when there is limited time to review the collateral and netting agreements.
Accordingly, banking organizations should:
- Have a formal process for negotiating legal agreements.
As a best practice, the process would include approval steps and responsibilities
of applicable departments.
- At least annually, conduct a review of the legal
enforceability of collateral and netting agreements for all relevant
- Maintain policies on when it is acceptable to trade
without a master agreement,26 using metrics such as
trading volume or the counterparty’s risk profile.
- Trading without a master agreement may be acceptable
in cases of minimal volume or when trading in jurisdictions where
master agreements are unenforceable. As applicable, policies should
outline required actions, to undertake and monitor transactions without
an executed master agreement.
- Use commonly recognized dispute resolution procedures.27
- Banking organizations should seek to resolve collateral
disputes within recommended timeframes.
- Senior management should receive reports listing material
and aged disputes, as these pose significant risk.
- Include netting of positions in risk management systems,
only if there is a written legal review (either internally or externally)
that expresses a high level of confidence that netting agreements
are legally enforceable.
- Maintain ongoing participation in both bilateral and
multilateral portfolio compression efforts. Where feasible, banking
organizations are encouraged to elect compression tolerances (such
as post-termination factor sensitivity changes and cash payments)
that allow the widest possible portfolio of trades to be terminated.
- Adopt and implement appropriate novation protocols.28
1. Legal
Risk Arising from Counterparty Appropriateness29 While a counterparty’s ability to
pay should be evaluated when assessing credit risk, credit losses
can also occur when a counterparty is unwilling to pay, which most
commonly occurs when a counterparty questions the appropriateness
of a contract. These types of disputes pose not only risk of a direct
credit loss, but also risk of litigation costs and/or reputational
damage. Banking organizations should maintain policies and procedures
to assess client and deal appropriateness. In addition, banking organizations
- Conduct initial and ongoing due diligence, evaluating
whether a client is able to understand and utilize transactions with
CCR as part of assessing the client’s sophistication, investment objectives,
and financial condition.
- For example, although some clients may be sophisticated
enough to enter into a standardized swap, they may lack the sophistication
to fully analyze the risks of a complex OTC deal.
- Banking organizations should be particularly careful
to assess appropriateness of complex, long-dated, off-market, illiquid,
or other transactions with higher reputational risk.
- Include appropriateness assessments in the new product
approval process. Such assessments should determine the types of counterparties
acceptable for a new product, and what level of counterparty sophistication
is required for any given product.
- Maintain disclosure policies for OTC derivative and
other complex transactions, to ensure that risks are accurately and
completely communicated to counterparties.
- Maintain guidelines for determination of acceptable
counterparties for complex derivatives transactions.
VIII. ConclusionFor relevant banking organizations, CCR management
should be an integral component of the risk management framework.
When considering the applicability of specific guidelines and best
practices set forth in this guidance, a banking organization’s senior
management and supervisors should consider the size and complexity
of its securities and trading activities. Banking organizations should
comprehensively evaluate existing practices against the standards
in this guidance and implement remedial action as appropriate. A banking
organization’s CCR exposure levels and the effectiveness of its CCR
management are important factors for a supervisor to consider when
evaluating a banking organization’s overall management, risk management,
and credit and market risk profile.
Appendix A Glossary This glossary describes commonly used CCR metrics. As discussed above,
banking organizations should employ a suite of metrics commensurate
with the size, complexity, liquidity, and risk profile of the organization’s
CCR portfolio. Major broker-dealer banking organizations should employ
the full range of risk measurement metrics to enable a comprehensive
understanding of CCR and how it changes in varying environments. Banking
organizations of lesser size and complexity should carefully consider
which of these metrics they need to track as part of their exposure
risk management processes. At a minimum, all banking organizations
should calculate current exposure and stress test their CCR exposures.
Definitions marked with an asterisk are from the Bank for International
Exposure Metrics: Current Exposure
Definition: Current exposure is the
larger of zero, or the market value of a transaction or a portfolio
of transactions within a netting set with a counterparty that would
be lost upon the default of the counterparty, assuming no recovery
on the value of those transactions in bankruptcy. Current exposure
is often also called replacement cost. Current exposure may be reported
gross or net of collateral.
Purpose: Allows banking organizations to assess
their CCR exposure at any given time, that is, the amount currently
at risk.
Jump-to-Default (JTD) Exposure
Definition: JTD exposure is the change in the value
of counterparty transactions upon the default of a reference name
in CDS positions.
