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Subject Index

Principal Subject Index Headings

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Clearing balance required for Federal Reserve Bank services
Nonmember bank access to services, pricing principles, 1-105; 9-1562; 9-1568
Credit by brokers and dealers, 5-393
Reserve requirements, as deposit for, 2-128
Short sales of securities, 5-693.1
Adjusted—See Credit by brokers and dealers.
Definition as to credit by brokers and dealers, 5-394
Federal Reserve Bank, with
Form and location of reserves, 2-162
Location of reserves, 2-162
Ambiguity, delegated authority to determine in cases of, 8-106.5
Bank acquisitionsSee also Bank holding companies.
Antitrust review, 4-096 et seq.
Application procedure, 8-020 et seq.
Competition, lessening; grounds for disapproval, 1-349
Deposit insurance requirements, 1-344 et seq.
Appeals procedure, 1-347
Grounds for, 1-349
Hearing request, 1-346
Notification of, 1-346
Enforcement and jurisdiction, 1-351.1
Federal banking agency, notification to, 1-344; 1-351
Information to be included, 1-348
Penalties for noncompliance, 1-352 et seq.
Investigations, 1-345.1; 1-351.1
Public comment, 1-345.2
State banking agency notification, 1-345
Emergency acquisitions
Antitrust review, 4-096; 4-096.1
Federal Reserve approval
Delegated authority, 8-108.3; 8-121.6
Expedited, 4-029
Interstate FDIC-assisted, 1-385.2 et seq.
Antitrust review, 4-096.1
Nonemergency, subsequent, 1-385.26
Equity investments, nonvoting, 4-172.1; 4-271.2
Foreign banking organization, by—See Foreign banking organizations, at Investments by.
Foreign person, by, 1-638; 1-639
Interstate, emergency FDIC-assisted—See Emergency acquisitions, this heading.
Banker's acceptances—See Acceptances.
Bank examination
Advances, in connection with, 1-104.1
Advances or discounts, in connection with, 1-104.1
Foreign banks, of—See Foreign banking organizations, at Examination.
Functionally regulated, Federal Reserve Board authority over limited, 1-401.7 et seq.
Insured institutions, 1-384.1
National banks, of—See National banks and affiliates, this heading.
State member banks, of—See State member banks, this heading.
Appeals of material supervisory determinations, 3-1586; 3-1586.1
Auditors, coordination and communication with examiners, 3-1532.2
Audit programs and systems
External, interagency policy statement, 3-1502.51
Internal, outsourcing; interagency policy statement, 3-1502.5
Bank holding companies—See Bank holding companies, at Examinations and inspections by Federal Reserve.
Auditors and examiners, between; policy statement, 3-1532.2
Management and boards of directors, with concerning problems; policy statement, 3-1532
Community reinvestment
Evaluation, written, 6-1253 et seq.
Inclusion on not determinative, 6-1332.1
Publication of by agencies, 6-1237; 6-1332
Small banks, 6-1253.4; 6-1253.41
Consumer compliance rating system, 3-1576
Coordination among agencies, 1-385.03; 1-385.04; 1-385.08
State supervisory authority, 1-385.06 et seq.
Country risk—See Country risk.
Discounts, in connection with, 1-104.1
Edge corporations—See Edge corporations.
Equal employment opportunity evaluation, 3-1527
See also specific type of institution examined, this heading.
Appointment, Federal Reserve Board authority over, 8-108.8
Definition as to crimes and bank protection, 1-452
Restrictions on associations with banking organizations after employment as examiner, 1-385.09; 1-385.091
Senior examiners, 8-575 et seq.
Federal Reserve Banks, examination of by Federal Reserve Board, 1-092; 1-185; 2-239
Federal Reserve Board authority, 1-092
Delegated, 8-108.6
Flood insurance program, compliance with, 1-385.07
Foreign banking, corporations engaged in—See Edge corporations, this heading.
Foreign banks—See Foreign banking organizations, at Examination.
Foreign branches and subsidiaries of U.S. banks, 3-1576.1
Insured, 1-384; 1-384.11
Affiliates of, 4-095
National banks, 1-223
Forms, authority to issue
Consumer and community affairs, related to, 8-109
Securities laws, related to, 8-108.92
Frequency of
Bank holding companies, 3-1531
Insured depository institutions, 1-385.01 et seq.
State member banks, 3-380; 3-1531; 3-1531.1
Information technology, uniform rating system, 3-1576.3
Insured depository institutions, 1-384 et seq.
See also specific type of institution, this heading.
Affiliates, examination of, 1-384.1
Appeals of material supervisory determinations, 3-1586; 3-1586.1
Claim agents, appointment and powers of, 1-384; 1-384.2
Coordination among agencies, 1-385.03; 1-385.04; 1-385.08
Examiners, appointment and powers of, 1-384 et seq.
Foreign banks, insured state branches of, 1-384.11
Frequency of examinations, 1-385.01 et seq.
Oaths, authority to administer, 1-385
Recordkeeping and report requirements for monetary transactions, compliance procedures, 1-383.4
Reports of condition and examination, access to, 1-340
State examinations, adequacy standards, 1-385.05
Subpoenas, authority to issue, 1-385
International operations, rating system, 3-1576.1
Manuals, authority to issue
Consumer and community affairs, 8-109
Securities laws, 8-108.92
Member banks—See also State member banks, this heading.
Examiners, visitatorial powers, 1-184
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, by, 1-384
Federal Reserve Banks, special examination by, 1-183
Federal Reserve Board, by, 1-060
Insured—See Insured depository institutions, this heading.
Reports of, 1-061
Special examinations, 1-061; 1-183
State examiners, by, 1-061
National banks and affiliates, 1-180 et seq.
Powers in examination, 1-181
Reports of examination, waiver, 1-187
Waiver, 1-187
Escheat laws, examination to ensure compliance with, 1-184
Comptroller of the Currency, appointment by, 1-180
Criminal offenses, 1-451; 1-452; 1-456; 1-465; 1-466
Disclosure of information by, as criminal offense, 1-465
Gratuity to examiner, 1-451; 1-452
Loan to examiner, criminal offense, 1-451; 1-452
Salaries, 1-182
Services performed for financial institution for compensation, 1-466
Theft by, 1-456
Visitatorial powers, 1-184
Expenses for examination, 1-181
Assessments to defray, 1-182
Trust departments, 1-186
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, by, 1-384 et seq.
Foreign branches, 1-223
Reports of examination of affiliates, waiver, 1-187
Trust departments, expenses of, 1-186
Unclaimed-property laws, examination for compliance with, 1-184
Waiver of examination or reports, 1-187
Ombudsman, 3-1586.1
Rating systems
Consumer compliance, 3-1576
Information technology, 3-1576.3
International operations, 3-1576.1
Large financial institution, 4-762
Trust activities, uniform interagency system, 3-1576.2
Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System, 3-1575 et seq.
Records on bank examiners maintained by Federal Reserve Board, description, 8-346
Confidentiality, 1-465; 8-259
See also Freedom of information, at Federal Reserve Board information availability rules, Confidential information on supervised financial institutions.
Federal banking supervisory agencies, availability to and by, 1-340
Exchange of among supervisory agencies, 1-016; 6-1771
State examination reports, federal agencies' reliance on, 3-1532.4
Waiver of examination of national bank affiliates, 1-187
Right to Financial Privacy Act, exchange of information among supervisory agencies not a violation of, 6-1771
Safety-and-soundness examinations, resolving differences between bank and examiner, 3-1532.1; 3-1532.3
Securities, appraisal of, uniform agreement on, 3-1501
Special examinations
Federal Reserve Banks, by, 1-183
Federal Reserve Banks, of, 1-185
Foreign branches, of, 1-223
Member banks, of, 1-061
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, by, 1-384
State examinations
Adequacy standards, 1-385.05
Coordination of, 1-385.06 et seq.
Federal agencies' reliance on, 3-1532.4
State member banks, 3-1531 et seq.
Affiliates of, 1-075
Appeals of material supervisory determinations, 3-1586; 3-1586.1
Communicating problems to management and boards of directors, 3-1532
Condition of membership, 1-060
Equal employment opportunity, compliance evaluation, 3-1527
Foreign branches, on-site, 3-720
Frequency, 3-380
Safety-and-soundness examinations, resolving differences, 3-1532.1; 3-1532.3
Theft by bank examiner, 1-456
Trust activities, uniform interagency rating system, 3-1576.2
Trust departments of national banks, expenses of, 1-186
Waiver of examination of national bank affiliates, reports, 1-187
Bank Export Services Act, 3-670.1; 3-670.2
Bank holding companiesSee also Bank Holding Company Act of 1956; Financial holding companies; Holding companies.
Accounting, income tax allocation; policy statement, 4-870 et seq.
Acquisitions by, 4-066 et seq.
Approval by Federal Reserve Board, 4-066 et seq.
Application for, 4-165
Hearings, 4-067
Stay because of antitrust law, 4-096
Time extension, approval authority, 8-121.2; 8-121.3
Bank interests, of—See Bank interests, this heading.
Going concern, of; procedure, 4-638; 8-121.6
Nonbank interests, of—See Nonbanking activities, this heading.
Acquisitions of—See Bank acquisitions.
Activities closely related to banking, 4-046 et seq.; 4-077 et seq.; 4-176 et seq.; 4-315 et seq.
Activities prior to 1970 amendments, 4-176
Aircraft, remarketing for nonaffiliated third parties, 4-318.2
Asset acquisition, 4-175.1
Rhode Island mutual savings bank, 4-315
Asset management, servicing and collection, 4-047.2
Career counseling, 4-049.8; 4-318.11
Check-guaranty services, 4-047.2
Checks, printing and selling, 4-050
Collection agency operation, 4-047.2
Commercial-paper sweep arrangements, 4-318.1
Commercial real estate equity financing, arranging, 4-047.1
Commodities, exchange-traded; transactional services, 4-049.3
Community development—See Community development, this heading.