Purpose: Allows banking organizations to assess
the risk of a sudden, unanticipated default before the market can
Expected Exposure
Definition: Expected exposure is calculated
as average exposure to a counterparty at a date in the future.
Purpose: This is often an intermediate calculation
for expected positive exposure or CVA. It can also be used as
a measure of exposure at a common time in the future.
Expected Positive Exposure (EPE)
Definition: EPE is the weighted average over time
of expected exposures when the weights are the proportion that an
individual expected exposure represents of the entire time interval.*
Purpose: Expected positive exposure is an appropriate
measure of CCR exposure when measured in a portfolio credit risk model.
Peak Exposure
Definition: Peak exposure is a high percentile
(typically 95 percent or 99 percent) of the distribution of exposures
at any particular future date before the maturity date of the longest
transaction in the netting set. A peak exposure value is typically
generated for many future dates up until the longest maturity date
of transactions in the netting set.*
Purpose: Allows banking organizations to estimate
their maximum potential exposure at a specified future date, or over
a given time horizon, with a high level of confidence. For collateralized
counterparties, this metric should be based on a realistic close-out
period, considering both the size and liquidity of the portfolio.
Banking organizations should consider peak potential exposure when
setting counterparty credit limits.
Shortfall Exposure
Definition: Expected shortfall exposure is similar
to peak exposure, but is the expected exposure conditional on the
exposure being greater than some specified peak percentile.
Purpose: For transactions
with very low probability of high exposure, the expected shortfall
accounts for large losses that may be associated with transactions
with high tail risk.
Sensitivity to Market Risk
Definition: Sensitivity to market risk factors,
is the change in exposure because of a given market risk factor change
(for example, DV01).
Purpose: Provides information on the key drivers
of exposure to specific counterparties and on hedging.
Stressed Exposure
Definition: Stressed exposure is a forward-looking
measure of exposure based on pre-defined market factor movements (non-statistically
generated). These can include single-factor market shocks, historical
scenarios, and hypothetical scenarios.
Purpose: Allows banking organizations to consider
their counterparty exposure under a severe or stressed scenario. This
serves as a supplemental view of potential exposure, and provides
banking organizations with additional information on risk drivers.
It is best practice to compare stressed exposure to counterparty credit
CVA Related Metrics: Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA)
Definition: The credit valuation adjustment is
an adjustment to the mid-market valuation (average of the bid and
asked price) of the portfolio of trades with a counterparty. This
adjustment reflects the market value of the credit risk resulting
from any failure to perform on contractual agreements with a counterparty.
This adjustment may reflect the market value of the credit risk of
the counterparty or the market value of the credit risk of both the
banking organization and the counterparty.*
Purpose: CVA is a measure of the market value of
CCR, incorporating both counterparty creditworthiness and the variability
of exposure.
Definition: CVA VaR is a measure of
the variability of the CVA mark-to-market value and is based on the
projected distributions of both exposures and counterparty creditworthiness.
Purpose: Provides banking organizations with an
estimate of the potential CVA mark-to-market loss, at a certain confidence
interval and over a given time horizon.
Factor Sensitivities
Definition: CVA factor sensitivities is the mark-to-market
change in CVA resulting from a given market risk factor change (for
example, CR01).
Purpose: Allows banking organizations to assess
and hedge the market value of the credit or market risks to single
names and portfolios and permits banking organizations to monitor excessive
buildups in counterparty concentrations.
Definition: Stressed CVA is a forward-looking measure
of CVA mark-to-market value based on predefined credit or market factor
movements (non-statistically generated). These can include single
market factor shocks, historical scenarios, and hypothetical scenarios.
Purpose: Serves as an informational tool, and allows
banking organizations to assess the sensitivity of their CVA to a
potential mark-to-market loss under defined scenarios.
Appendix B Detail on Model Validation and Systems Evaluation A banking organization should validate
its CCR models, initially and on an ongoing basis. Validation should
include three components: an evaluation of the conceptual soundness
of relevant models (including developmental evidence); an ongoing
monitoring process that includes verification of processes and benchmarking;
and an outcomes-analysis process that includes backtesting. The validation
should either be independent, or subject to independent review.