Courier services, 4-050; 4-180
Credit-bureau activities, 4-047.2
Data processing services—See Data processing, this heading.
Debt in default, acquiring; closely related to banking, 4-047.3
Demand thrift notes, offer of, 4-318
Employee benefits consulting, 4-049.8
Financial advice—See Financial advisers, this heading.
Financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
See also Financial holding companies.
Flood zone–determination services, 4-318.4
Foreign exchange, engaging as principal in, 4-049.5
Futures and forwards, engaging as principal in, 4-049.5
Futures commission merchant, 4-049.3
Gold—See Precious metals, this subheading.
Government obligations, underwriting and dealing in, 4-049.4
Industrial banking, 4-049
Insurance activities—See Insurance, this heading.
Investment advice, 4-049.1; 4-177; 4-297
Securities brokerage, in combination with, 4-049.2
Leasing—See Leasing, this heading.
Loans, making and servicing, 4-047
Related activities, 4-047.1 et seq.
Management consulting, 4-049.7; 4-181
MICR-encoded items, printing and selling, 4-050
Money market instruments, underwriting and dealing in, 4-049.4
New activities, procedures for considering, 4-045.3
Notes, demand thrift; offer, 4-318
Options, engaging as principal in, 4-049.5
Personal property appraisal, 4-047.1
Precious metals
Buying and selling, 4-049.6
Contracts based on, engaging as principal in, 4-049.5
Silver, purchase under repurchase agreement, 4-317
Real estate appraisal, 4-047.1
Relocation of activities, 4-176
Repurchase agreement, purchase of silver under, 4-317
Savings association; owning, controlling, or operating, 4-049
Savings bank, mutual, in Rhode Island; acquisition of assets and liabilities, 4-315
Securities activities—See Securities activities, this heading.
Silver—See Precious metals, this subheading.
Swaps, engaging as principal in, 4-049.5
Thrift institutions, 4-315
Thrift notes, demand; offer, 4-318
Title abstracting, for aircraft, 4-318.5
Training seminars, conducting, 4-318.3
Transfer of activity or subsidiary to subsidiary bank, 4-316
Trust company functions, 4-049
Activities not closely related to banking, 4-194; 4-330 et seq.
Automobile club memberships, sale, 4-333
Credit cards
Accounts linked to deposit accounts, 4-338.1
Supermarket, 4-334
Electronic equipment manufacturing, 4-330
Equity funding, 4-331
Insurance activities—See Insurance, this heading.
Property management, 4-336
Real estate syndication, 4-184; 4-332
Supermarket credit cards, 4-334
Tax-return preparation, 4-335
Advertising department, in-house; servicing exemption, 4-664
Affiliate, definition, 4-003
Affiliated holding companies, joint action by, 4-424
Agreement corporation
Acquiring company, applicable to, 1-239
Bank, exemption from definition of, 4-060
Agricultural organizations, nonbank interest exemptions, 4-031
Annual reports (Form Y-6), 4-016; 4-168
Deadline-extension authority, 8-121.2
Forms, delegated authority to promulgate, 8-108.3
Antitrust law—See Antitrust law.
Applications and notices
Bank assets or shares, acquisition of, 4-018; 4-022 et seq.
See also Bank interests, this heading.
Approval, 4-024; 4-028; 4-165
Approval prior to filing, request for, 4-636
Attorney general, notice to, 4-027
Bank failure, probable; exception to notice and hearing requirements, 4-029
Delegated authority for, 4-026
Disapproval of, 4-067
Emergency—See Bank acquisitions.
Factors considered, 4-022 et seq.; 4-068; 4-252; 4-269
Hearings on, 4-027; 4-029; 4-067
Interstate banking—See Bank interests, this heading.
Notice of, 4-024.1; 4-024.7; 4-026.5 et seq.; 8-021
Public comment, 4-026.6
Reconsideration of action, 4-268
Subsidiary, action causing bank to become, 4-018
Waiting period, 4-029.1
Well-run companies, acquisitions by, 4-024.1 et seq.
Delegated authority—See Federal Reserve Banks and Federal Reserve Board, this heading.
Federal Reserve Board, powers, 4-088
Formation of bank holding companies, 4-018
Notice of, 8-021
One-bank holding companies, 4-029.2 et seq.
Mergers of bank holding companies, 4-018
Notice of, 8-021
Nonbanking activities, 4-038 et seq.; 4-082.6 et seq.
Conditional approval, 4-045.1
Emergency thrift-institution acquisitions, 4-044
Expanding or altering activities, 4-043
Factors considered, 4-045
Hearings, 4-041
Well-run bank holding companies, proposals by, 4-037.1 et seq.
Comments submission and hearings requests, 8-023
General procedures, 8-025 et seq.
Notice requirements, 8-039
Special procedures, 8-028
Personal property, closely related to banking, 4-047.1
Real estate—See Real estate appraisal.
Acquisition, 4-175.1; 4-315
Management, servicing, and collection; closely related to banking, 4-047.2
Pools, sales of interests in; financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Sales to section 20 subsidiary, 4-655.4
Subsidiary depository institutions, requirement to provide assets to; authority, 4-088.1; 4-088.2
Individual shareholders not constituting, 4-420
Preexisting family-owned, company, 4-418
Automobile club membership sales, not closely related to banking, 4-333
Backup lines of credit to, as principal shareholders of correspondent banks; preferential loans, 3-1089.1
Bank control—See Control of depository institution or company; Bank interests, this heading.
Bank, definition, 4-060
Bank engaged in limited activities, 4-358
Commercial lenders, industrial bank affiliated with, 4-359
Commercial loans, 4-352; 4-353; 4-360
Institutions making, 4-363.2
National banks not making, 4-361
Trust company making, 4-355
Demand deposits, trust company not accepting, 4-356
Domestic branches of foreign banks, 4-354
Edge corporation, subsidiaries, 4-351
Industrial banks not considered, 4-060
Commercial lenders, affiliated with, 4-359
Control of, exemption from bank holding company status, 4-082.11
Liquidation, bank in process of, 4-363
Private banks, ownership, 4-350
Savings banks, 4-362; 4-363.1
Mutual, 4-156.1
Thrift institutions, exemptions for; savings banks, 4-363.1
Trust companies, 4-060; 4-357; 4-363.3
Commercial loans, making, 4-355
Demand deposits, not accepting; not considered to be bank, 4-356
Banker's bank, acquisition of 5 percent; family-control exemption, 4-530
Bank failure, probable; exception to notice and hearing requirements, 4-029
Bank interests, 4-018 et seq.; 4-066 et seq.; 4-250 et seq.
See also Applications and notices, this heading.
Additional bank shares, 4-020; 4-254; 4-255
Assets, requirement to provide to subsidiary depository institution, 4-088.1; 4-088.2
Bank acquiring in fiduciary capacity, 4-257
Bank as corporate trustee, acquisition by, 4-264
Chain situations
Factors considered, 4-269
Records, system of, 4-355
Competitive Equality Amendments of 1987, retention under, 4-082.17
Control determinations, transfer prior to, 4-265
Corporate trustee, bank as; acquisition by, 4-264
Corporations managing mutual funds, acquisitions by, 4-270.3
Debts previously contracted, 4-020; 4-258; 4-270.1
Deposit insurance, requirement, 4-815
Divestitures, for effectuation, 4-262
Dividends, 4-171
Emergency acquisitions—See Bank acquisitions.
Equity investments, nonvoting, 4-172.1; 4-270.4 et seq.; 4-270.8; 4-271
Leveraged corporate acquisition fund, 4-271.2
Escrow arrangements, 4-021.2; 4-172
Federal Reserve Board action, untimely request for reconsideration, 4-268
Fiduciary capacity, acquiring in, 4-019; 4-257
Financial resources, consideration of, 4-068
Foreign banking organizations—See Foreign banking organization this heading.
Interstate banking
Age laws, state, 4-069
Antitrust laws, applicability, 4-069.4
Applications and notices, 4-024; 4-069 et seq.
Community reinvestment compliance, 4-069.4
Concentration limits, 4-069.2
Contingency laws, state, 4-069.1
Default, banks in; exception, 4-069.4
Deposit caps, state, 4-069.3
Emergency acquisitions—See Bank acquisitions.
Shell banks, 4-069.1
Subsidiary bank, acquisition by, 4-250
Leveraged corporate acquisition fund, 4-271.2
Majority control, 4-256
Approval for acquisition of additional shares, 4-020
Majority ownership, 4-256; 4-271.4
Less-than-majority interest, 4-261
Managerial resources, consideration of, 4-068
Mergers—See Mergers, this heading.
Minority shareholders, complaints of, 4-267
Money laundering, effectiveness of activities to combat; consideration of, 4-068
Mutual funds, acquisitions by corporations managing, 4-270.3
National charter, conversion of bank from to state charter, 4-263
Nonvoting equity investments—See Equity investments, nonvoting, this subheading.
Notices of bank acquisitions, 4-027; 4-067
State boundaries, 4-069; 4-250
Mergers across, 4-259
State charter, conversion of bank to from national charter, 4-263
Stock splits, 4-171
Subscription rights, exercise, 4-171
Subsidiary banks—See Bank subsidiaries, this heading.
Time extension for opening new bank, 8-121.2
Nonbank subsidiary, to, 4-478
Prior to control determination, 4-265
Trustee, corporate; by bank as, 4-264
Bank Merger Act, transactions subject to; Board approval not required, 4-021; 4-021.1
See also Mergers, this heading.
Bank premises, 4-185; 4-185.1; 4-286; 4-292; 4-336
See also Property management, this heading.
Building and leasing, servicing exemption, 4-665
Bank service corporations, acquisition of nonbank interest, 4-174.1; 4-299; 4-301
Bank subsidiaries—See also Bank interests, this heading.