Validation is the set of activities designed to give the
greatest possible assurances of CCR models’ accuracy and systems’
integrity. Validation should also identify key assumptions and potential
limitations, and assess their possible impact on risk metrics. CCR
models have several components:
- Statistical models to estimate parameters, including
the volatility of risk factors and their correlations;
- Simulation models to convert those parameters into
future distributions of risk factors;
- Pricing models that estimate value in simulated scenarios;
- Calculations that summarize the simulation results
into various risk metrics.
All components of each model should be subject
to validation, along with analysis of their interaction in the CCR
system. Validation should be performed initially as a model first
goes into production. Ongoing validation is a means of addressing
situations where models have known weaknesses and ensuring that changes
in markets, products, or counterparties do not create new weaknesses.
Senior management should be notified of the validation results and
should take corrective actions in a timely manner when appropriate.
A banking organization’s validation process should be
independent of the CCR model and systems development, implementation,
and operation. Alternately, the validation should be subject to independent
review, whereby the individuals who perform the review are not biased
in their assessment because of involvement in the development, implementation,
or operation of the processes or products. Individuals performing
the reviews should possess the requisite technical skills and expertise
to provide critical analysis, effective challenge, and appropriate
recommendations. The extent of such reviews should be fully documented,
sufficiently thorough to cover all significant model elements, and
include additional testing of models or systems as appropriate. In
addition, reviewers should have the authority to effectively challenge
developers and model users, elevate concerns or findings as necessary,
and either have issues addressed in a prompt and substantial manner
or reject a model for use by the banking organization.
Conceptual Soundness and Developmental Evidence The first component of validation is
evaluating conceptual soundness, which involves assessing the quality
of the design and construction of CCR models. The evaluation of conceptual
soundness includes documentation and empirical evidence supporting
the theory, data, and methods used. The documentation should also
identify key assumptions and potential limitations and assess their
possible impact. A comparison to industry practice should be done
to identify areas where substantial and warranted improvements can
be made. All model components are subject to evaluation, including
simplifying assumptions, parameter calibrations, risk-factor diffusion
processes, pricing models, and risk metrics. Developmental evidence
should be reviewed whenever the banking organization makes material
changes in CCR models. Evaluating conceptual soundness includes independent
evaluation of whether a model is appropriate for its purpose, and
whether all underlying assumptions, limitations, and shortcomings
have been identified and their potential impact assessed.
Ongoing Monitoring, Process Verification,
and Benchmarking The second component
of model validation is ongoing monitoring to confirm that the models
were implemented appropriately and continue to perform as intended.
This involves process verification, an assessment of models, and benchmarking
to assess the quality of the model. Deficiencies uncovered through
these activities should be remediated promptly.
Process verification includes evaluating data
integrity and operational performance of the systems supporting CCR
measurement and reporting. This should be performed on an ongoing
basis and includes:
- The completeness and accuracy of the transaction
and counterparty data flowing through the counterparty exposure systems.
- Reliance on up-to-date reviews of the legal enforceability
of contracts and master netting agreements that govern the use of
netting and collateral in systems measuring net exposures, and the
accuracy of their representations in the banking organization’s systems.
- The integrity of the market data used within the banking
organization’s models, both as current values for risk factors and
as sources for parameter calibrations.
- The operational performance of the banking organization’s
counterparty exposure calculation systems, including the timeliness
of the batch-run calculations, the consistent integration of data
coming from different internal or external sources, and the synchronization
of exposure, collateral management and finance systems.
“Benchmarking” means comparing a banking organization’s
CCR measures with those derived using alternative data, methods, or
techniques. It can also be applied to particular model components,
such as parameter estimation methods or pricing models. It is an important
complement to backtesting and is a valuable diagnostic tool in identifying
potential weaknesses. Differences between the model and the benchmark
do not necessarily indicate that the model is in error because the
benchmark itself is an alternative prediction. It is important that
a banking organization use appropriate benchmarks, or the exercise
will be compromised. As part of the benchmarking exercise, the banking
organization should investigate the source of the differences and
whether the extent of the differences is appropriate.
Outcomes Analysis Including Backtesting The third component of validation is
outcomes analysis, which is the comparison of model outputs to actual
results during a sample period not used in model development. Backtesting
is one form of out-of-sample testing. Backtesting should be applied
to components of a CCR model, for example the risk factor distribution
and pricing model, as well as the risk measures and projected exposures.
Outcomes analysis includes an independent evaluation of the design
and results of backtesting to determine whether all material risk
factors are captured and to assess the accuracy of the diffusion of
risk factors and the projection of exposures. While there are limitations
to backtesting, especially for testing the longer horizon predictions
of a CCR model, banking organizations should incorporate it as an
essential component of model validation.