Acquisition of, 4-018
Agents of certain affiliates, as, 1-398.25; 1-398.26
Assets, requirement that holding company provide to; authority, 4-088.1; 4-088.2
Foreign holding companies, bank subsidiary of; acquisition of bank interests by, 4-270.2
Investments in, deductions from capital, 3-2122
Mergers by—See Mergers, this heading.
Nonbank subsidiaries, transactions with, 4-199
Out-of-state banks, subsidiary banks acquiring, 4-250
Source of strength to, duty of holding company to act as, 4-271.3; 4-878
Authority over certain bank holding companies, 4-088.1; 4-088.2
Transfer of activity or subsidiary, closely related to banking, 4-316
Beneficial ownership, substantial change in; successor corporations, 4-702
Business loan, definition, 4-053.1
Buy-sell agreements, companies, 4-185.5
Capital adequacy, 3-672.26 et seq.
Delegation of authority, 8-108.92
Directives to maintain, 3-672.27; 8-088.1 et seq.; 8-101.1
Functionally regulated subsidiaries and affiliates
Definition, 4-084.4
Federal Reserve Board, authority to impose requirements on limited, 1-401.7; 4-084.2
Internal-ratings-based and advanced measurement approaches, 3-2200 et seq.
Leverage measure, 3-2110 et seq.
Market-risk measure, 3-2301 et seq.
Risk-based measure, 3-2130 et seq.; 4-058.9 et seq.
Section 20 orders, conditions, 4-058.88
Small bank holding company, depository subsidiary of, 4-868
Well capitalized, definition, 4-010.1; 4-065.3
Capital planning, requirements for bank holding companies with average total consolidated assets of $50 billion or more, 4-017.5
Capital surcharge, requirements for bank holding companies identified as global systemically important, 3-2500 et seq.
Career counseling, closely related to banking, 4-049.8; 4-318.11
Cash dividends not fully covered by earnings, policy statement, 4-877
Cease-and-desist proceedings, 4-017
Chain situations, acquisition of bank interest; factors considered, 4-269
Change in bank control—See Control of depository institution or company.
Check-guaranty services, closely related to banking, 4-047.2
Checks, printing and selling, 4-050
Clearing agents, acting as, 4-015.1
Collection agency operation, closely related to banking, 4-047.2
Commercial lenders, industrial bank affiliated with, 4-259
Commercial loans
Arranging, real estate equity financing, 4-047.1
Banks, by, 4-352; 4-353; 4-360
Institutions making, as banks, 4-060; 4-363.2
National banks not making, 4-361
Trust company making, 4-355
Nonbank banks, by, 4-190.5
Commercial paper
Asset-backed; programs, 4-058.913
Subsidiaries to issue, acquisition of nonbank interests, 4-298
Sweep arrangements, closely related to banking, 4-318.1
Commodities, exchange-traded; transactional services, 4-049.3
Commodity Exchange Metal Clearing Association, subsidiary that is member of; servicing exemption, 4-669
Community development
Activity closely related to banking, as, 4-050.3; 4-178
Administration of funds under Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, 4-410
Advisory services, 4-411.2
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, administration of funds, 4-410
Contributions to corporation, 4-411.1
Debt and equity investments, 4-411.2
Housing, low- and moderate-income, 4-411
Low- and moderate-income housing, 4-411
Not-for-profit, community development corporation, contributions to, 4-411.1
Policy statement on, 4-805
Community needs, consideration of; bank acquisitions, 4-023; 4-068
Acting in concert, 4-426.2
Affiliated holding companies, joint action by, 4-424
Individual shareowners not constituting, 4-420
Preexisting family-owned, 4-418
Buy-sell agreements, 4-185.5
Ceasing to be bank holding company, filing irrevocable declaration, 4-166
Common investments, individuals with, 4-425
Consortium bank, 4-419
Corporate and individual owners combined, 4-415
Definition, 4-005; 4-059.5
Employee stock ownership plans, 4-426.1
Family, shareholder; control by common, 4-426
Family-owned association, preexisting, 4-418
Indian tribe as company, 4-422
Individual ownership, 4-416
Association, not constituting, 4-420
Corporate, combined with, 4-415
Liquidating trust, 4-423
Limited; qualified, 4-005
Short-term trust, 4-421
Securities underwriting; ownership of shares in connection with, 4-417
Shareholder family, common; control by, 4-426
Short-term trust partnership, 4-421
Liquidating, 4-423
Partnership, short-term, 4-421
Testamentary, 4-005
Voting, 4-185.5
Compensation, royalties as; acquisition of nonbank interests, 4-305
Competitive effects resulting from mergers, terms defining, 4-850
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, administration of funds; community welfare projects, 4-410
Congress, reports to, 4-085
Consolidations—See Mergers, this heading.
Consortium bank, as company, 4-419
Construction-analysis services, real estate appraisals, 4-651
Consumer finance companies, acquisitions made by; nonbank interest exemption, 4-035
Contracts, financial; policy statement as to, 4-830
Control—See Control of depository institution or company.
Controlling shareholder, definition, 4-009
Convertible securities
Change in bank control, 4-397.2
Debt previously contracted, acquisition of nonbank interests, 4-294
Preferred, control of bank, 4-457
Corporate form, changes in; grandfathered interlocks, 3-840.2
Corporate practices, 4-012 et seq.; 4-169
Corporate trustee, bank acquiring bank interest as, 4-264
Correspondent banks
Bank holding companies as principal shareholders, backup lines of credit as preferential loans, 3-1089.1
Control of banks, 4-460
Loan by to officer, director, or principal shareholder, 3-1018 et seq.; 4-148 et seq.
Courier service, closely related to banking, 4-050; 4-180
Credit-bureau activities, closely related to banking, 4-047.2; 4-338
Credit cards
Accounts linked to deposit accounts, not closely related to banking, 4-338.1
Operations, institution engaging in not considered bank, 4-060
Bank holding company status, exemption from, 4-082.11
Foreign bank, control of, 4-082.21
Supermarket, not closely related to banking, 4-334
Credit union, not considered a bank, 4-060
Employment of convicted individual, 1-398.52
Reporting known or suspected crime, 4-015.2
Customer information, safeguarding, 4-015.4; 4-863
Data processing, 4-050.4; 4-176
Design and assembly, 4-472.1
Home information system pilot program, 4-472
Medical-payments services, 4-472.2
Services for customers of subsidiary banks, servicing exemption, 4-195
Debt-collection services, extension of credit, 4-685
Debt-for-equity conversions, investments abroad through, 3-531 et seq.
Debt obligations, small-denomination, issuance of, 4-867.1
Debt securities—See Securities activities, this heading.
Debts previously contracted
Bank interests, acquisition; bank shares acquired beyond two-year limit, 4-270.1
Convertible securities, acquisition of nonbank interests, 4-294
Default, divestiture period for acquisition of bank interest, 4-258
Divestiture of property acquired in satisfaction of, 4-186.1; 4-258; 8-121.1
Exemption, nonbank interests, 4-033
Management, acquisition through; acquisition of nonbank interests, 4-289
Property management, acquisition of nonbank interests, 4-290
Definition, 4-004; 4-059 et seq.
Bank as sole trustee, 4-440
Exemption under Competitive Equality Amendments of 1987, 4-082.1 et seq.
Delegation of authority, 4-011
Demand deposits
Institution accepting as bank, 4-003
Bank holding company status, exemption, 4-082.11
Trust company not accepting not considered to be bank, 4-356
Demand notes
Sale of, acquisition of nonbank interest, 4-303
Thrift, offering of closely related to banking, 4-318
Deposit accounts linked to credit card accounts, activities not closely related to banking, 4-338.1
Deposit insurance requirements, 4-015; 4-815
Acquisitions, notification concerning, 1-344
Cease-and-desist proceedings against, 1-358
Depository holding company, definition; management official interlocks, 3-777; 3-801
Appointments, prior notice and agency disapproval, 1-399.5 et seq.; 4-055 et seq.
Delegated authority, 8-108.4; 8-121.9
Control of banks, shares held by directors and families, 4-444
Credit secured by company stock, reporting, 4-015.2
Loans to by correspondent bank, 3-1018 et seq.; 4-148 et seq.
Shares held by individuals to qualify for, 4-437
Diversion of bank income, unsound practice, 4-876
Divestiture, 4-475 et seq.
Assets, transfer to nonbank subsidiary, 4-478
Bank Holding Company Act, shares acquired in violation of, 4-475
Bank interest, acquisition to effectuate, 4-262
Bank subsidiaries of thrift institutions, limited exemption for, 4-484
Corporations, two, 4-490
Debt-for-equity conversions, investments made through, 3-532
Debts previously contracted, property acquired in satisfaction of, 4-186.1; 4-258; 8-121.1
Delays in, avoidance, 4-186
Extension of time, 4-186
Authority, 8-121.1
Not permitted, 4-481
Federal Reserve Banks, role, 4-186
Indebtedness, transfer of stock for, 4-477
Indebted transferee, interlock with management, 4-483
Interlocks, 4-482
Directorates with subsidiaries, 4-476
Indebted transferee and management, 4-483
Management officials, 4-480
Reestablishment, request for, 4-485
Less-than-5-percent rule, 4-479
Liabilities, transfer to nonbank subsidiary, 4-478
Nonbanking property
Deadline extension, authority, 8-121.1
Nonbank subsidiary, held by, 4-033
Nonexempt shares, 4-082
Nonbank subsidiary
Securities or assets held by, nonbank interests, 4-033
Transfer of assets and liabilities to, 4-478
Officers, shares transferred to, 4-486
Policy statement concerning, 4-186
Presumptions of control 4-186
Progress reports, 4-186
Real property, 4-491
Section 2(g)(3) determination, 4-489
Spin-offs, pro rata, 4-488
Termination of bank holding company status, 4-492
Thrift institutions, limited exemption for bank subsidiaries of, 4-484
Indebted, interlocking management with, 4-483
Transferors, indebted to, 4-487
Shares transferred to, 4-486
Use of, 4-186
Bank interests, acquisition, 4-171
Cash, not fully covered by earnings, policy statement, 4-877
Small bank holding companies, restrictions, 4-868
Domestic branch of foreign bank, 4-354
Downpayment, minimum; for small bank holding company, 4-868
Edge corporations
Bank, exemption from definition of, 4-060
Subsidiary of Edge corporation, 4-351
Servicing exemption, 4-671
Transactions between bank and nonbank subsidiaries, 4-198
Electronic benefit transfer services, anti-tying restrictions, 4-017.2
Electronic equipment manufacturing, not closely related to banking, 4-330
Employee benefits consulting, closely related to banking, 4-049.7
Employee benefits plan, parent company's; insurance underwriting for, servicing exemption, 4-675
Employee stock ownership plans
Companies, definition, 4-426.1
Funding, not closely related to banking, 4-331
Nonvoting investments
Bank interests—See Bank interests, this heading.
Nonbank interests—See Nonbanking activities, this heading.
Placement of interests; extension of credit, 4-512
Purchase by, 4-453
Purchase or redemption of own, 4-013 et seq.; 8-121.7
Underwriting—See Securities activities, this heading.
Arrangements, as to acquisition of bank interests, 4-172
Securities held in, Board approval not required, 4-021.2
Examinations and inspections by Federal Reserve, 4-016; 4-084.1
Affiliates, functionally regulated; limitation of Federal Reserve Board authority over, 1-401.7 et seq.
Appeals of material supervisory determinations, 3-1586; 3-1586.1
Auditors and examiners, communication and coordination between; policy statement, 3-1532.2
Communicating problems to management and boards of directors, policy statement, 3-1532
Frequency, 3-1531; 3-1531.1
Manuals, forms, and other materials; authority to issue
Consumer and community affairs, 8-109
Securities laws, 8-108.92
Powers of Board, as to, 4-088
Small shell holding companies, risk-focused supervision, 3-1532.5
Executive officer
Control by member of immediate family, 3-1028
Credit secured by company stock, reporting, 4-015.2
Exemptions, nonbank interests, 4-031 et seq.; 4-074 et seq.
Acquisitions not requiring Board approval, 4-033 et seq.
Agricultural organizations, nonbank interests, 4-031
Bank holding company definition, 4-082.1 et seq.
Consumer finance companies, asset acquisitions by, 4-035
Debts previously contracted—See Debts previously contracted, this heading.
Export trading companies, 4-080.1 et seq.
Family-control, 4-031; 4-074; 4-525 et seq.
Banker's bank, acquisition of 5 percent, 4-530
Future interest, 4-529
Merger, nonbanking, 4-528
Multi-tiered holding company, 4-527
Ownership required, 4-526
Scope of exemption, 4-525
Fiduciary investments, 4-033
Five-percent—See Five-percent exemption, this heading.
Foreign activities, reorganization of retained company, 4-560
Grandfather—See Grandfather rights, this heading.
Hardship exemption, 4-031
Company controlling one bank prior to July 1, 1968, 4-081
Horticultural organizations, 4-031
Industrial banks, asset acquisitions by, 4-035
Insurance underwriting for parent company's employee benefits plan; servicing exemption, 4-675
Investment companies, securities of, 4-034
Labor organizations, 4-031; 4-285
Mortgage companies, asset acquisitions by, 4-035
New bank holding companies, activities and securities of, 4-036
Regulation K, securities or activities exempt under, 4-037
Safe deposit business, 4-032.1
Investment companies, of, 4-034
National banks, eligible for investment by; nonbank interests, 4-033
New bank holding companies, 4-036
Subsidiaries, acquisition by; nonbank interests, 4-036
Servicing—See Servicing exemption, this heading.
Thrift institutions, bank subsidiaries of; divestiture, 4-484
Export trading companies, investments in, 3-738
Approval authority, 8-106.3
Exemption, 4-080.1 et seq.
Extensions of credit by—See Loans, this heading.
Family control
Bank interests—See Control of depository institution or company.
Nonbank interest, exemptions—See Exemptions, this heading.
Family-owned association, preexisting; company, 4-418
Family ownership of bank, 4-446
Exemption, 4-526
Family partnership, qualified; definition, 4-065.5
Federal Reserve Banks
Appropriate for certain actions, 4-011
Delegated authority as to bank holding companies, 4-011; 8-121.6 et seq.
Divestiture, role in, 4-186
Financial contracts, notification, 4-830
Federal Reserve Board
Action, untimely request for reconsideration; acquisition of bank interest, 4-268
Antitrust action, as party in, 4-097
Powers as to, 4-088
Request for approval prior to filing, 4-636
Delegation of authority, 4-011; 8-106.2; 8-107.3; 8-108.3; 8-108.4
Examinations and inspections by—See Examinations and inspections by Federal Reserve, this heading.
General Counsel, authority of, 8-107.3
Orders by, 4-083
Judicial review of, 4-093
Party in interest involved in proceedings, 4-145
Penalties, assessment of, 4-091 et seq.
Regulations of, 4-083
Reports required by, 4-084; 8-121.6
Secretary of the Board, authority of, 8-106.2
Fees, excessive or unwarranted; diversion of bank income, 4-876
Fiduciary capacity, bank acquiring bank interest in, 4-257
Fiduciary investments, nonbank interest exemption, 4-033
Financial activities, 4-082.7 et seq.
See also Financial holding companies.
Complementary activities, 4-082.7
Notice procedures for bank holding companies, 4-082.6 et seq.
Notice procedures for financial holding companies, 4-082.73
Financial advisers
Activity closely related to banking, 4-049.1
Financial holding company activity, 4-082.72
Open-end investment company, to, 4-611
Property management, 4-610
Financial contracts, policy statement, 4-830
Financial holding companies—See Financial holding companies.
Financial recordkeeping and reporting, policy statement, 4-830
Financial resources
Bank acquisitions, 4-068
Small bank holding companies, 4-868
Nonbank acquisitions, criteria for statutory approval, 4-082.63
Five-percent exemption
Agreement to vote no more than 5 percent of shares, 4-550
Entire class of securities, ownership of, 4-551; 4-552
Insurance company, acquisition of shares of, 4-189
Investment company shares, indirect ownership, 4-188
Nonbank interest, as, 4-034; 4-187 et seq.
Subsidiary bank, shares owned by, 4-187
Flood zone–determination services, 4-318.4
Foreign activities, 4-064; 4-080
See also Edge corporations, this heading.
Approval authority, 8-106.3
Debt obligations, selling through foreign subsidiary, 3-706
Insurance company, life, 3-767
Management consulting, limits on, 4-625
Pension fund administrator, 3-767
Reorganization of retained company, exemption, 4-560
Foreign banking organizations
See also Foreign banking organizations.
Acquisitions by, of bank interests, 4-018; 4-270.2
Acquisitions of, 4-021.2; 4-052.3
Home country, supervision by, 4-022
U.S. branch or agency, acquisition by well-run company, 4-024.8
Bank, exemption from definition of, 4-060
Capital standards, 4-010.1
Domestic branch of, 4-354
Holding companies
Supervision and regulation, 4-835
Nonbanking activities, 4-167
Foreign exchange services, closely related to banking, 4-049.5
Foreign subsidiaries—See also Foreign activities, this heading.
Annual reports—See Annual reports (Form Y-6), this heading.
Registration—See Registration, this heading.
Functionally regulated subsidiary
Capital requirements; Federal Reserve Board, no authority to impose on, 4-084.2
Definition, 4-084.4
Futures and forwards, engaging as principal in; closely related to banking, 4-049.5
Futures commission merchant
Activity closely related to banking, 4-049.3
Offsetting transactions, internal accounting; bank and affiliated securities subsidiary, 4-655.3
Gold—See Activities closely related to banking, at Precious metals, this heading.
Government obligations, underwriting and dealing in; closely related to banking, 4-049.4
Grandfather rights, 4-037; 4-071
Disposal of qualifying interest, 4-566
Exemption, nonbanking activity, 4-037
Expansion of activities, 4-565
Banks, substantial identity with, 3-840.3
Corporate form, changes in, 3-840.2
Transfer of rights by manager, 3-840; 3-840.1
New acquisitions, loss of exemption through, 4-571
Nonbank banks, activities of, 4-572
Real estate development and leasing, 4-569
Scope, 4-568; 4-570
Subsidiary, sale and purchase of shares of, 4-567
Successor corporations, rights accruing, 4-701
Termination of activity not warranted, determination, 8-121.9
Guarantees by lessees, unconditional, 4-616
Hardship exemption, 4-031
Companies controlling one bank prior to July 1, 1968, 4-081
Horticultural organizations, nonbank interest exemptions, 4-031
Housing, low- and moderate-income; community welfare projects, 4-411
Income diversion, unsound practice, 4-876
Indian tribe as company, 4-422
Industrial banks—See Industrial banks.
Industrial loan companies—See Industrial loan companies.
Information security, safeguarding customer information, 4-015.4; 4-863
Inspections—See Examinations and inspections by Federal Reserve, this heading.
Installment loans, servicing; servicing exemption, 4-661
Installment paper, purchase for subsidiary banks; servicing exemption, 4-192
Insurance, 4-050.1
Agency, acting as; closely related to banking, 4-050.2
Casualty insurance agency, purchase, 4-591.2
Insurance-marketing programs, 4-591.4
IRAs, insurance related to, 4-591.1
Prior approval requirement, 4-591.3
Property insurance agency, purchase, 4-591.2
Restrictions, 4-590
Savings association, insolvent acquired; activities of, 4-082.5
Small towns, in, 4-050.2
Agents or brokers
Financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Licensing, authority over; acquisition of nonbank interest, 4-284
Rates, federal regulation of, 4-591
Casualty insurance
Agency, purchase of by broker or agent, 4-591.2
Financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Combined-balance programs, insurance products as part of, 4-711
Acquisition of shares of; 5 percent exemption, 4-189
Definition, 4-065.6
Savings association, shares of held by; bank holding company status, 4-082.11; 4-082.17
Credit insurance, 4-050.1; 4-600.1
Income from sale, policy statement, 3-1556; 3-1556.1
Deposit insurance—See Deposit insurance, this heading.