Typical examples of CCR models that require backtesting
are expected exposure, peak exposure, and CVA VaR models. Backtesting
of models used for measurement of CCR is substantially different than
backtesting VaR models for market risk. Notably, CCR models are applied
to each counterparty facing the banking organization, rather than
an aggregate portfolio. Furthermore, CCR models should
project the distribution over multiple dates and over long time horizons
for each counterparty. These complications make the interpretation
of CCR backtesting results more difficult than that for market risk.
Because backtesting is critical to providing feedback on the accuracy
of CCR models, it is particularly important that banking organizations
exert considerable effort to ensure that backtesting provides effective
feedback on the accuracy of these models.
Key elements of backtesting include the following activities:
- Back-testing programs should be designed to evaluate
the effectiveness of the models for typical counterparties, key risk
factors, key correlations, and pricing models. Backtesting results
should be evaluated for reasonableness as well as for statistical
significance. This may serve as a useful check for programming errors,
or cases in which models have been incorrectly calibrated.
- Backtesting should be performed over different time
horizons. For instance, the inclusion of mean reversion parameters
or similar time varying features of a model can cause a model to perform
adequately over one time horizon, but perform very differently over
a different time horizon. A typical large dealer should, at a minimum,
perform backtesting over one day, one week, two weeks, one month and
every quarter out to a year. Shorter time periods may be appropriate
for transactions under a collateral agreement when variation margin
is exchanged frequently, even daily, or for portfolios that contain
transactions that expire or mature in a short timeframe.
- Backtesting should be conducted on both real counterparty
portfolios and hypothetical portfolios. Backtesting on fixed hypothetical
portfolios provides the opportunity to tailor backtesting portfolios
to identify whether particular risk factors or correlations are modeled
correctly. In addition, the use of hypothetical portfolios is an effective
way to meaningfully test the predictive abilities of the counterparty
exposure models over long time horizons. Banking organizations should
have criteria for their hypothetical portfolios. The use of real counterparty
portfolios evaluates whether the models perform on actual counterparty
exposures, taking into account portfolio changes over time.
It may be appropriate to use back-testing methods
that compare forecast distributions of exposures with actual distributions.
Some CCR measures depend on the whole distribution of future exposures
rather than a single exposure percentile (for example, EE and EPE).
For this reason, sole reliance on backtesting methods that count the
number of times an exposure exceeds a unique percentile threshold
may not be appropriate.
Exception counting remains useful, especially for evaluating
peak or percentile measures of CCR, but these measures will not provide
sufficient insight for expected exposure measures. Hence, banking
organizations should test the entire distribution of future exposure
estimates and not just a single percentile prediction.
Banking organizations should have
policies and procedures in place that describe when back-testing results
will generate an investigation into the source of observed backtesting
deficiencies, and when model changes should be initiated as a result
of backtesting.
Documentation Adequate validation and review are contingent
on complete documentation of all material aspects of CCR models and
systems. This should include all model components and parameter estimation
or calibration processes. Documentation should also include the rationale
for all material assumptions underpinning its chosen analytical frameworks,
including the choice of inputs; distributional assumptions; and weighting
of quantitative and qualitative elements. Any subsequent changes to
these assumptions should also be documented and justified.
The validation or independent review
should be fully documented. Specifically, this would include results,
the scope of work, conclusions and recommendations, and responses to
those recommendations. This includes documentation of each of the
three components of model validation, discussed above. Complete documentation
should be done initially and updated over time to reflect ongoing
changes and model performance. Ability of the validation (or review)
to provide effective challenge should also be documented.
Internal Audit A banking organization should have an internal audit function, independent
of business-line management, which assesses the effectiveness of the
model validation process. This assessment should ensure the following:
proper validation procedures were followed for all components of the
CCR model and infrastructure systems; required independence was maintained
by validators or reviewers; documentation was adequate for the model
and validation processes; and results of validation procedures are
elevated, with timely responses to findings. Internal audit should
also evaluate systems and operations that support CCR. While internal
audit may not have the same level of expertise as quantitative experts
involved in the development and validation of the model, they are
particularly well suited to evaluate process verification procedures.
If any validation or review work is out-sourced, internal audit should
evaluate whether that work meets the standards discussed in this section.
Interagency guidance of June 29, 2011 (SR-11-10).