Directors' and officers' responsibility coverage and bankers' blanket bond coverage, insurance company formation to provide, 4-338.2
Financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Leases, insurance for benefit of holding company, 4-617
Life insurance
Closely related to banking, 4-184
Credit life insurance, servicing exemption, 4-193
Financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Foreign company and pension fund administrator, 3-767
Marketing programs, agents or brokers, 4-591.4
Nonbank interest, acquisition, authority over licensing of insurance agents, 4-284
Premium funding, not closely related to banking, 4-184
Property insurance agency, purchase by broker or agent, 4-591.2
Rates of agents or brokers, federal regulation, 4-591
Servicing exemption, 4-193
Spouse of debtor, for; not closely related to banking, 4-337
Activity closely related to banking, 4-050.1 et seq.
Activity not closely related to banking, 4-184
Employee benefits plan, parent company's; servicing exemption, 4-675
Mortgages, real estate; investment in, 4-598
Nonbank companies, investment in, 4-600.1
Real estate mortgages, investment in, 4-598
Securities, ownership of shares in connection with; company, 4-417
Insured depository institution
Bank holding companies, banks that are; to be insured, 4-070
Control of
Bank holding company status, 4-082.16; 4-082.17
Change in, 1-344 et seq.
Definition, 4-008
Lead, definition, 4-008; 4-065.4
Merger of, procedure, 4-639.1
Well managed, definition, 4-010.2; 4-065.4
Insured institution
Bank, not considered, 4-060
Definition, 4-065.1
Interlocks, 4-482
Corporate form, changes in, 3-840.2
Substantial identity with banks, 3-840.3
Transfer of rights by manager, 3-840; 3-840.1
Management officials
Depository holding company, 3-777; 3-801
Indebted transferee, interlock with; divestiture, 4-483
Prohibited, 3-855
Retention, divestiture, 4-480
Manufacturing company which is also bank holding company, director as management official, 3-845.2
Reestablishment, request for; divestiture, 4-485
Subsidiaries, with; divestiture, 4-476
International activities—See International banking operations, generally.
Interstate banking—See Bank interests, this heading.
Investing for others, financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Investment advice
Activity closely related to banking, 4-049.1; 4-177; 4-297
Securities brokerage, in combination with, 4-049.2
Agency and advisory activities, combined, 4-177
Financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Mutual fund, providing advice and initial capitalization to, 4-612
Open-end investment company, to, 4-611
Property management, 4-610
Investment banking, financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Investment companies
Nonbank interests, acquisition, 4-296; 4-300
Open-end, investment or financial adviser to, 4-611
Securities of
Advised company, purchasing and selling, 4-177
Indirect ownership; 5 percent exemption, 4-188
Nonbank interest exemption, 4-034
Labor organizations, nonbank interest exemptions, 4-031; 4-285
Land development, not closely related to banking, 4-184
Activity closely related to banking
Aircraft, remarketing, 4-318.2
Personal or real property, 4-048
Advisers, 4-615
Agents, 4-615
Aircraft, remarketing, 4-318.2
Bank premises, servicing exemption, 4-665
Brokers, 4-615
Guarantees by lessees, unconditional, 4-616
Insurance for benefit of holding company, 4-617
Partnerships, 4-618
Servicing exemption, 4-676
Lending—See Loans, this heading.
Less-than-5-percent rule, divestiture, 4-479
Less-than-majority interest, acquisition of bank interest, 4-261
Leveraged buyouts
Advice concerning, providing, 4-049.1
Bank interests, corporate acquisition fund organized and managed by bank, 4-271.2
Liabilities of bank
Nonbank subsidiary, transfer to; divestiture, 4-478
Rhode Island mutual savings bank, of; acquisition as activity closely related to banking, 4-315
Life insurance—See Insurance, this heading.
Limited activities, bank engaged in, 4-358
Liquidating trust, company, 4-423
Bank in process of, acquisition of shares of, 4-363
Mortgage company, subsidiary of; extension of credit, 4-511
Loans, 4-510 et seq.
Backup line of credit to as preferential loan, 3-1089.1
Bank shares as collateral for, 4-452
Commercial loans—See Commercial loans, this heading.
Debt-collection services offered in connection with, 4-685
Default, in; acquisitions of, 4-052.01
Export trading company, loans by holding company invested in, 4-080.2
Federal Reserve Board approval, without, 4-510
Financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Installment, servicing; servicing exemption, 4-661
Making and servicing, closely related to banking, 4-047
Activities related to, 4-047.1 et seq.
Financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Mortgage loans, extension of credit, 4-514
Officers, directors, and principal shareholders, to, 3-1075.1
Overnight, to bank subsidiary, as deposit, 2-325.13
Subsidiary to purchase loans, acquisition of nonbank interest, 4-298
Management consulting
Activity closely related to banking, 4-049.7; 4-181
Activity not closely related to banking, 4-184
Foreign activities, limits on, 4-625
Management officials
Definition, 4-008.1
Interlocks—See Interlocks, this heading.
Managerial resources
Bank acquisitions, 4-068
Small bank holding companies, 4-868
Nonbank acquisitions, criteria for statutory approval, 4-082.63
Well managed—See Well-managed organization, this heading.
Member banks
Loans to officers, directors, and shareholders; executives and directors of inactive subsidiary not considered executive officers, 3-1070
Member bank–securities dealer interlocks
Small-denomination debt obligations, issuance by, 4-867.1
Thrift notes, bank holding company selling, 4-867
Merchant banking activities—See Financial holding companies.
Mergers, 4-018; 4-251; 4-270.9
See also Bank mergers and consolidations.
Antitrust, treatment of transactions as to, 4-098
Applications, acquisition of bank interests, 4-270.7
Approval, Board; not required, 4-021; 4-021.1
Bank holding company formation, 4-253
Change in bank control incident to, reports, 4-803
Competitive effects
Reports on, furnishing, 8-106.2
Terms defining, 4-850
Family-control exemption, nonbanking merger, 4-528
Insured banks, of two; procedure, 4-639.1
Interim company to hold shares, 4-271.1
Nonbanking, family-control exemption, 4-528
Nonbank subsidiaries, wholly owned; procedure, 4-637
Parent holding companies, by; following merger of subsidiary banks, 4-639.2
``Phantom banks,'' acquisition of bank interests, 4-266
Reorganization of banking subsidiaries, transitional adjustments as to reserve requirements, 2-360.13
Savings association and bank subsidiaries, approval authority, 8-106.2
State lines, mergers across by subsidiary banks, 4-259
Subsidiary banks, of
Acquisition of bank interest, 4-259; 4-270
Approval, Board, 4-021; 4-021.1
Family-control exemption, retention of, 4-531
Merger of parent holding companies, followed by, 4-639.2
State lines, across, 4-259
Time extensions, authority to grant, 8-121.2
Vertical mergers of bank holding companies, 4-260
Well-managed depository institutions, of, 4-010.2
MICR-encoded items, printing and selling; closely related to banking, 4-050
Minority shareholders, complaints of; acquisition of bank interest, 4-267
Money exchange and transfer, financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Money laundering, effectiveness of activities to combat; consideration of, 4-068
Money market instruments, underwriting and dealing in; closely related to banking, 4-049.4
Mortgage companies
Acquisition made by, nonbank interest exemption, 4-035
Acquisition of, nonbank interests, 4-287
Activities, extension of credit, 4-513
Liquidation of subsidiary, extension of credit, 4-511
Multi-tiered company, control, 4-436
Nonbank interests, acquisition of, 4-287
Servicing exemption, 4-196
Extension of credit, 4-514
Investment in real estate; underwriting insurance, 4-598
Loan agent and servicer, servicing exemption, 4-663
Multi-tiered holding company, family-control exemption, 4-527
Municipal securities dealers, acting as, 4-015.1
Mutual funds
Acquisition of bank interests by corporations managing, 4-270.3
Investment advisor to, providing initial capitalization, 4-612
Mutual holding company, organization as, 4-070
Mutual savings banks
Banks, defined as, 4-156.1
Rhode Island, in; acquisition of assets and liabilities as activities closely related to banking, 4-315
National banks
Conversion to state charter, 4-263
Not making commercial loans, 4-361
Securities eligible for investment by, nonbank interest exemption, 4-034
Subsidiary, acquisition of nonbank interest through, 4-282
New bank holding companies, securities or activities; nonbank interest exemption, 4-036
Ninety-one-day rule, procedure, 4-639
Nominee, shares held in name of; procedure, 4-635
Nonbank banks—See Nonbank banks.
Nonbanking activities, 4-030 et seq.; 4-071 et seq.; 4-166; 4-280 et seq.
See also Activities closely related to banking; Activities not closely related to banking; and Exemptions, nonbank interests, this heading.
Additional offices to engage in, approval of application to open, 8-121.9
Advisory opinions regarding scope, 4-045.2
Alteration, notice, 4-043
Applications—See Applications and notices, this heading.
Bank premise companies—See also Property management, this subheading.
Building and leasing, servicing exemption, 4-665
Bank service corporations, 4-174.1; 4-299; 4-301
Commercial paper, subsidiary to issue, 4-298
Debt previously contracted, 4-290; 4-294; 4-298
Debt securities, sale of, 4-291; 4-293
Demand notes, sale of, 4-303
De novo activities, exempt, 4-032
Divestiture—See Divestiture, this heading.
Energy properties, royalty interests, 4-305
Notice, 4-043
Without Federal Reserve Board approval, violation, 4-740
Family-owned companies, exemption—See Exemptions, nonbank interests, this heading.
Federal Reserve Bank authority over, 8-121.1; 8-121.6 et seq.
Financial activities—See Financial activities, this heading.
Foreign banking organizations—See Foreign banking organizations.
International operations—See International banking operations, generally.
Investment company, 4-296; 4-300
Loans, subsidiary to purchase, 4-298
Mortgage company, 4-287
National banking subsidiary, acquisition through, 4-282
Nonexempt shares, divestiture, 4-082
Nonvoting equity investments, 4-305.1
Nonvoting stock of reinsurance company, 4-304
Notes, sale of, 4-302; 4-303
Notice procedures—See Applications and notices, this heading.
Pension fund administrator and life insurance company, foreign, 3-767
Percentage ownership, acquisition to maintain, 4-281
Prohibited activities and acquisitions, 4-030
Property management, 4-286; 4-289; 4-290; 4-292
Reinsurance company, nonvoting stock of, 4-304
Royalty interests in energy properties, 4-305
Scope, advisory opinions regarding, 4-045.2
Securities, convertible; debt previously contracted, 4-294
Servicing activities—See Servicing exemption, this heading.
Small business investment companies, 4-173 et seq.; 4-295
State-chartered banks, by, 4-288
Statutory approval, criteria, 4-082.63
Termination of activities, ownership, or control of nonbank subsidiaries constituting serious risk, 4-086; 4-087
Thrift institutions—See Thrift institutions, this heading.
Trustees, shares held by, 4-280
Trust functions, 4-283
Nonbank subsidiaries
Divestiture, transfer of assets and liabilities to, 4-478
Merger, wholly owned; procedure, 4-637
Serious risk, constituting; termination of activities, ownership, or control, 4-086; 4-087
Servicing exemption—See Servicing exemption, this heading.
Transactions with
Bank, by; adversely affecting subsidiaries, 4-199
Edge corporation, by, 4-198
Nonexempt shares, divestiture, 4-082
Nonvoting equity investments
Bank interests—See Bank interests, this heading.
Nonbank interests—See Nonbanking activities, this heading.
Sale of, acquisition of nonbanking activities, 4-302
Demand notes, 4-303
Thrift notes
Demand, offering of closely related to banking, 4-318
Member bank–securities dealer interlocks, 4-867
Notices—See Applications and notices, this heading.
Appointments, prior notice and agency disapproval, 1-399.5 et seq.; 4-055 et seq.
Delegated authority, 8-108.4; 8-121.9
Loans to, 3-1018 et seq.; 3-1075.1; 4-148 et seq.
Senior executive, definition, 4-055.1
Shares transferred to; divestiture, 4-486
One-bank holding companies, formation; notice procedure, 4-029.2 et seq.
Operations and policy, corporate practices, 4-012
Options, engaging as principal in; closely related to banking, 4-049.5
Ordinary course of business, assets acquired in; nonbank interest exemption, 4-034
Organizational costs, servicing exemption, 4-676.1
Out-of-state bank, bank subsidiary acquiring, 4-250
Out-of-state bank holding company, definition as to prohibition against deposit-production offices, 3-171
Outstanding shares, definition, 4-008.1
Parent company
Leverage, reduction as to small bank holding company, 4-868
Transfer of control to, 4-454
Party in interest, 4-145
Penalties for violations, 4-017; 4-090 et seq.
Tie-in arrangements, 4-151 et seq.
Personal property appraisal, closely related to banking, 4-047.1
Persons, definition, 4-008.1
Policy and operations, corporate practices, 4-012
Precious metals—See Activities closely related to banking, this heading.
Preferred stock, control of bank, 4-449; 4-451
Convertible, 4-457
Premises company—See Property management, this heading.
Premises of bank—See Bank premises, this heading.
Privacy of customer information, safeguarding, 4-015.4; 4-863
Application, request for Federal Reserve Board approval prior to filing, 4-636
Going concern, acquisition, 4-638; 8-121.6
Insured banks, of two; procedure, 4-639.1
Parent bank holding companies, by; following merger of subsidiaries, 4-639.2
Wholly owned nonbank subsidiaries, of, 4-637
Ninety-one-day rule, 4-639
Nominee, shares held in name of, 4-635
Property management, 4-286; 4-336
See also Bank premises, this heading.
Debt previously contracted, acquisition of nonbank interests, 4-290
Investment and financial advice, 4-610
Servicing exemption, 4-660; 4-665 et seq.
Proxy solicitation, change in bank control, 4-052.3
Real estate
Appraisals—See Real estate appraisal.
Brokerage, not closely related to banking, 4-184
Definition, 4-053.3
Development, grandfather rights, 4-569
Divestiture, 4-491
Leasing, grandfather rights, 4-569
Mortgages, investment in; underwriting insurance, 4-598
Syndication, not closely related to banking, 4-184; 4-332
Real property, definitions, 4-053.3
Records, financial; policy statement, 4-830
Registration, 4-016; 4-083; 4-168
Filing deadline, extension authority, 8-121
Forms, authority to promulgate, 8-108.3
Regulation K, securities or activities exempt under; nonbank exemption, 4-037
Reinsurance company, nonvoting stock of; acquisition of nonbank interest, 4-304
Religious organization, ownership of shares in connection with underwriting of securities; company, 4-417
Approval, Board; not required, 4-021.11
Foreign-activities exemption, 4-560
Reports, 4-016
Annual—See Annual reports, this heading.
Change in bank control, 4-802
Merger, incident to, 4-803
Congress, to, 4-085
Credit to executive officer or director secured by company stock, 4-015.2
Divestiture, progress reports, 4-186
Failure to make, penalties, 4-092.2 et seq.
Federal Reserve Board, required by, 4-084; 4-168; 8-121.6
Affiliate of depository institution, functionally regulated; limitation of authority over, 1-401.7 et seq.
Financial, policy statement, 4-830
Forms, authority to promulgate, 8-108.3
Securities activities, as to, 4-058.88
Repurchase agreement, purchase of silver under; closely related to banking, 4-317
Reserve requirements
Overnight loans to bank subsidiaries, as deposits, 2-325.13
Reorganization of banking subsidiaries, transitional adjustments, 2-360.13
Royalties as compensation, acquisition of nonbank interests, 4-305
Safe deposit business, nonbank interest exemption, 4-032.1
Savings associations and banks—See Thrift institutions, this heading; Savings associations.
Securities activities
Asset sales to section 20 subsidiary, 4-655.4
Bank or bank holding company securities, acquisition of control, 4-018
Brokerage, closely related to banking, 4-049.2
Discount, 4-655.1
Investment advisory activities, in combination with, 4-049.2; 4-177
Convertible, preferred; control of banks, 4-457
Dealing, financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Debt securities
Acquiring, 4-291; 4-293; 4-411.2
Small-denomination, issuance, 4-867.1
Underwriting—See Underwriting, this subheading.
Equity securities
Acquiring, 4-411.2
Underwriting—See Underwriting, this subheading.
Exchanging, financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Fiduciary capacity, acquisition in, 4-019
Financial activities, considered, 4-082.72
Five-percent exemption, ownership of entire class of securities, 4-551; 4-552
Investment company, advising and selling and purchasing shares of, 4-177
Lending, financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Market making, financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Municipal securities dealers, acting as, 4-015.1
National banks, securities eligible for investment by; nonbank interest exemption, 4-034
Options transactions, section 20 subsidiaries, 4-655.2
Private-placement services; closely related to banking, 4-049.3
Purchase or redemption of own securities, 4-013 et seq.
Adverse comments determined nonsubstantive, review of decision, 8-121.7
Riskless-principal transactions; closely related to banking, 4-049.2
Safeguarding, financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Satisfaction of debts previously contracted, acquisition in, 4-020
Small-denomination debt obligations, issuance, 4-867.1
Strips, proprietary; dealing in, 4-655.5
Acquisition by; nonbank interest exemption, 4-036
Divestiture of securities held by, 4-033
Swap transactions, section 20 subsidiaries, 4-655.2; 4-655.4
Thrift notes—See Thrift notes, this heading.
Transferring, financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Debt and equity securities, 4-655.2 et seq.
Financial holding company activities, 4-082.72
Section 20 subsidiaries, conditions to Board orders, 4-058.88
Shares owned in connection with; definition of ``company,'' 4-417
Voting, definition, 4-010
Servicing exemption, 4-032.1
Advertising department, in-house, 4-664
Bank premises, building and leasing, 4-665
Banks, nonsubsidiary; furnishing services to, 4-194
Commodity Exchange Metal Clearing Association, subsidiary that is member of, 4-669
Data processing services for customers of subsidiary banks, 4-195
Edge Act subsidiaries, 4-671
Employee benefits plan, parent company's; insurance underwriting for, 4-675
Installment-loan servicing, 4-661
Installment paper, purchase for subsidiary banks, 4-192
Insurance, furnishing, 4-193
Insurance underwriting for employee benefits plan, 4-675
Leasing, 4-665; 4-676
Mortgage companies, 4-196
Mortgage loan agent and servicer, 4-663
Nonbank subsidiaries, 4-670; 4-672
Operations subsidiaries, 4-197
Organizational costs, for, 4-676.1
Permissible services, 4-662
Property management, 4-660; 4-666 et seq.
Scope of exemption, 4-674
Subsidiaries, 4-669
Shares held by, that could be held directly, 4-673
Shareholder, principal
Control by member of immediate family, 3-1028
Definition, 4-009
Loans to by correspondent bank, 3-1018 et seq.; 4-148 et seq.
Silver—See Activities closely related to banking, this heading.
Small bank holding companies
Assessment of financial and managerial factors, 4-868
Shell, risk-focused supervision of, 3-1532.5
Source of strength to subsidiary banks, 4-868
Small business investment companies, acquisition of nonbank interests, 4-173; 4-174; 4-175; 4-295
Source of strength to subsidiary banks, duty to act as, 4-271.3; 4-878
Spin-off, pro rata; divestiture, 4-488
State boundaries
Acquisitions, limitation on approval of application for, 4-069
Bank subsidiaries, acquisitions by, 4-250
Mergers across by subsidiary banks, 4-259
State charter, conversion of bank to from national charter; acquisition of bank interest, 4-263
State-chartered banks, acquisition of nonbank interests, 4-288
States' rights, 4-089
Company, as collateral on loan to executive officer or director; reporting, 4-015.2
Splits, acquisition of bank interests, 4-171
Stapling, control of bank, 4-448
Subscription rights, acquisition of bank interests, 4-171
Bank—See Bank subsidiaries, this heading.
Definition, 4-009; 4-061
Financial subsidiary
Investments in, deductions from capital, 3-2122
National bank, of, 4-146
Nonbank—See Nonbank subsidiaries and Nonbanking activities, this heading.
Oversight of, 1-399.3
Source of financial strength, 1-400.85
Successor corporations
Beneficial ownership, substantial change in, 4-702
Definition, 4-059.3; 4-062
Grandfather rights accruing, 4-701
Transferor not bank holding company until after transfer, 4-700
Supermarket credit cards, not closely related to banking, 4-334
Sweep arrangements, commercial-paper; activities closely related to banking, 4-318.1
Income tax allocation, policy statement, 4-870 et seq.
Planning and return preparation, activity not closely related to banking, 4-335
States' rights, 4-089
Ten-percent rule, change in bank control, 4-395
Termination of activities, ownership, or control of nonbank subsidiaries constituting serious risk, 4-086; 4-087
Termination of status as bank holding companies, divestiture, 4-492
Thrift institutions
Activity closely related to banking, 4-315
Bank subsidiaries of, limited exemption for; divestiture, 4-484
Definition, 4-065
Emergency acquisitions, notice and hearing requirement exemptions, 4-044
Savings associations—See Savings associations.
Savings banks as banks, 4-060; 4-362; 4-363.1
Mutual savings banks, 4-156.1
Thrift notes
Demand notes, offering of closely related to banking, 4-318
Member bank–securities dealer interlocks, selling, 4-867
Tie-in arrangements, 3-1017 et seq.; 4-017.1; 4-017.2; 4-147
Affiliates, traditional banking relationships, 4-017.1
Anticompetitive practices, termination of exception, 4-017.2
Bank subsidiaries, between, 4-710
Combined-balance discounts, 4-017.1
Credit extension, conditional, 3-1017; 4-147; 4-150
Electronic benefit transfer services, 4-017.2
Federal laws, actions under unaffected by actions against, 4-162
Foreign transactions, 4-017.1
Injunctions, 4-160
Insurance products, 4-711
Judicial proceedings, 4-157 et seq.
Civil actions by persons injured, 4-159
Minimum balance, combined; discount for, 4-017.1
Nonbank subsidiaries and affiliates, arrangements involving, 4-017.1
Penalties for violations, 4-151 et seq.
Property, lease or sale; conditional, 3-1017; 4-147
Recovery by persons injured by actions involving, 4-159
Restraining orders, 4-157
State laws, actions under unaffected by actions against tie-ins, 4-162
United States, action by, 4-158
Title abstracting, for aircraft; closely related to banking, 4-318.5
Training seminars, conducting, 4-318.3
Transfer agents, acting as, 4-015.1
Transferor not bank holding company until after transfer, 4-700
Troubled condition, definition, 4-055.1
Bank as sole trustee, 4-440
Corporate, bank acquiring bank interest as, 4-264
Over 25 percent held by, control, 4-435
Shares held by
Nonbank interests, 4-280
Shareholders, for benefit of, 4-439
Transfer of shares to, divestiture, 4-486
Activity closely related to banking, 4-049
Bank, as—See Bank, definition, this heading.
Control of bank
Perpetual trust voting less than 25 percent, 4-442
Voting trust, control through, 4-443
Functions to be performed by subsidiary, acquisition of nonbank interest, 4-283
Liquidating, company, 4-423
Perpetual trust voting less than 25 percent, control of bank, 4-442
Short-term, as company, 4-421
Testamentary, exempt from definition of ``company,'' 4-005
Voting trust, 4-185.5
Control of bank through, 4-443
United States
Definition, 4-009
Organization not doing business in, exemption from definition of bank, 4-060
Tie-in arrangements, actions involving, 4-158
Unsound or unsafe practices
Agreement to correct, 8-121.4
Income diversion, 4-876
Subsidiary banks, duty to act as source of strength to, 4-271.2; 4-878
Expanding nonbanking activities without Federal Reserve Board approval, 4-740
Penalties for, 4-017; 4-090
Voting securities, definition, 4-010
Welfare projects, community; as activities closely related to banking, 4-178
Well-managed organization
Bank acquisitions involving, 4-024.1 et seq.
Definition, 4-010.2; 4-065.4
Nonbanking activities, proposals involving, 4-037.1 et seq.
Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, 4-059 et seq.
See also Bank holding companies.
Amendments of 1970, 3-1017 et seq.; 4-146 et seq.
Divestitures pursuant to, shares acquired in violation of act, 4-475
Nonbanking activities, applicability to, 1-571
Continuation, dates permitted, 1-572
Exemption from requirements, 1-573
Foreign banks, 1-571; 3-591
Exemptions under section 4(c)(9), 3-592
Orders to carry out purposes of, Federal Reserve Board authority to issue, 4-083
Regulations implementing, 4-083
Regulation Y, summary, 4-163
Violations, 4-200
Shares acquired as, divestiture, 4-475
Banking Act of 1933, 1-292; 1-309 et seq.
Bank mergers and consolidationsSee also Bank holding companies, at Mergers.
Application procedures, 8-025 et seq.
Notice requirements, 8-021; 8-021.2; 8-039
Certificate of publication of notice, 3-1566
Availability of funds, 9-244; 9-256
Merger transaction, definition, 9-016; 9-049
Capital stock of Federal Reserve Banks, as to; member banks, 3-464; 3-491
Insured depository institution, of; approval authority, 1-387
National and state banks, of; admission as, 1-055
Lessening, grounds for disapproval, 1-390
Reports on, 1-389; 1-391; 1-393; 3-1565; 8-106.2
Review process, frequently asked questions, 3-1568
Disclosure of, 3-1567
Emergency—See also Bank acquisitions, at Emergency acquisitions.
Federal Reserve Bank director interlock affecting ability to act on application, 8-106.2
Insured depository institutions
Approval authority, 1-387
Bank holding company, merger of two bank subsidiaries of, 4-639.1
Interstate transactions, 1-401.5 et seq.
Age laws, state, 1-401.53
Antitrust laws, applicability, 1-401.6
Branches, involving, 1-401.52
Capital adequacy, 1-401.58
Community reinvestment compliance, 1-401.57
Concentration limits, 1-401.55
Default, bank in; exception, 1-401.63
Definition, 1-401.65
Deposit caps, state, 1-401.56
Early, state permitting, 1-401.51
Examination authority, coordination of, 1-385.06 et seq.
Host state, definition, 1-401.65
Managerial adequacy, 1-401.58
Out-of-state bank, definition, 1-401.65
Out-of-state bank holding company, definition, 1-401.65
Resulting bank, definition, 1-401.65
Resulting bank, operations of, 1-401.61
State prohibition of, 1-401.5
Taxation authority, state, 1-401.59
Reserves, transitional adjustments, 2-191
Rules governing, 1-386 et seq.
State banks, insured status as to, 1-337
Interstate—See Insured depository institutions, this heading; also specific type of institution, this heading.
Management standards, 4-010.2
Member banks—See also State member banks, this heading.
Capital stock of Federal Reserve Banks, 3-464; 3-491
Reserve requirement ratios, calculation, 2-305.8
National banks
Approval authority, 1-387
Interstate branching operations, 1-295.1 et seq.
Resulting bank, definition; following consolidation, 1-294
State banks, merger or consolidation with; Federal Reserve System membership, 1-055
Reserves, transitional adjustments, 2-191
Savings associations, mergers with banks, approval authority, 8-106.2
State banks
Deposit insurance status resulting from, 1-337
National banks, merger or consolidation with; Federal Reserve System membership, 1-055
State member banks
Application for, notice of, 8-021.2
National bank, merger or consolidation with; Federal Reserve System membership, 1-055
Bank notesSee also Federal Reserve notes; National bank notes.
Unauthorized circulation as criminal offense, 1-462
Bank premisesSee also Bank holding companies, at Bank premises.
Affiliate–member bank relations, company holing bank's premises not affiliate, 3-1115
International banking, holding permissible in connection with, 3-543
National bank investment in, 1-216
State member bank investment in, 1-216; 3-201; 3-1560; 3-1561
In excess of capital stock; approval authority, 8-108.8; 8-121.95
In excess of limitation for national banks, 3-1563
Bank Protection Act, 1-472 et seq.
See also Security devices and procedures.
Edge and agreement corporations, applicability to, 3-451
BankruptcySee also Conservators.
Consumer credit reports, information about cases, 6-1555; 6-1555.1
Estate moneys, deposits by trustee for, 1-320
Financial-records transmittal, exception to cost reimbursement rule, 3-1205
Leveraged, highly; designation of bankrupt corporation as after reorganization, 1-343.2
Refinancing, action for bank's own protection, 5-876.1
Securities credit, debtor-in-possession financing, 5-876.3
State member bank, uninsured; operating or operating as clearing organization, 1-076.1
BanksSee also Depository institutions; specific types of banks.
Affiliate, definition, 4-003
Member bank—See Affiliate–member bank relations.
Capital—See Capital.
Central—See Central banks.
Consolidations—See Bank mergers and consolidations.
Consumer credit agencies, as, 6-1584
Consumer credit information, as users of, 6-1580 et seq.
Consumer reporting agencies, as, 6-1584
Control—See Control of depository institution or company.
Dealer paper, banks as purchasers of, 6-1585
Debt collectors, as, 6-1704
Prohibitions, 6-1706; 6-1719 et seq.
Requirements, 6-1705
Definition—See Definitions.
Environmental liability, 3-1520
Examination—See Bank examination.
Failure, action to avert—See Bank acquisitions, at Emergency acquisitions.
Federal Reserve Board members not to be officers or stockholders, 1-080
Federal Reserve member banks—See Member banks.
Government obligations, as depositaries for proceeds from sale, 1-314
Liquidation—See Liquidation.
Mergers—See Bank mergers and consolidations.
Officers, Federal Reserve Board members not to be, 1-080
See also specific type of bank.
Premises—See Bank premises.
Bank holding company, ownership by, 4-350
Federal Reserve membership, ineligible for, 3-435
Member bank executive officers indebtedness to; report, 3-1054
Penalties for, 1-467 et seq.
Prevention—See Security devices and procedures.
Records of, 3-372
Secrecy—See Currency and foreign transactions.
Securities—See Securities.
Securities credit—See Credit by brokers and dealers, at Banks; Securities credit by banks and persons other than brokers or dealers.
Security—See Security devices and procedures.
Stockholders, Federal Reserve Board members not to be, 1-080
Theft, penalties for, 1-467 et seq.
Thrift institution as, exemption from Bank Holding Company Act, 4-363.1
Trust companies—See Trust companies.
Unsafe or unsound banking practices, 3-1600; 4-876 et seq.
Agreement to correct, 8-121.4
Deposit insurance, termination of for, 1-355.1
Bank Secrecy Act, 3-1750 et seq.
See also Currency and foreign transactions.
Agreement corporations
Applicability to, 3-521; 3-772
Compliance, procedures for monitoring, 3-521
Bank holding companies, change in control of; compliance of acquiring party, 4-052.5
Edge corporations
Applicability to, 3-521; 3-772
Compliance, procedures for monitoring, 3-521
Enforcement of, interagency statement, 3-1873.21 et seq.
Foreign banking organizations, reports of suspicious activity, 3-606
Housing government sponsored enterprises
Definition, 3-1700.81
Records to be kept by, 3-1746.3
Reports of suspicious activity, 3-1746.26
Insured depository institutions
Change in control, compliance of acquiring party, 1-344
Compliance, 1-383.4
Right to Financial Privacy Act inapplicable in investigations of violations of, 6-1775.2
Sharing Bank Secrecy Act resources, interagency statement, 3–1874
State member banks
Change in control, compliance of acquiring party, 4-052.5
Compliance, 3-378; 3-379; 3-408.1
Procedures for monitoring, 3-378
Regulation, 1-383.4
Reports of suspicious activity, 3-374; 3-1850
Suspicious activity reports, frequently asked questions, 3-1877
Bank security—See Security devices and procedures.
Bank service companies, 1-324 et seq.
Amount of investment in, 1-325
Appropriate federal banking agencies, definition, 1-324
Bank holding companies acquiring as nonbank interests, 4-299; 4-301
Definition, 1-324
Depository institutions
Definition, 1-324
Permissible activities for, 1-326
Examination, 1-327.3
Federal banking agencies, appropriate; definition, 1-324
Insured banks, investments by, 1-324; 1-325
Investments in
Definition, 1-324
Insured banks, by, 1-325
Prior approval and notice, 1-327.1
Nonbank interests, bank holding companies acquiring as, 4-299; 4-301
Nonstockholders, services to, 1-327.2
Permissible activities
Depository institutions, for, 1-326
Other persons, for, 1-327
Principal investors, definition, 1-324
Prior approval for and notice of investment in, 1-327.1
Regulation, 1-327.3
Services to nonstockholders, 1-327.2
Basel II risk-based capital standards—See Capital.
Benevolent organizations—See Not-for-profit organizations.
Bills of exchange
Circulation, unauthorized; as criminal offense, 1-462
Member banks, acceptance by, 1-117 et seq.
Approval authority, 8-121.95
Dollar exchange, acceptances to create, 1-122; 8-108.7
Open market operations of Federal Reserve Banks, 1-129; 1-132; 9-834
Bills payable in foreign currencies, purchase or sale, 7-088
Securities Exchange Act, exempted from, 5-259
Bills of lading
Drafts, as cash items in process of collection, 2-152
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System—See Federal Reserve Board.
BondsSee also State obligations; United States bonds.
Cash items in process of collection, as, 2-152
Circulation, unauthorized; as criminal offense, 1-462
Commodity Credit Corporation, issued by; guarantees by United States, 1-446
Convertible—See Debentures.
Exempted securities—See Exempted securities.
Farm Credit Act, issued under; dealings in, 1-300
Gold bonds—See United States bonds.
Government Development Bank of Puerto Rico, exempt security, 5-628.12
Junk bonds, to finance corporate takeovers, 5-805.1
Mortgage bonds, trust company affiliate of member bank; issuance by, 3-414.9
National banks, depositing with United States Treasurer, 1-157
Nonconvertible, partial delayed-issue contracts, 5-515
United States, of; definition as to Federal Reserve Act, 1-003.1
Options, convertible bonds, 5-666.1
Retirement bonds as exempted securities, 5-625
Savings bonds, redeemed; not vault cash, 2-307.1
Sinking fund of corporation, annual redemption of portion of issue, 5-694
Eligible obligations used instead of, 1-443 et seq.
Margin stock, loan to purchase; secured by, 5-677.2
United States Treasurer, national banks depositing with, 1-157
University, private; state bonds issued for building construction, 5-899.1; 5-926
Borrowers obtaining securities credit, 5-054; 5-055; 5-970 et seq.
See also Credit by brokers and dealers; Regulation X; Securities credit by banks and persons other than brokers or dealers.
Acquisition-financing legislation, foreign borrower, 5-987.1
Acting on behalf of or in conjunction with
Foreign corporation, subsidiary of as vehicle of convenience, 5-981.1; 5-982.1
Foreign person controlled by U.S. person, 5-981
Foreign subsidiary of U.S. corporation, 5-980
Aiding and abetting violation of Regulation X, 5-997.1
Aliens, nonresident; foreign borrowers, 5-985
Brokers doing business abroad, 5-989.1; 5-996.1
Closed-end investment company buying stocks on foreign exchanges, 5-988
Debt securities
Public offering, 5-993; 5-993.1
Segregation of proceeds, 5-994
Exchange offer, public offering of debt securities, 5-993; 5-993.1
Exemptions, 5-971
Foreign bank
Foreign borrower, 5-987
Regulation X, applicability, 5-982.2; 5-983
Site of credit extension, 5-984
Transfer to U.S. borrower, 5-958.2
Foreign borrowers
Acquisition-financing legislation, 5-987.1
Controlled by U.S. person, 5-987.2
Foreign bank, 5-987
Foreign lender, credit extended by, 5-986; 5-987
U.S. subsidiary, proceeds advanced to, 5-982.1
Foreign securities, transactions involving; Regulation T applicability, 5-392
Nonresident alien, 5-985
Foreign branch, partnership buying stock traded on foreign exchange, 5-988
Foreign lenders, 5-989 et seq.
Brokers doing business abroad, 5-989.1; 5-996.1
Foreign borrower, credit extended to, 5-986; 5-987
U.S. subsidiary, proceeds advanced to, 5-982.1
Purpose credit, foreign securities, 5-994.1
Swiss banks, 5-989.01
Foreign person controlled by U.S. person, 5-981
Definition, 5-973
Foreign securities, 5-990
Partnership purchasing, 5-988
Purpose credit, foreign lenders, 5-994.1
Foreign subsidiary of United States corporation, acting on behalf of or in conjunction with, 5-980
Grandfathered credit obtained outside United States, 5-982
Investment trust buying stock traded on foreign exchanges, 5-988
Margin, 5-049 et seq.
Maintenance, additional requirements, 5-992
Regulations to be applied by nonexempted borrowers, 5-974
Nonexempted borrowers, margin regulations to be applied by, 5-974
Nonresident aliens, foreign borrowers, 5-985
Partnership buying stock traded on foreign exchanges, 5-988
Public offering of debt securities, 5-993; 5-993.1
Purpose credit
Acting on behalf of or in conjunction with, 5-981
Foreign lenders, foreign securities, 5-994.1
Segregation of proceeds, 5-994
Segregation of proceeds, purpose credit, 5-994
Swiss banks, foreign lenders, 5-989.01
United States corporation, foreign subsidiary of; acting on behalf of or in conjunction with, 5-980
United States person, definition, 5-972
United States security, definition, 5-973
Violation of Regulation X, aiding and abetting, 5-997.1
Foreign, prohibition against U.S. person's participation in, 1-334.1
Branch offices
Agent, bank acting as for affiliate of depository institution not branch, 1-398.25
Automated teller machines as—See Automated teller machines.
Bank holding company, bank subsidiary of acting as agent for affiliate not branch, 1-398.25
Definition—See Definitions.
Domestic banks, representative offices of not considered foreign branches, 3-753.1
Federal Reserve Banks—See Federal Reserve Banks.
Foreign banks—See Foreign banking organizations; International banking operations.
Industrial loan companies, state law restricting, 3-447.3
Insured depository institutions—See Insured depository institutions.
National banks—See National banks.
State banks—See State banks.
State member banks—See State member banks.
Bretton Woods Agreements Act, 1-474 et seq.
Bank bribery, 1-454 et seq.
Bank examiner, of, 1-451; 1-452
Federal Reserve Bank loan; fee for procuring, 1-453
Foreign officials, of; by securities issuer, 5-248 et seq.
Governmental action, routine; payment to expedite not considered, 5-248.1; 5-248.7
Deposit, interagency advisory on brokered deposits, 3-1579.37
Exception for banks from definition of term ``broker,'' 3-3635 et seq.
Bank bonus plans, 3-3639
Deposit sweep programs and transactions in money market funds, 3-3641
Exemptions, other, 3-3643
Networking arrangements, 3-3636
Nominal referral fees, 3-3637
Referrals, high net-worth and institutional customers, 3-3638
Safekeeping and custody, 3-3642
Trust and fiduciary activities, 3-3640
Insurance—See Insurance.
Mortgage—See Real estate settlement procedures.
Securities—See Securities brokers and dealers.
Building and loan associations—See Savings and loan associations.
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